Date:September 28, 2015

To: Stephanie Benjamin, HSCI Assessment Coordinator

From: Louis Rubino, HADM Program Director

Subject:Program Assessment Report 2014-2015

Attached you will find the files for the Health Administration Program Assessment Report for 2014-2015.

We are submitting separate reports for the Undergraduate and the Graduate programs. You will find:

  • Undergradute assessment of measured student work using preceptors evaluations of the internship (diversity commitment demonstrated in the nine additional questions asked under cultural competency).
  • Graduate assessment of measured student work using the results of our comprehensive examination and a student survey of the examination process

In addition, we conducted a follow up from our Undergraduate assessment from 2013-2014 which is Option B Analyzed results of measurement. This competency perception test compared students entering the program (HSCI 314) with students at the end of the program (HSCI 413). Only two areas out of 44 did not increase (#2 I have learned how to create positive relationships with others and #9 I know how to encourage friends to work as a team). Conclusions drawn from this is that we need to do a better job overseeing the group dynamics when assigning students into groups. We need to instill better team building and to instruct students on the value added when teams work together. Newly designed assessment tool used and data summary are included.

For next couple of years, we are anticipating having to select new assessment activities due to both programs going through their certification/accreditation process. The Undergraduate AUPHA certification survey will be in June 2016 and the Graduate CAHME accreditation survey will be in Spring 2017. We will therefore have the opportunity for an outside agencies to give input as to what needs to be improved.

If you need any further information about the HADM assessments for 2014-2015, please let me know.