Minutes of the

Connecticut State University AAUP

Thursday, April 17, 2008

CCSU-Student Center, Bellin A&B


Present:C. Barrington, A. Beatman, D. Brown, C. Carlson, G. Crundwell, R. Gladstone,

L. Koteen, M. Levin, J. Madison, G. Murphy, V. Nair, A. Nilsson, P. O’Neill,

T. Rosso, C. Stretch, C. Usekes, R. Vaden-Goad, D. Walsh

Other’s Present:E. Benson, L. Cunningham, J. Grabarz, S. Greatorex, G. Holder-Winfield,

M. Malinowski, V. Metaxas, C. Schiff-Greatorex

1.Call to order at 7:10pm

2.Kathy Hermes, Presentation - Healthy Workplace Bill

K. Hermes asked for support on the Healthy Workplace Bill, prevention of bullying in work place, in the next legislative session in February 2009.

3.Resolution #3-08-10

RESOLVED,That the CSU-AAUP Council support passage of the Healthy Workplace Bill, formally known as SB 60 (An Act Concerning Bullying in the Workplace) and immediately make its position known.

Moved and seconded

Motion passed unanimously.

4.Approval of the minutes of the March 27, 2008 meeting

Moved and seconded.

Motion passed with two abstentions

5.Legislative Report – Joe Grabarz, FOI Update

Our lawyers have filed an appeal regarding the P & T complaint at Southern. We are looking at legislative means to exempt certain decision making committees from having to provide information by a FOI request.

6.Resolution #4-08-13

RESOLVED,That the CSU-AAUP Council authorizes the donation of $200.00 to the 21st Annual Salvatore J. Perruccio Memorial Golf Tournament to be held June 26, 2008 at the Portland Golf Club.

Moved and seconded.

Motion passed with one no vote

7.Resolution #4-08-14

RESOLVED,That the CSU-AAUP Council authorizes the attendance of up to 18 persons (4 state officers, 4 chapter presidents, 6 staff members and one additional representative from each campus designated by the chapter president) at the National AAUP Annual Meeting, June 12-15, 2008 in Washington, D.C. at an estimated cost of $1,500.00 per person.

Moved and seconded.

Motion passed unanimously.

8.Resolution #4-08-15

WHEREAS,the law firm of Livingston, Adler, Pulda, Meiklejohn Kelly has agreed to take the cases on a contingency basis.

RESOLVED,That the CSU-AAUP Council approves expenditures of up to $20,000 for

expenses associated with litigating discrimination lawsuits in Federal

Court on behalf of three female faculty members at CCSU in regards to

promotion and tenure.

Moved and seconded.

Motion passed with two no votes and two abstentions

9.CSU-AAUP President’s Report

a.National AAUP Restructuring

D. Walsh has been to Southern and Western to discuss restructuring. He continues to solicit opinions. A draft text of a possible “Member Survey” was distributed. D. Walsh would like council members to review the document and send comments to E. Benson.

b.General Assembly and SEBAC Update

The final policy regarding the “Memorandum of Agreement” with the Comptroller’s Office regarding Part-time faculty retiring with healthcare coverage is now in effect. Part-time faculty who teach 9 or more load credits each semester will receive 6 months credit for one semester and or 12 months credit for teaching both fall and spring semesters.

10.Chapter President’s Reports

a.CCSU – No report

b.ECSU – Running election for Executive Committee and Council membership

c.SCSU – No report

d.WCSU – Concluded chapter elections and they have new chapter officers. Vijay announced the Officers. Forming a “graduate faculty.”

11.BGHE Report – C. Barrington – No report

12.CSU-AAUP Workload Committee Report – V. Metaxas

A sample of proposals that have been received by the committee was distributed.

13.Staff Reports - None

14.New Business - None

15.Old Business - None

16.Adjournment- at 9:30pm