Every year IPCC needs the help of people all over Ireland to record where frogs, spawn and tadpoles occur in the Hop to It Irish Frog Survey.

Hop to It Irish Frog Survey Card. (Send to - )

All you have to do when you find frog spawn, tadpoles, adult frogs or froglets is fill in this survey card. Make sure to give us all the information we have asked for, especially where the pond is. You can also add any other information you think is important, like a map or extra comments. Put these on an extra page with the survey card when you post it to us.

Then as soon as you have filled in the card, send it back to us to the email or postal address shown on the survey card. Make sure each card is returned as soon as it is filled in so that we can start putting your information into our computer as soon as possible. And remember to check in regularly to the website to see the results as they come in. So Hop to It! and find those frogs.

Hop to It Irish Frog Survey Card

Name of Frog Site Location: ………………………………………………………

Nearest Town: …………………………… County: …………………

Altitude: ………………… m

Grid Reference for Site: ………………….…… Please enter a grid reference for where you made your observation. You can find the grid reference for your observation by visiting http:www.biology.ie/convert.php (type this address into your browser) and clicking on the map! (This will open in a pop-up window). You can then copy the grid reference into the space provided.
Location of Frog Site: Please specify whether the site is in the

……. inner city

……. city suburb

……. countryside:

Numbers Seen: Please record the date and the number of clumps of frog spawn,
individual tadpoles, froglets and adult frogs seen using the following codes:
A: 1 B: 2-9 C: 10-29 D: 30-100 or more

Frog Life Cycle Stage / Date / Number Seen
1 Frog spawn clumps
2 Swimming tadpoles
3 Tadpoles with back legs
4 Froglets with four legs and stumpy tail
5 Adult Frogs

Type of Site: Please specify the type of site (e.g. pond, bog pool, ditch, drain, stream or other): ……….…….…….…….…….…….…….…….…….….

Please indicate whether the water is still ……. or moving …….

If the habitat is a pond please indicate the diameter of the pond/pool ………………… m
Habitat Surrounding Breeding Site:

Please specify the habitat surrounding the breeding site (e.g. bog, heathland, lake, marsh, grassland, farmland, woodland, forest, sand dune or other):


Potential Threats

Please specify any potential threats that you observe in the surrounding landscape (e.g. habitat destruction, ammonium nitrate fertiliser, fire, drainage, predators):


Is this the first record you are sending in for this site? ……….…….…….……….….

IPCC would be delighted to accept any pictures of the habitat, the frog lifecycle stage or threats to the habitat you observe . Please forward any pictures to or post your photographs to the Bog of Allen Nature Centre, Lullymore, Rathangan, Co. Kildare

Your Name: ……….…….…………….…….…….…….…….…….…….…….…….….

Your Address: ……….…………….…….…….………..…….…….…….…….…….….


Telephone: ……….…….…….…….…….…….…….…….…….….

E-mail: ……….…….…….…….…….…….…….…….…….….

Are you an IPCC supporter through the Save the Bogs Campaign? ……………………

Thankyou very much for taking part in the National Frog Survey of Ireland