The regular meeting of the Tow Board of Gayville, SD was held MondayJULY 11TH, 2016 at 6:00 PM.

Mayor/Trustees Present: Jay Jorgensen, Mike Petersen and Nick Huber

Officers Present: Treasurer Heier, Clerk Fields

Lawyer Present: Jerry Pollard

Maintenance Present: Richard Putnam

Visitors: Terry Rye, Hay Days Committee - Carol Potter & Jane Barta

The meeting was called to order by Chairperson, Jay Jorgensen @ 6:01 PM.

Minutes from Previous meeting approved by Petersen, 2nd by Huber.

Motion by Jorgensen 2nd by Huber to pay the following on the General Account:

9675 / Yankton County Observer / Publications / $ 72.63
9676 / Avenet, LLC / Invoice 39056 Banner / $ 595.00
9677 / VOID / VOID / $ -
9678 / Atty. Jerry Pollard / Retainer / $ 75.00
9679 / Bomgaars / Invoice 2248543 hoses / $ 10.28
9680 / Clay Union Electric / Utilities - Street Lights / $ 222.18
9681 / CorInsurance Vermillion / Due after review / $ 33.00
9682 / Sue Fields / Clerk June Salary + 2 sp Meetings + milage / $ 551.44
9683 / Fred Haar Company / PO 04175414 Rev1 Gator / $ 14,149.00
9684 / Gayville Volin School / Annual Contribution Summer Rec Program / $ 1,000.00
9685 / Gayville Community Center / Rent / $ 200.00
9686 / Gerstner Oil Company / Invoice 59897 55193 20154 Fuel / $ 306.81
9687 / Hartington Tree Service / Invoice 6/10 Tree for Park / $ 256.03
9688 / Hedahls Inc. / Invoice 49-186421 49-186526 Tailgate handles / $ 59.60
9689 / Sandy Heier / Treasurer June Salary + 1 Special Meeting / $ 376.33
9690 / Nick Huber / Jan-June Meetings + Special Meeting (minus AFLAC) / $ 258.44
9691 / Trevor Huber / Web Design for Town Website / $ 2,925.00
9692 / John Deere Financial / parts / $ 48.81
9693 / Jay Jorgensen / Jan-June Meetings + 1 Special Meeting (minus Aflac) / $ 32.32
9694 / Richard Putnam / General Labor for June / $ 977.10
9695 / Mike Petersen / Jan-June Meetings + 1 Special Meeting / $ 447.90
9696 / Richard Putnam / Cox Invoice 625723 (pd with personal credit card) / $ 84.56
9697 / South Dakota One Call / Invoice SD16-1580 / $ 8.40
Elect / United States Treasury / Federal Tax Deposit June / $ 522.68
Elect / United States Treasury / Qtr. Federal Tax 941 April - March / $ 23.14
Elect / Unemployment Insurance Div. of SD / 2nd Qtr. Unemployment.3% / $ 21.31
Elect / AFLAC / Premiums Invoice 929758 / $ 175.53
Elect / United States Treasury / Federal Tax Deposit Adjusted Amount from 9/30/14 / $ 54.23

Motion by Huber, 2nd by Petersen to pay the following on the Water Account:

4821 / Clay Rural Water / Metered Water for June / $ 6,470.75
4846 / Clay Rural Water / Loan with Rural Development / $ 541.34
4848 / MidAmerican Energy / Utilities / $ 8.16
4849 / Gayville Postmaster / Water - postage / $ 245.00
4850 / Daniel Frank / Water Certified Operator / $ 40.62
4851 / Richard Putnam / Water Labor for June / $ 65.49

Motion by Jorgensen, 2nd by Petersen to pay the following on the Special Water Project Account:

1038 / First National Bank of Sioux Falls / Payment #14 SRF Loan 462250-01 / $ 5,320.38

Motion by Petersen, 2nd by Jorgensen to pay the following on the Sewer Account:

1381 / VAST Broadband / Utilities: Lift Station Phone / $ 44.98
1382 / Clay Union Electric / Utilities: Lights / Power Lift Station / $ 175.88
1383 / Team Laboratory Chemical Corp / Invoice 2180 Chemicals/Lagoon / $ 235.50
1384 / Valley Ag Supply / Chemicals spray / $ 80.10
1385 / Yankton Winnelson CO / Invoice 34714700 Supplies/repairs / $ 7.88
1386 / Richard Putnam / Sewer Labor for June / $ 417.67

Motion by Petersen, 2nd by Huber to pay the following on the Garbage Account:

874 / Independence Waste / Garbage Handling June / $ 2,232.75
875 / SD State Treasurer / Sales Tax for Garbage Handling / $ 133.97

June2016 Receipts:

