Dear Parents of Luke Pearson,

On September 10th, 2009 Luke was evaluated using portions of the Prudential Fitness Gram Physical Fitness Test. The test is a norm-referenced instrument that examines components of physical fitness that relate directly to health. The normative data is based on evaluations of other children of the same age and gender.

Your child completed 20 pushups placing him in the above average category on the Healthy Fitness Zone. Luke completed 75 bent leg curl ups, placing him again in the above average zone. For his sit and reach test, Luke stretched 10 inches placing above average once again.

Every Thursday the class has performed many types of activities and lessons over the past months, the main ones being soccer and cooperative activities. For soccer, we focused on the correct techniques and rules of the game. We performed many drills in order for the students to understand and apply these right techniques in a full regulation soccer game. For our cooperative activities lesson, the main point was for the students to cooperate well with each other, build trust in one another, and have fun all at the same time. Since getting to know Luke, I found his love for soccer. While the class was completing the soccer unit, I could clearly see his love for the game, and willingness to learn correct techniques while playing the game. Also, I noticed his willingness to help others in the class as well.

It is very important that Luke maintain his current fitness level. Some ways that could be useful for him to do so might be stretching at home. While watching television, during commercial breaks, he could do stretches while his television show is on commercial. Another activity could be walking or jogging around the yard at home. Either activity, I feel, could help maintain or improve his current fitness level.

I do believe that family activities also help physical fitness, but also help family bonding occur. Going on family walks during the day is one activity that helps this. Another could be a family game, having one family member do a certain exercise while the other answers a question, could also be a very good activity for the family to perform to work on physical fitness.

Since Luke has joined the class, I have enjoyed him as my student. He is a fun student to have in class, with a great work ethic and personality. I only hope he continues in PEP for the rest of the year.


Mr. Totheroh