Appraisal/Probation/End of Contract Notification Email reminder specs


Emails are sent out to those staff holding these roles in the HR Roles database:





Appraisal emails are sent out on the last Wednesday of every month.

Probation emails are sent out on the first Monday of every month.

EOC are sent out every Monday.


Appraisal emails are notsent to these departments: 'VPE','UCL','VPS','VPR','XRGP'

Probation emails are notsent to these departments: 'PROV','VPA','VPE','UCL'

EOC emails are notsent to these departments: 'PROV','VPA','VPE','UCL','VPS','VPR','XRGP'

Email Templates

The following HTML templates are used in the emails sent.



<p>Dear Colleagues,</p>

<p>How is your department doing against UCL's target of 95% appraisal completion?</p>

<p>Check how you are doing by viewing the appraisal review dates for members of staff in your department on our webpages at:</p>

<p<a href=\"

<p>If you are short of the target you may want to ask everyone in the department to ensure that all outstanding appraisals in the department are scheduled in the near future.</p>

<p>This information is available to you at any time and the data is updated overnight in order to ensure that the information is as up to date as possible.</p>

<p>Appraisal data should be updated locally by either the relevant line manager or a nominated administrator using the MyView Manager module at:



a href='

<p>Also please remember to update the MyView records where professorial appraisals are completed using PAR.</p>

<p>If you require any advice and guidance on the application of this process please contact your HR Consultancy team contact - details can be found at:

a href=' should be able to help.</p>

<p>Kind regards,<br

UCL HR</p>


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EOC/New Starters reminder system


<p>Dear $mname,

<p>This is a weekly reminder to notify you of the following:</p>

ul type=\"disc\">

li>New Starters within your Department whose confirmation of starting status is required.</li>


<p<em>To submit confirmation of the starting status of staff starting a new post within your Department please visit <a href=\"

ul type=\"disc\">

li>Contracts that are due to Expire within 9 months from today's date.</li>


<p<em>To view more details of the staff within your Department whose appointments are due to expire please visit <a href=\"

<p>Any queries on the data on these lists should be referred to either your Finance or HR contact as appropriate.</p>

<p>It is ESSENTIAL that leavers forms are submitted to the Human Resources Division by the payroll deadline. Open ended contract staff will continue to be paid until the HR Division receives a Leaver's Notification Form.</p>

<p>The Payroll deadlines can be viewed at <a href=\"

<p>The starting of an appointee within a department must be confirmed to HR before the starter can be placed on the payroll.</p>

<p>We look forward to receiving the appropriate instructions from you.</p>

<p>Thank you<br>Human Resources Division</p>

<p>Useful links<br

Finance Contacts -

HR Contacts –

UCL Termination Procedure -


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<p>Dear Colleagues,</p>

<p>A report on probation review dates for members of staff in your department is now available on our webpages at: <a href =\" This information is updated on receipt of probation review forms from your department. These should be submitted to your HR Consultancy team contact. This will ensure that our system is kept up to date and that employees receive notification of confirmation of their appointment on time. If you have any queries about the probation policy please consult our website at: <a href=\"

<P>Kind regards,</P>

<p>ECA Team<BR>

In case of queries, contact you HR Consultant at <a href='


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