Year 3 Curriculum Overview Autumn 1

Literacy / In fiction we will be reading stories in familiar settings and writing descriptions of two contrasting beach settings.
In non-fiction we will be reading Holiday Guide information texts and writing our own A to Z of a holiday location.
Maths / In Maths we will be learning to use multiple of 5 and 10 bonds to 100 to solve additions and subtractions; add and subtract 1-digit numbers to and from 2-digit numbers.
Also to compare and order 2- and 3- digit numbers; count on and back in 10s and 1s; add and subtract 2-digit numbers.
We will be learning to know multiplication and division facts for the 5, 10, 2, 4 and 3 times-tables; doubling and halving.
Also to know and understand the calendar, including days, weeks, months, years; tell the time to the nearest 5 minutes on analogue and digital clocks; know the properties of 3D shapes.
We will be comparing, ordering and understanding place value of 2- and 3-digit numbers; subtracting from 2- and 3-digit numbers; using prediction to estimate calculations.
RE / In RE we will learn about the Christian Family. We will learn that we all belong to a family and reflect on how we can help our family. We will learn about what it means t belong to the Church family and reflect on how the church helps us. We will also learn about the Sacrament of Baptism, it’s meaning, the Signs and Symbols used in this Sacrament and the promises made and reflect on what it means to us.
Science / In Science we will be learning about Light, reflections and shadows. We will learn to sort materials according to their reflective qualities, describe reflections, name some light sources, build a mirror maze and make light change direction, explain how shadows are formed and sort materials into those that are opaque, transparent and translucent. We will be investigating what makes shadows bigger or smaller and record our findings.
History and geography / In humanities we will be exploring the question, ‘Why do so many people visit the Mediterranean for their holidays?’ We will be learning about the climate, cultures, food, physical and human features of places in the Mediterranean and use the internet, maps and atlases to research these areas.
PE / In PE we will be doing gymnastics and learning to link two basic actions fluently and with control.
Games sessions will be delivered by Manchester United coaches on Wednesday afternoons.
Computing / In computing we will be learning to write a simple program in Scratch to create an animation and evaluate and improve these animations.
Modern Languages / In MFL we will be learning to listen and engage in German, ask and answer questions and speak in short sentences using familiar vocabulary. Also to develop appropriate pronunciation and appreciate stories songs, poems and rhymes.
Art and Design / In Art we will be learning to use sketchbooks to collect, record and evaluate ideas and improve mastery of techniques in drawing and painting. We will be learning about famous Mediterranean artists and painting in the style of one of these artists.
Music / In music we will be learning to use voice and instruments with increasing accuracy, control and expression, to improvise and compose music and listen with attention to detail to a wide range of music from a variety of European countries.