Copyright 2014 AIA MasterSpec Premium 09/14


Copyright 2014 by The American Institute of Architects (AIA)

Exclusively published and distributed by Architectural Computer Services, Inc. (ARCOM) for the AIA

This Product MasterSpec Section is licensed by ARCOM to USG Corporation ("Licensee").

This Product MasterSpec Section modifies the original MasterSpec text, and does not include the full content of the original MasterSpec Section.

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Revise this Section by deleting and inserting text to meet Project-specific requirements.

This Section uses the term "Architect." Change this term to match that used to identify the design professional as defined in the General and Supplementary Conditions.

Verify that Section titles referenced in this Section are correct for this Project's Specifications; Section titles may have changed.



Retain or delete this article in all Sections of Project Manual.

  1. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section.


  1. Section includes acoustical wood panels and exposed suspension systems for interior ceilings.
  2. Related Requirements:

Retain subparagraphs below to cross-reference requirements Contractor might expect to find in this Section but are specified in other Sections.

  1. Section095113 "Acoustical Panel Ceilings" for ceilings consisting of mineral-base acoustical tiles used with fully concealed suspension systems, stapling, or adhesive bonding.
  2. Section095123 "Acoustical Tile Ceilings" for ceilings consisting of mineral-base acoustical tiles used with fully concealed suspension systems, stapling, or adhesive bonding.
  3. Section095133 "Acoustical Metal Pan Ceilings" for ceilings consisting of metal-pan units with exposed and concealed suspension systems.

Retain paragraph below if cast-in-place attachment devices are required for Project.

  1. Products furnished, but not installed under this Section, include anchors, clips, and other ceiling attachment devices to be cast in concrete.


Retain "Preinstallation Conference" Paragraph below if Work of this Section is extensive or complex enough to justify a conference.

  1. Preinstallation Conference: Conduct conference at [Project site] <Insert location>.

If needed, insert list of conference participants not mentioned in Section013100 "Project Management and Coordination."


  1. Product Data: For each type of product.
  2. Sustainable Design Submittals:

Retain "Product Data" Subparagraph below to require minimum recycled content for LEED 2009 MR Credit 2 - "Recycled Content."

  1. Product Data: For recycled content, indicating postconsumer and preconsumer recycled content and cost.

"Product Data" Subparagraph below applies to LEED 2009 NC, CI, and CS CreditIEQ4.4.

  1. Product Data: For laminating adhesives and composite wood products, indicating that product contains no urea formaldehyde.

"Laboratory Test Reports" Subparagraph below applies to LEED 2009 for Schools and LEEDv4.

  1. Laboratory Test Reports: For ceiling products, indicating compliance with requirements for low-emitting materials.
  2. Chain-of-Custody Certificates: For certified wood products. Include statement of costs.

Retain "Samples" Paragraph below for single-stage Samples, with a subordinate list if applicable. Retain "Samples for Initial Selection" and "Samples for Verification" paragraphs for two-stage Samples.

  1. Samples: For each exposed product and for each color and texture specified, 6 inches (150 mm) in size.
  2. Samples for Initial Selection: For components with factory-applied finishes.
  3. Samples for Verification: For each component indicated and for each exposed finish required, prepared on Samples of sizes indicated below:

First option in "Acoustical Panels" Subparagraph below may be impractical for large panels.

  1. Acoustical Panels: Set of [full-size] [6-inch (150-mm) square] <Insert size> Samples of each type, color, pattern, and texture.
  2. Exposed Suspension-System Members, Moldings, and Trim: Set of [6-inch (150-mm)] <Insert dimension> long Samples of each type, finish, and color.
  3. Clips: Full-size [hold-down] [impact] [and] [seismic] clips.

Retain "Delegated-Design Submittal" Paragraph below if design services have been delegated to Contractor.

  1. Delegated-Design Submittal: For seismic restraints for ceiling systems.
  2. Include design calculations for seismic restraints including analysis data signed and sealed by the qualified professional engineer responsible for their preparation.


Retain "Coordination Drawings" Paragraph below for situations where limited space could affect installation of different components or if coordination is required for installation of products and materials by separate installers. Coordinate paragraph with other Sections specifying products listed below. Preparation of coordination drawings requires the participation of each trade involved in installations within the limited space.

  1. Coordination Drawings: Reflected ceiling plans, drawn to scale, on which the following items are shown and coordinated with each other, using input from installers of the items involved:
  2. Ceiling suspension-system members.
  3. Structural members to which suspension systems will be attached.
  4. Method of attaching hangers to building structure.

