Author: Dale Sahlberg- 1 -

When the conversion was made to GOLD, several keyboard functions were lost that were formerly possible with 3270 keyboards.

In particular, the arrow keys were affected and now only move within a field in GOLD – no longer moving up or down the screen. GOLD changes the arrow keys so they do not move up or down a screen at all; they only go back and forth within a single field. This basically makes the arrow keys ineffective for moving a cursor. Home, End, Page Up and Page Down were also affected.

To reclaim those keys, one choice is to buy a “key remap” program. This usually involves site license fees and restricts the number of users who can share the same product. Another option is to purchase a macro program to record keystrokes and then assign them to a particular key. The downside to these options is the $$$ purchase price and the RAM these background programs consume in each PC. The PC is also locked into that mode and may not be the keyboard layout another user needs. A person can also edit the registry and alter keys with scan codes, though this is permanent and carries risk. These types of key mappings affect all users and cannot be changed on a user by user basis.

Home, End, Page Up, Page Down and arrows moved the cursors. There are two types of cursors:

1) TAB cursor: shows in each field as the TAB is moved and usually is a blinking | bar

2) MOUSE cursor: displays as an arrow or pointing hand

The arrow keys were helpful in 3270 and quickly moved the TAB cursor left, right, up or down a whole screen. If restored, the arrow keys can be very useful in GOLD as well. Consider the following:

In GOLD the cursor movement is by explicit / implicit TAB order. If we have a second address line (APT #) for a patient, we might be at the ZIP field and need to backtrack to the second address line. Back TAB is not a viable option since it simply returns to the ADDRESS line 1 field from ZIP. Most often, our fingers leave the keyboard, go over to the mouse to move the cursor to the secondary address line 2 and CLICK to focus in that field.

Can we regain these arrow keys in GOLD?

There is good news … the answer is YES !

How? By programming C++ to restore the arrow keys.

C++ supports procedural programming, data abstraction and object-oriented programming with access to low-level operating system code. In addition C++ can:

Display dialog boxes, tooltips, balloon tips and popup menus to interact with the user.

Perform scripted actions in response to system shutdown or logoff.

Automate almost any function by sending keystrokes and mouse clicks.

Run lengthy macros that reduce the data entry burden, such as repetitive keystrokes.

The steps to remap keys are:

a)write the C++ script to perform what task is needed

b)compile the script into an EXE file

What is an executable file? It is a file in a format that the computer can directly execute. Original code is written in a source file (script). To transform a source file into an executable file, it is processed through a compiler. Unlike source files, executable files are in “machine language” and cannot be read by humans. Executable files have either a.COM or EXE extension.

You can run EXE files by attaching them to buttons listed in a GOLD screen or you can run them directly by “double clicking” the EXE from a folder. Each file is small and runs in the background. A user can activate files at will and the remapped key will remain in operation as long as needed. When no longer required, the remap can be turned off very easily. To turn the function off, just right click the icon in the bottom status bar and select the EXIT option. When the computer is shut down the remap will stop as well.

GOLD already captures the TAB cursor so we cannot attach the arrow keys to the blinking | bar; however, we can activate the arrow keys to function like a mouse cursor. Just as 3270 arrows move the TAB cursor, now GOLD can move the MOUSE cursor quickly left, right, up or down a form with arrow keys.

An EXE macro was written in C++ to restore the movement of the keys.

In addition, the scroll lock now functions as a Mouse Left Click.

The EXE macro can be downloaded through this link:

Basically, with this macro the keyboard performs many mouse functions so a person can use just the keyboard in GOLD to navigate.

For the address example, now we can use the arrows to move to any position we want. The TAB key still transitions to each field as normal. However, the arrow keys can quickly move the mouse cursor and CLICK can set “focus” to a field more easily than using TAB.

Arrow_Keys.exe - moves the mouse cursor

The now functions as a LEFT MOUSE CLICK.

If a mouse ever breaks, this macro be a backup and emulate the mouse functions in GOLD.

The macro was written just for GOLD so remember to turn off the arrow key EXE file if switching to using other programs such as WORD.

The macro restores to GOLD the functionality of the arrow keys.

With this macro, movement in a GOLD screen is easier and faster.