
To New Library Patrons -- Welcome to the Gustavus Public Library!

Our library is a public service organization, staffed by many dedicated volunteers with varying levels of library and technology skills and a part-time administrative staff. Because of our commitment to provide quality library service, we may appear to be a fully staffed, trained and funded facility. We are open 3-5 hours a day, 6 days a week and services are provided to the extent that each volunteer is able. Our funding comes from small grants, donations, fundraisers and city revenues.

I.All Patrons regardless of their library card status or if they have a library card or not are welcome in the library to use computers, attend programs, and read the materials inside the library.

In order to obtain a Gustavus Public Library Card, please choose from the following:

II. Are you a PERMANENT resident of Gustavus? A Gustavus resident is defined as a person who:

____Currently owns property in Gustavus OR

____Has resided in Gustavus for a minimum of the past 6 consecutive months, OR

____Has recently moved to Gustavus and can demonstrate permanent employment OR intent to establish permanent residence in Gustavus, OR

____Any person who holds a current official government issued photo ID with Gustavus, Alaska listed as the official address such as a Alaskan Driver’s License, Alaska State ID card, or Merchant Marine ID card or a Gustavus Voter Registration Card.

Please mark which category(ies) qualify you for a Resident Library Card.

In order for a permanent resident to obtain a library card, the following must be provided:

  • A photocopy of a current official government issued photo ID card
  • A signed form agreeing to the Gustavus Public Library’s policies and procedures

Resident card holders will be permitted to check out and hold 10 items at a time, only 5 of which may be a 7 Day Use media item (DVD, CD, Video) and request Interlibrary Loan items (ILL).

III. Are you a TEMPORARY or SEASONAL resident of Gustavus? A temporary/seasonal Gustavus resident is defined as a worker or visitor to Gustavus who does not qualify under the above resident description.

In order for a non-resident to obtain a temporary use library card, the following must be provided:

  • A $20.00 refundable CASH deposit. NOTE: this deposit will be refunded when the patron leaves IF all items have been returned in good condition and replacement costs have been paid. This deposit may be waived or refunded after the patron has volunteered for at least 4 hours at the library. (Cash may be obtained from the ATM machine at Beartrack Mercantile).
  • Deposits not claimed by January 1, 2009 will be considered a donation to the library
  • A photocopy of a current official government issued photo ID card
  • A valid permanent forwarding address
  • A signed form agreeing to the Gustavus Public Library’s policies and procedures

Non-Resident temporary card holders will be permitted to check out and hold 4 items at a time, only two of which may be a 7 Day Use media item (DVD, CD, Video). Non-resident patrons will NOT be permitted to request an Interlibrary Loan item (ILL) at any time.

IV. Please read the above policy for obtaining a library card and read and sign the attached conditions for borrowing items from the library.

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Gustavus Public Library

Resident/Non-Resident Library Card Policy & Procedures Form

2007 season



  • Patrons are responsible for the timely return of materials.
  • Patrons who don’t return materials on time deny others the use of those materials.
  • Materials “out of circulation” cost the library time and money .
  • Processing of notices costs in staff time, materials and postage.
  • “Lost” materials need to be replaced at an additional cost to the library.
  • Materials replaced and then later returned cause redundancy in the collection.
  • Shrinking budgets result in fewer materials and equipment upgrades.
  • Use of all library materials, equipment and services is a privilege.


  • Check-out privileges will be suspended for anyone who has items overdue.
  • Overdue Interlibrary Loan materials will be charged a fine of $1.00 per day per item.
  • For each item lost or damaged, the patron will be charged for the replacement cost of the item (which may differ from the original purchase price, especially if the item is out of print or rare).
  • Overdue notices will be phoned or sent out on a weekly basis if time permits.

I have read the Gustavus Public Library’s policies and conditions for obtaining a library patron card and on borrowing items from the library. I agree to return all materials by the due date indicated on each borrowed item. I understand that my check-out privileges will be suspended if I have any materials overdue. I agree to pay an overdue fine of $1.00 per day for Interlibrary Loan materials until the item is returned and to pay for the replacement cost of a damaged or lost item. Interlibrary Loan items, out of print materials or rare items may incur a larger replacement or substitution cost.


Patron Name: ______LIBRARIAN:

Local Address: ______Today’s Date: ______Your Name: ______

Local Phone #: ______Cash Deposit?______

Photo ID (type and #) ______Date Cash R’tnd: ______

Forwarding Address: ______

(for non-residents) ______
