
Using the Print Queue

Using the Print Queue

  1. Go to the Student Records System,
  2. Click on Utilities.
  3. Enter your username and password.

**Please note that the following functions are not always available. **

  1. If print jobs have been queued, there will be a list of the jobs in the Print Queue.
  2. If the status of a print job is on hold, click the wordholdto release the job. While the system is processing the document the status is active; if the job is waiting to print the status is ready.
  3. By clicking on the Sequence numbers (usually a 3-digit number), you can:
  4. Move the print job to another printer:
  5. Select the printer you wish to send the job to from the drop down menu.
  6. Click on Move job to following printer (Please note that the status of the job will be active while it is being moved.)
  7. Cancel the print job
  8. Click Cancel job.

  1. By clicking on the printer name, you will be able to do the following:
  2. Change form to "white"
  3. Put automatic hold on all new jobs: Allows you to hold all new print jobs queued for the selected printer.
  4. Discontinue automatic hold of all new jobs: Any new print jobs will be queued to the selected printer without an automatic hold.
  5. Stop printing (any active job will finish)
  6. Abort printing immediately: This option will stop sending the job to the printer, even if the job has not yet finished. This will leave the printer disabled. However, there may be a few pages in the print buffer that will continue to print. If you do not want these pages to print, refer to your printer manual on how to cancel these pages.
  7. Continue printing: Will continue any aborted or stopped print job. Aborted print jobs will start to print from the beginning.

  1. By clicking on the filename (listed underneath "forms")
  2. View File: Not all files are viewable. Files that are viewable may require special software.
  3. Queue file again as follows: This is mostly used when a print job has been aborted and needs to be requeued to start where it left off. Select from the menu options which printer the print job should go to. To enter specific pages to be printed, you must have a starting page and an ending page separated by a dash (e.g.: 10 - 20).
  4. However, if you wish to print the rest of the document, just a starting page number should be entered. To print only one page, you must type a starting and ending page number. For example, to print page 10 of a document, you must enter it as 10 - 10.

  1. Description of column headings:
  1. Printer: The printer that the print job has been queued for.
  2. Seq: Sequence number
  3. Form: Type of paper, white, bills, labels, etc.
  4. Status:
  1. Hold - The print job needs to be released, click the wordhold to release

the job. If a print job is on hold, the word hold will appear in red.

  1. Active - The printer is currently printing the job.
  2. Ready - The job is waiting to print, possibly because another job is currently printing.
  3. Error - There is an error in processing the job. Clicking the word error, the system will try to process the job again, starting at the beginning. If the error reoccurs, the printer may be shut off, disconnected, or the job may be incompatible with the printer (for example, trying to print Epson labels to a laser printer.
  1. Username: The username of the person who has sent the print job.
  2. Size: The size of the document.
  3. Pages: The number of pages in the document. Sometimes a number will appear, sometimes ??? will appear. The question marks appear when the server cannot immediately determine the number of pages in the print job (this type of job will usually not be viewable).
  4. Job Flags: Special printing options. If the job was queued from a pc, you will not see the options used. Examples include:
  1. duplex
  2. short-duplex
  3. pages=3-5

Written by: Robin L. Salomon

Written on: 9/02/03