6/9/2016 / Building Permit - Wayne Huber / 249786 / 10.00
6/9/2016 / Insurance Premium (Jay Jorgensen) / 249787 / 15.74
6/10/2016 / Water Meter Deposit (Tyler Schindler 503 McCook) / 249789 / 100.00
6/10/2016 / US Treasury - Refund for Changes to 12/31/15 941 / 249790 / 864.57
6/7/2016 / Transfer from Water to Special Water - Loan Requirement / 249791 / 1773.46
6/10/2016 / US Treasury - Refund for Changes to 941 / 249792 / 30.67
6/10/2016 / Dog Tags - Francis, Dodd, Larson / 249793 / 40.00
6/10/2016 / Water Collections / 249794 / 7186.50
6/10/2016 / Sewer Collections / 249795 / 3610.00
6/10/2016 / Garbage Collections / 249796 / 2102.25
6/10/2016 / Water Meter Deposit (Bill O'Boyle 407 Armstrong St.) / 249797 / 100.00
6/22/2016 / Dog Tags / 249798 / 30.00
6/22/2016 / Water Meter Deposit (Curtis Dik & Amy LaFour) / 249799 / 100.00
6/23/2016 / Dog Tag - Curtis Dik / 249800 / 30.00
6/23/2016 / Bulk Water / 410001 / 90.00
6/28/2016 / Water Collections / 410002 / 780.04
6/28/2016 / Water Collections (Late Fees) / 410003 / 40.00
6/28/2016 / Sewer Collections / 410004 / 360.00
6/28/2016 / Sewer Collections (Late Fees) / 410005 / 40.00
6/28/2016 / Garbage Collections / 410006 / 483.00
6/28/2016 / Dog Tag - Tom Rice / 410007 / 20.00
6/10/2016 / State of South Dakota (ACH Deposit Sales Tax) / 410008 / 718.94
6/20/2016 / Yankton County Treasurer (Taxes) / 410009 / 2460.58
6/21/2016 / State of South Dakota (ACH Deposit Sales Tax) / 410010 / 860.43
6/30/2016 / CorTrust Bank (General Interest) / 410011 / 8.93
6/30/2016 / CorTrust Bank (Water CD Interest) / 410012 / 7.68
6/30/2016 / CorTrust Bank (Water Interest) / 410013 / 2.01
6/30/2016 / CorTrust Bank (Sewer Interest) / 410014 / 5.69

Old Business:

  • Lagoon Info Update: Cell #1 @ 5’5”, Cell #2@4’6”and Cell 3”@ 0
  • Clerk sent a letter to Pollman. Jorgensen also asked Vern to look at the lagoon. The issue of separation of liner is more prominent this spring/summer.
  • Water Main Project Update:
  • “As Built Drawings” Vern has informed Jorgensen that they will be complete late July or first part of August.
  • Termination of LRC–Counter Suit W/LRS Attorney Update: Board discussed latest issues with Attorney.
  • Website Update:
  • Clerk put up notice in Post Office of Web Launch
  • Clerk to take training for administrator
  • Sidewalk Ordinance Review: Clerk has alerted the County Auditor of the need for an election. She in turn has advised it can be put on the Nov. Ballot. Auditor will not confer with State’s Attorney and Gayville’s Attorney for verbiage. Town would like to mail out a letter to residents with the answers to FAQ’s.
  • Landfill issue with our waste: Jorgensen has been working with Don Rosowitz. A special permit must be applied for thru the County. Jorgensen is still pursuing. Clerk is looking into replacement signs (larger). Board agrees that once everything is decided – if people do not follow the rules, prosecution is the only option. Found a mattress and other garbage at the site during an inspection by the State.
  • Further discussion to expose sewer line after houses are burned by fire department. Maps have been found but exact location could not be identified. Clerk to contact Bender’s so their camera system can be used to pin point locations.

New Business

  • MidAmerican Franchise: 2nd Reading of Ordinance 2016-2 has been completed. Motion by Jorgensen and 2nd by Huber. All in Favor. Motion Carried. Clerk will publish immediately and alert MidAmerican Franchise Manager, Mark Reinders.
  • Clerk contacted Doyle Stevens to quote and replace some sidewalk/driveway by Town Shop.
  • Clerk and Treasurer had state annual audit. Last audit was 2000. Audit consisted of 2 1 on 1’s and several phone calls. Formal report should be received prior to next meeting. Clerk reviewed several points brought up by auditor and possible changes that may be implemented in the bookkeeping process.
  • Clerk supplied CorInsurance with Questionnaire/Audit regarding water tower, water system.
  • All but 1 family is licensed for their dogs. This family is one of our new residents.
  • Motion by Petersen and 2nd’by Huber to designate the Yankton County Observer as the official paper for Gayville’s Town Board.
  • Gayville Hay Days Committee will be blocking Washington Street from Post Office to Bank for the day games and Vendors. Committee did not get a liquor license but rather the band will be provided at Wild Bill’s, along with any needed alcohol. This will not be a street dance.


  • CES Report Submitted by Clerk
  • Monthly 941 Completed\
  • Qtrly 941 Completed/Submitted
  • 2015 Clay Union – Received 580.41 Capitol Credits
  • 2nd Qtr. Disinfectant Residual Report sent in for the Town of Gayville
  • JuneWater Test: Passed
  • 5 Disconnection letters sent out.
  • Building Permits: Brian Anderson
  • Pay Bills

Sandy Heier gave the Treasurer report as of May 30th, 2016:

  • General Now Account: $218271.89
  • Water Now Account: $48647.40
  • Special Water Project: $7837.65
  • Sewer Now Account: $136835.46
  • Garbage Account: $7035.72
  • Balances will start showing CD amounts next meeting.

Motion by Jorgensen, 2nd by Petersen to Adjourn @ 7:45 PM.

The next regular board meeting will be held Monday at 6:00pm, August 1st, 2016.


Sue Fields, Town ClerkJay Jorgensen, Chairperson