North Carolina Library Association
Biennial ConferenceSponsorship Opportunities

60th BiennialConference October 15 - 18, 2013, Winston-Salem, NC

Maximize your visibility!
Market your company’s products and services to the
North Carolina library community.

Becoming an NCLA Biennial Conference Sponsor gives you an
extraordinary opportunity to reach out to hundreds of library
professionals, many with leadership and purchasingresponsibilities,
from all locations in our great state.

Sponsorship Can YieldResults by:

  • Building and reinforcingrecognition of your company’s name, products and services to key decision makers.
  • Enhancing visibility beyond the exhibit booths.
  • Showing your support for our North Carolina library community.
  • Giving you a presence on the NCLA website.

Benefits of Biennial Conference Sponsorship can include:

  • Major sponsorship signage at events, luncheons, programs
  • Recognition at opening ceremonies
  • Sponsorship of our Marketplace Store
  • Logo hotlink on NCLA website
  • Free exhibit booth space or free vendor showcase event
  • Your logo on conference bags for all attendees
  • Your logo as a contributor in conference program book for all attendees
  • And more…

For more information about our sponsorships:
Please contact Dave Trudeau at:
252.738.3352 (Office)919.539.7090 (Cell)


Platinum / Gold / Silver / Bronze / Contributor
$3,000+ / $2,000 / $1,000 / $500 / $250
*Sponsor an event (selectchoice below)
Free Vendor Showcase sessionAND Free Exhibit Booth / Free Vendor Showcase session OR Free Exhibit Booth
Logo on conference bags / Logo on conference bags / Logo on conference bags
Premium Logo on NCLA Website page for 2 yrs / Logo on NCLA Website page for
2 yrs / Logo on NCLA Website page for
2 yrs
½ page ad in conference book / ½ page ad in conference book / ½ page ad in conference book / ¼ page ad in conference book
Listed as contributor in program book, conference signage / Listed as contributor in program book, conference signage / Listed as contributor in program book, conference signage / Listed as contributor in program book, conference signage / Listed as contributor in program book, conference signage

*Platinum Sponsorship

Vendor Reception in Exhibition Hall (Wednesday evening, October 16)

All Conference Opening Session and Luncheon (Wednesday, October 16)

President’s Endowment Event (Wednesday, October 16)

All Conference Reception (Thursday evening, October 17)

Ogilvie Lecture with incoming ALA President and General Session (Thursday, October 17)

All Conference Luncheon and Business Meeting (Friday, October 18)

Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze or Contributor ADD-ON Sponsorships:

Coffee Break 1$250.00

Coffee Break 2$250.00

NCLA Marketplace Store$250.00

Afternoon Break 1$250.00

Afternoon Break 2$250.00

Lanyard (1000 needed)Cost paid by vendor (contact Dave Trudeau above)


To register for sponsorship opportunities online, click here or visit

To register by mail, complete theform on the previous page along with this page, print and mail with payment.

Mailing Address:
Contact Person:


Make check made payable to NCLA 2013 Sponsorship:

Mail to:

NC Library Association

Attn: NCLA 2013 Sponsorship

1841 Capital Blvd

Raleigh, NC 27604

Phone: (919)839-6252
