Mr. Dan Lynch – ROOM 275


2018-2019 SCHOOL YEAR


The following are the basic policies and procedures for which I expect each student to be responsible. I believe strongly in treating every student with respect and expect nothing less in return. Each bulleted item was reviewed and explained in detail the first day of class.

  • At all times, students are expected to act accordingly and follow all school policies as noted in the Student Handbook, Student Code of Conduct, and the CRSD Technology Acceptable Use Policy. Please read these very carefully! Although I don’t anticipate any problems, any student will be assigned a teacher detention for any unwarranted behavior. Excessive behavior problems will result in referrals and parent contact.
  • Students should always be prepared for class. Students should always have their binder notebooks, storage media, pen/pencil, and all other materials, unless informed otherwise. As soon as class starts, students should be seated at their assigned computer station and ready to start their work. I should not have to prompt any student to do so.
  • Students are not permitted to leave class without an official pass. Please make every attempt not to make a habit of leaving.
  • Students are considered late if they are not in the classroom at the ring of the bell and do not have an appropriate note from another staff member. Consistent tardiness will result in teacher detentions and referrals.
  • If a student is absent, he/she is responsible for making up all missed work and assessments. I shouldn’t have to remind you that an assignment needs to be made up. If assignments and/or assessments are not made up in ample time, a zero will be given. Please refer to the Student Handbook for make-up work policy and timeline. Be sure to check my website (on CR-South’s Schoolwires website) for assignments, assessments, etc. It would also be a good idea to check with fellow classmates.

Council Rock South’s Website: ( → Staff → Lynch, Dan

  • All make-up assessments must be taken after school, unless allowed otherwise. Students are expected to arrange times with the teacher to take any make-up assessments. I shouldn’t have to remind you that an assessment needs to be made up. This is your responsibility. Please refer to the Student Handbook for make-up work policy and timeline.
  • No food or drink is allowed in the computer lab at any time!
  • The following are not allowed: downloading files/programs, playing music CDs, playing video games, altering computer settings in any way, using the Internet without permission, etc. The only computer software that is allowed to be used is the appropriate programming applications, unless allowed otherwise.
  • Any student suspicious of copying/sharing work will be given a zero. No questions asked!
  • It is expected that all students will maintain the computer lab in excellent condition. Be sure to clean up around you before leaving class, and return your computers to the desktop display by logging off. Students are also required to take-out and put-back the course textbook from the cabinet in the front of the classroom each and every class. Be sure to inform the teacher of any problems with your computer station as soon as they are discovered.
  • All students are encouraged to attend clinic regularly. I am available on Tuesday and Thursday after school from 2:30pm to at least 3:15pm. Take advantage of my help! I hold math clinic Room 266,so please come to this room if the computer science room is locked and for assistance with completing your chapter programs.
  • Every student will be assigned a numbered computer station, and must use only this computer at all times during class unless directed otherwise.
  • Tampering with computer equipment will not be tolerated! Violating the Technology Acceptable Use Policy will not be tolerated! You will face strict consequences for doing so, including suspension from school and removal from the course. Students should report any computer problems immediately to the teacher.

Note: Final grades will be calculated based on a 4 marking period average, not just total quality points. Any student failing two marking periods is subject to failure for the year.

I consider all of you to have the potential of being excellent students and you all have the ability to make something very special of yourselves. Computer Technology is a very important element in your everyday lives and beyond. I hope I can make it interesting and fun for all of you. It will, however, take a solid effort from you. Start off on track and it will only get easier as the year progresses. I look forward to working with each of you. Let’s have a great year!

Good luck!!!

Computer Programming