Name ______Pd ______Date______

Earth Science Assessment Review

Quarter 1

Basic Chemistry

1.  An atom is a basic chemical building block of matter. An atom consists of protons, neutrons, and electrons. Describe each using the chart below.

Particle / Electrical Charge / Location / How can you determine the number in the atom?

2.  Which particles determine the mass of an atom? ______& ______

3.  Elements are defined by the number of ______in the nucleus, which is
shown by the ______for the element?

4.  Identify the atomic number and the atomic mass for this element.

  1. Atomic number______
  2. Atomic mass ______

5.  In an ion the number of ______does NOT equal the number of ______

6.  An isotope has the same number of ______as all other atoms of the same element
but has a different number of ______so that isotopes have different
______than other atoms of the same element.

Types of Matter

1.  The simplest unit (smallest unit) of matter is the ______.

2.  When more than one of these simplest units are chemically bonded together it is called a

3.  Describe each of these types of matter, give an example and define how one would identify the matter.

Type of matter / Pure substance or mixture? / Description / example / How you can identify
Homogeneous mixture
Heterogeneous mixture

4. Write the chemical formula for water ______. What do the letters in the formula represent? What do the number(s) in the formula represent?

Measuring Matter

1.  How is density calculated?

2.  If the mass of an object is cut in half, what happens to the volume and density of that object?

3.  What is the density of an object with volume of 15 cm3 and a mass of 45g?

4.  What is the volume of an object with a density of 3 and a mass of 60g?

5.  What is the mass of an object with a density of 1 and a volume of 30g?

6.  Use the densities to describe the placement of each of these objects in relation to each other?

  1. An area of rock with specific gravity 2.1 and an area of hotter rock with a specific gravity of 1.9.
  2. A fluid with the density of 0.75 g/cm3 and liquid water (density 1.0 g/cm3 )
  3. Iron rich ferromagnesian minerals in a matrix of low temperature, low silica magma

Structure of the Interior of the Earth

1.  The Earth’s interior consists of rock and metal. It is made up of four main compositional layers. Describe each layer in terms of temperature, pressure, composition, and thickness.

Layer of the Earth / Temperature / Pressure / Composition / Thickness
Inner Core
Outer Core

2.  The Earth’s interior can be separated into five main mechanical or structural layers. Describe each layer based on the movement of energy, its phase (solid/ liquid),

Layer of the Earth / Phase of matter (solid/liquid) / Description (viscose, brittle, plastisized) / How energy travels from the core/outward / Thickness
Inner Core
Outer Core

3.  Compare the Crust and Mantle with the lithosphere, asthenosphere and mesosphere. (Hint: do they line up exactly? Are they describing the same properties?)


1.  Define a mineral.

2.  Minerals are classified by their ______and ______

3.  Use the table below to describe the properties used to identify

Property / Description / Examples
Crystal Structure (form)
Hardness (using what scale?)
Reactivity (e.g. to acids)

4.  Scientists classify minerals based on the elements of which they are composed. Describe these classes listed below.

Class / Composition / Example and Formula
Native Elements

5.  Define crystal or crystalline:

6.  How are the density of a mineral and its crystal form related?

7.  Which minerals are silicates that contain higher levels of iron and/or magnesium and are dark-colored? Give an example and write the chemical formula.

8.  According to the table, which mineral is capable of scratching garnet?______

Mineral / Color / Hardness (Mohs Scale)
Gold / Metallic gold / 2.5-3
Apatite / Blue, green / 5
Pyrite / Metallic pale brass, gold / 6 -6.5
Garnet / Red, deep red, brown / 7.5 - 8
Corundum / Red, deep red / 9

9.  Use the table on p.873-874 of your textbook to fill in the chart

Mineral / Hardness / Cleavage/Fracture / Luster / Streak

1.  Define rock:

2.  Rocks are made up of ______and found in the ______

3.  What processes form

  1. Igneous rock –
  2. Sedimentary rock-
  3. Metamorphic rock-


1.  Fill in the chart below about rocks

Rock Type / Groups/Classes / Textures / Where you might find them / Example / Composition

4.  Draw a diagram of the rock cycle below. Use the terms in #3 in your diagram to show the processes that form rocks.

5.  How does the cooling rate of an igneous rock affect its’ texture? Give an example of a rock with a slow cooling rate and a fast cooling rate.

6.  Describe the texture of foliated and nonfoliated metamorphic rock.

7.  What is metamorphism?

8.  What are two types of metamorphism? Describe each.

9.  What type of metamorphism is described in this example?

Marble is created from limestone that has been subjected to heat from an igneous intrusion.

10.  Sedimentary rocks form from sediment. Describe how sediments are deposited along the bottom of a lake and explain why.

11.  Explain how density and gravity are fundamental forces in the deposition of sediments.


1.  What is weathering? Explain how it is different than the term erosion.

2.  Describe the two types of weathering.

Weathering Type / Description / Causes
Physical Weathering
Chemical Weathering

3.  Which is an example of chemical weathering?

  1. Ice wedging
  2. Oxidation
  3. Plant growth

4.  Describe what occurs in each of the above examples.

5.  What three main factors affect the rate of weathering of a sample?