
1.  Make a horizontal fold in a blank piece of paper and thus folding it in half.

2.  Draw a line along one half of the paper.

3.  You will have two sides.

4.  Divide the left side of the paper into 6 parts approximate 1.4 inches each.

5.  Divide the right side of the paper into 5 parts approximate 1.7 inches each

6.  Cut along the divisions.

7.  The left side of the paper will have the verb SER. Write the letter D in the first division, then the letter O and continue to write letter on each division until you spell the word DOCTOR. See the example. These letters need to be big and colorful but you need to leave enough space to spell the word that belongs to the verb usage and also for a small picture.

8.  The left side of the paper will have examples of the verb estar. Do the same as on the left side but this time there will be only 5 divisions and you will spell the word PLACE.

9.  Follow the pattern of the illustration, make your own design, and take into consideration that is important to be able to spot the words DOCTOR and PLACE.

10.  Glue the small pictures provided in class in their correct places.

11.  Write the six forms of the verb ser to the left and the five forms of the verb estar to the right. You can write the subject pronoun on any side. See picture.

12.  On the side of the verb SER, write sentences that match the description written on the division of the paper. For example in ORIGIN I wrote: Yo soy de Panama.

13.  On the side of the verb estar, you have to use every subject pronoun, except vosotros. In Position you will write a sentence using YO, in Location you will write a sentence using Tú as a subject pronoun, in Action you could choose from él, ella or usted to write a sentence, in Condition you will write a sentence using nosotros or nosotras, and lastly in emotion you could choose between ellos, ellas or ustedes to write a sentence.

14.  You need to draw or paste a picture that represents your sentence.

15.  This project will be graded and afterwards it will need to be placed in your folder in the grammar section as reference for you. Eventually we will make more foldable of verbs and by the end of the school year you will have enough verbs to include in a Spanish portfolio, this will be graded during the last quarter of the school year. I will give more instructions later on about the PORTFOLIO, but for now please place this foldable in your SPANISH FOLDER under the grammar section.

Rubric: Two aspects will be graded:

1.  Show Effort: Follow the instructions given above; the foldable is neat, colorful and shows evidence of effort. 50 points.

2.  Spelling and grammar: The sentences are complete, words have accent marks if needed. The subject agrees with verb and adjective agrees in number and gender with the subject. See the handout that explains about the agreements. 50 points.