Kristen M. Foster for College of the Sequoias Athletics

June 12, 2014

COS Summer Skills Basketball Camp

Interviews with camper parents (6/10/2014, Camp week 1, day 2):

Greg Storseth: This is his daughter’s third year at the camp and she’ll be attending both weeks. Greg does the t-shirts the kids get for the camp. He coaches and seven girls that play together on his/his daughter’s team are attending the COS camp this week. “The kids come home worn out.” Last year, “she did week one and insisted on doing week two.” Greg says one of the major benefits of this camp over other, similar camps is where other camps have short days, this is an all-day camp; “this camp caters to working families, for a good price.”

Lars Christiansen: His 8-year-old son is in the camp for his second year. “He looks forward to it all year.” He also plays in Exeter. He made friends last year. Lars echoes the benefit of the camp hours and agrees that it’s great for the kids but also handy for working parents, and at a good price.

Jose Maldonado: Jose’s son is enrolled in the camp for his first time. He loves basketball and plays on an all-star team during the year. His coach recommended the camp and many of his teammates are enrolled. Jose says that his son has, “learned new drills,” and, “likes his coach,” and that, “the camp is well-organized.” “He’s enjoying it all the way around.” “I think we will come in the future, following years,” and might add next week’s camp this year. “I’m glad to see this many kids involved and active.”

Jenifer Oliphant: Her son (11 years) is enrolled in the camp for his first time. Yesterday, he, “had a blast,” and, “loved his coach.” “He couldn’t wait to come back.” During the year he plays in local baseball and soccer leagues but not basketball; he only plays that at home. He’d be happy to add basketball to the list, “if we can squeeze it in.”

Anonymous Parent: This parent asked to remain anonymous. This is the first year for this parent’s boy and girl and a nephew. They were recommended to the camp by “Coach Dave” who coaches their local recreation league and teaches at COS. “The kids are enjoying it,” and they like that there are, “lots of kids and coaches involved.”