Retain first subparagraph below if cast-in-place attachment devices are required for Project.

  1. Furnish layouts for cast-in-place anchors, clips, and other ceiling attachment devices whose installation is specified in other Sections.
  2. Carrying channels or other supplemental support for hanger-wire attachment where conditions do not permit installation of hanger wires at required spacing.
  3. Size and location of initial access modules for acoustical panels.
  4. Items penetrating finished ceiling and ceiling-mounted items including the following:
  5. Lighting fixtures.
  6. Diffusers.
  7. Grilles.
  8. Speakers.
  9. Sprinklers.
  10. Access panels.
  11. Perimeter moldings.
  12. Insert item>.
  13. Show operation of hinged and sliding components covered by or adjacent to acoustical panels.
  14. Minimum Drawing Scale: [1/4 inch = 1 foot (1:48)] [1/8 inch = 1 foot (1:96)] [1:50] [1:100] <Insert scale>.

Coordinate "Qualification Data" Paragraph below with qualification requirements in Section014000 "Quality Requirements" and as may be supplemented in "Quality Assurance" Article.

  1. Qualification Data: For testing agency.
  2. Product Test Reports: For each acoustical panel ceiling, for tests performed by [manufacturer and witnessed by a qualified testing agency] [a qualified testing agency].
  3. Evaluation Reports: For each acoustical panel ceiling suspension system[and anchor and fastener type], from ICC-ES.

Retain "Field quality-control reports" Paragraph below if Contractor is responsible for field quality-control testing and inspecting.

  1. Field quality-control reports.


  1. Maintenance Data: For finishes to include in maintenance manuals.


  1. Furnish extra materials[,from the same product run,] that match products installed and that are packaged with protective covering for storage and identified with labels describing contents.

Revise "Acoustical Ceiling Units," "Suspension-System Components," "Hold-Down Clips," and "Impact Clips" subparagraphs below to suit Project. If preferred, replace percentage with a specific number of panels and pieces of each suspension component and their lengths.

  1. Acoustical Wood Ceiling Units: Full-size panels equal to [2] <Insert number> percent of quantity installed.
  2. Suspension-System Components: Quantity of each exposed component equal to [2] <Insert number> percent of quantity installed.
  3. Hold-Down Clips: Equal to [2] <Insert number> percent of quantity installed.
  4. Impact Clips: Equal to [2] <Insert number> percent of quantity installed.


Retain "Manufacturer Qualifications" Paragraph below if required for LEED 2009 or LEEDv4.

  1. Manufacturer Qualifications: A qualified manufacturer that is certified for chain of custody by an FSC-accredited certification body.
  2. Mockups: Build mockups to verify selections made under Sample submittals, to demonstrate aesthetic effects, and to set quality standards for materials and execution.

Indicate portion of ceiling represented by mockup on Drawings or draw mockup as separate element.

  1. Build mockup of typical ceiling area as shown on Drawings.
  2. Approval of mockups does not constitute approval of deviations from the Contract Documents contained in mockups unless Architect specifically approves such deviations in writing.

Retain subparagraph below if the intention is to make an exception to the default requirement in Section014000 "Quality Requirements" for demolishing and removing mockups.

  1. Subject to compliance with requirements, approved mockups may become part of the completed Work if undisturbed at time of Substantial Completion.


  1. Deliver acoustical panels, suspension-system components, and accessories to Project site and store them in a fully enclosed, conditioned space where they will be protected against damage from moisture, humidity, temperature extremes, direct sunlight, surface contamination, and other causes.
  2. Before installing acoustical panels, permit them to reach room temperature and a stabilized moisture content.


Limitations in "Environmental Limitations" Paragraph below may be necessary for best results in many locations. If construction scheduling or other conditions conflict with requirements below, consider products that can be installed under less-than-ideal conditions according to manufacturer's written instructions. Revise below if humidity-resistant products do not need stringent environmental limitations. See the Evaluations and consult manufacturers for recommendations.

  1. Environmental Limitations: Do not install acoustical panel ceilings until spaces are enclosed and weathertight, wet-work in spaces is complete and dry, work above ceilings is complete, and ambient temperature and humidity conditions are maintained at the levels indicated for Project when occupied for its intended use.

