Horning Parish Council News – May/June2015

Annual Parish Council Meeting 18th May:The officers and committee members elected by Councillors at the meeting were as follows;
Chair of the Council: Ian Davis (tel. 630310)
Vice-Chair of the Council: Peter Iddon (tel. 630737)
Chair of the Asset Management Committee: PatrinaAvellino (tel. 630810)
Members: Andrew Darby, Chris Smith, Kim Smith,Dick Turpin
Chair of the Planning Committee: Philip Kibler(tel. 631265)
Members: Andrew Darby, Anne Gilden,Peter Iddon
Chair of the Finance Committee: Gary Martin(tel.07595 765620)
Members: Ian Davis,Diane Moore,Kim Smith
Clerk to the Council and Responsible Financial Officer: Jo Beardshaw

Annual Parish Meeting -7pm Thursday 14th May, Village Hall Annex: This meeting was attended by 28 parishioners and the following reports were presented or read out;
Norfolk County Council – County Councillor David Thomas (apologies)
The Friends of St Benet’s Abbey – Marion Jackson
Horning Boat Show – Roger Tomkins
Horning Parish Council – Ian Davis
The Three Rivers Way Association – Anita Turpin (apologies)
Horning Woman – JaninaSchiebler
Horning Walkers – Anita Turpin (apologies)
WI – Sally Church
Police – Laura Bennett (apologies)
Horning Sailing Club – Anne Wagstaff (apologies)
Wroxham and HovetonLionw – David Barnett
Horning Amateur Theatrical Society – Robin Baines
Friendly Music Café – Kim Smith

Planters on St Benet’s Green: Until the Council has decided on the longer term future of the planters, we looking for people to water, weed and keep the planters looking good. Would you be prepared to adopt a planter? If so, please contact the Clerk.

Horning Boat Show Community Fund:If you have a good idea which would be implemented on Council land (ie the Recreation Ground, St Benet’s Green, the Memorial Garden, Ludham Bridge Moorings) please contact the Clerk so that it can be discussed at the next Council meeting.

Tender for Litter Picking:If you are interested in carrying out litter picking in Horning, please contact the Clerk for a copy of the Invitation to Tender.

Agenda Items: If you wish a particular issue or topic to be placed on the agenda and discussed by the Council, it is essential that you provide written details (by post or email) to the Clerk at least 5 working days before the meeting.

Next Parish Council Meeting: Monday6th Julyat 7pm in St Benet’s Hall.Members of the public are welcome.

Dick Turpin
pp Ian Davis, Chair

Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer
Jo Beardshaw
Myrtle Cottage, 52 Church Road, Potter Heigham NR29 5LL
Tel.: 01692 670787 Email:

Parish Council Website: Horning.norfolkparishes.gov.uk