Protégé Application

Note: While every effort will be taken to match as many applicants as possible, matching is not guaranteed and will depend on the number of applications received and the availability of mentors. Applicants who are not matched in the current year may be given priority the following year.

Personal Information

Prefix ____ First Name ______Last Name ______

CFA Member ID # ______Year Charter Obtained ______

Total Years in the Finance Profession ______

Preferred Email Address ______

Preferred Phone Number ______

Company Name ______

Position ______


University Name ______Degree Earned ______

Other Professional Designations Held: ______

Field of Interest - check (or highlight) all that apply

o Alternative Investments o Corporate Finance o Financial Statement Analysis

o Equity Investments o Trading o Portfolio Management

o Fixed Income o Investment Banking o Risk Management

o Private Wealth Management o Quantitative Methods o Economics

o Standards, Ethics & Regulation

o Other ______

Desired Areas of Focus - check (or highlight) all that apply

o Leadership and Team Management o Investment Research / Financial Modeling

o Networking o Effective Presentations

o Negotiation / Conflict Resolution o Work / Life Balance

o Project Management o Effective Communications (verbal & written)

o Organization / Time Management o Business Development

o Other ______

Required Documents

Check off each item to ensure you have completed all components of the application package.

o This completed form

o Your updated resume

o Mentor Matching Questionnaire

To further assist in the matching process, please answer the questions on Pages 3-4 as concisely as possible.

o Recommendation Letter

To be completed by your current or former direct supervisor, colleague or professor who can speak to your experience and potential. See Page 5 for the Recommendation Letter form. Please ask them to return the form to you to submit with your entire application package.

Application Submission

Please submit the documents by email with the subject line “Protégé Application” to Suzanne Martin - before 5:00 PM on October 14, 2016. Late or incomplete submissions will not be accepted.

Mentor Matching Questionnaire Page 1 of 2

1.  Please outline a couple of key areas of responsibility in your current job. Which areas challenge you the most?





2.  What are your three to five year career goals? What type of experience do you hope to have? What level of responsibility do you hope to achieve?





3.  What barriers to success are you currently experiencing or foresee in your career development?





4.  What specific issues or developmental areas would you like to discuss with your mentor?





Mentor Matching Questionnaire Page 2 of 2

5.  What are the top three criteria (experience, background, skills, values, etc) that your mentor needs to have to support your development?




6.  What personality traits challenge you in a professional setting?




7.  What two important values do you try to live by?



8.  What five or six adjectives describe you most accurately?



9.  Why do you believe you will benefit from this program?








Recommendation Letter

Please fill out your information and responses outlined in the following three questions. Once finished, please return to the applicant who will submit this form with their application package.

Prefix ____ First Name ______Last Name ______

Employer ______

Title ______

Applicant’s Name ______

Signature ______Date (MM/DD/YY) ______

1.  In what capacity and how long have you known the applicant?



2.  In what way would the mentoring program contribute to the applicant’s professional and/or academic development?




3.  Why do you think we should choose this applicant?








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