"Pressurized Plenums" Subparagraph below is according to CISCA's recommendations for cleaning duct system and protecting ceiling units in pressurized plenums from damage and soiling caused by blowing dirt and dust that may be present when duct system is first operated.

  1. Pressurized Plenums: Operate ventilation system for not less than 48 hours before beginning acoustical panel ceiling installation.


Manufacturers and products listed in SpecAgent and Masterworks Paragraph Builder are neither recommended nor endorsed by the AIA or ARCOM. Before inserting names, verify that manufacturers and products listed there comply with requirements retained or revised in descriptions and are both available and suitable for the intended applications. For definitions of terms and requirements for Contractor's product selection, see Section016000 "Product Requirements."


  1. Source Limitations: Obtain each type of acoustical wood ceiling panel and its supporting suspension system from single source from single manufacturer.


Retain "Recycled Content" Paragraph below to specify recycled content if required. An alternative method of requiring recycled content is to retain requirement in Project's Division01 sustainable design requirements Section that gives Contractor the option and responsibility to determine how recycled content requirements will be met.

  1. Recycled Content: Postconsumer recycled content plus one-half of preconsumer recycled content not less than 50 percent.

"Certified Wood" Paragraph below applies to LEED 2009 and LEEDv4. Manufacturers certifying products as "FSC Mixed Credit" do not have to use 100 percent certified wood in the products; however, in their total production, manufacturers must use an amount equal to or greater than the percentage of their production that is labeled "FSC Mixed Credit."

B.  Certified Wood: Wood products shall be certified as "FSC Pure"[or "FSC Mixed Credit"] according to FSCSTD-01-00 and FSCSTD-40-004.

Retain one of three "Composite Wood Products" Paragraphs below for LEED credit applications.

"Composite Wood Products" Paragraph below applies to LEED 2009 NC, CI, and CSCreditIEQ4.4.

  1. Composite Wood Products: Products shall be made without urea formaldehyde.

"Composite Wood Products" Paragraph below applies to LEED 2009 for SchoolsCreditIEQ4.4.

D.  Composite Wood Products: Products shall comply with the testing and product requirements of the California Department of Public Health's "Standard Method for the Testing and Evaluation of Volatile Organic Chemical Emissions from Indoor Sources Using Environmental Chambers."

"Composite Wood Products" Paragraph below applies to LEEDv4.

E.  Composite Wood Products: Products shall be made using ultra-low-emitting formaldehyde resins as defined in the California Air Resources Board's "Airborne Toxic Control Measure to Reduce Formaldehyde Emissions from Composite Wood Products" or shall be made with no added formaldehyde.

Paragraph below applies to LEED 2009 for Schools Credit IEQ 4.6. and LEEDv4.

  1. Ceiling products shall comply with the requirements of the California Department of Public Health's "Standard Method for the Testing and Evaluation of Volatile Organic Chemical Emissions from Indoor Sources Using Environmental Chambers."

Retain "Delegated Design" Paragraph below if Contractor is required to assume responsibility for design.

  1. Delegated Design: Engage a qualified professional engineer, as defined in Section014000 "Quality Requirements," to design seismic restraints for ceiling systems.

Retain "Seismic Performance" Paragraph below for projects requiring seismic design. Delete paragraph if performance requirements are indicated on Drawings. Model building codes and ASCE/SEI7 establish criteria for buildings subject to earthquake motions. Coordinate requirements with Project's structural engineer.

  1. Seismic Performance: Suspended ceilings shall withstand the effects of earthquake motions determined according to [ASCE/SEI7] <Insert requirement>.
  2. Surface-Burning Characteristics: Comply with ASTME84; testing by a qualified testing agency. Identify products with appropriate markings of applicable testing agency.

Retain one option in "Flame-Spread Index" Subparagraph below. ClassA products have a flame-spread index not exceeding 25 and a smoke-developed index not exceeding 50; ClassB products have a flame-spread index not exceeding 75 on face side; and ClassC products have a flame-spread index not exceeding 200 on face side. Most products available in the United States are ClassA.

  1. Flame-Spread Index: ClassA according to ASTME1264.

Retain first option in "Smoke-Developed Index" Subparagraph for ClassA products, which is according to ASTME1264. Retain second option below for ClassB and ClassC products, which is according to the IBC for all products.

  1. Smoke-Developed Index: 50 or less.

Retain "Fire-Resistance Ratings" Paragraph below only if products specified are part of a fire-resistance-rated assembly. Indicate rating, testing agency, and testing agency's design designation on Drawings.