1.  Chapter 5:

Multiple Choice

2.  In a relational database, a field that references a unique identifier in a related table is known as a:

  1. primary key
  2. foreign key
  3. field
  4. record
  5. composite primary key

3.  A ______or column in a table represents some characteristic of the thing contained within a table.

  1. field
  2. record
  3. row
  4. link
  5. tuple

4.  How does a DBMS (Database Management System) typically manage a database?

  1. By providing the means for creating, maintaining and using databases.
  2. By storing different types of information including text, numbers, documents, images and videos.
  3. By evaluating business intelligence for managers.
  4. By manipulating data such as reducing inventory when a product is ordered.
  5. By hiring a DBA to oversee the data in the system.

5.  For large and complex amounts of information, storing the information is best achieved by using what?

  1. A spreadsheet
  2. A database
  3. A file
  4. A document
  5. A smartphone app

6.  The key component of a relational database is establishing a relationship or cross referencing tables. How is this task accomplished?

  1. Identifying a unique primary key
  2. Establishing a foreign key
  3. Identifying data redundancy
  4. Using one table for the database
  5. Creating a composite key

7.  Your technology firm has been contacted by a local accounting firm about designing a database to organize clients and workload. The managing partner of the Accounting firm has described the way that the firm handles business and you have decided that the best method to begin your work is to create a diagram called ______.

  1. an entity relationship diagram
  2. a decision flow chart
  3. a gantt chart
  4. database architecture
  5. an entire relationship diagram

8.  If a table contains the primary keys from two separate but related tables, what would these keys be called?

  1. Intersecting keys
  2. Foreign keys
  3. Composite primary keys
  4. Merged keys
  5. Borrowed primary keys
  6. Federal Reserve Economic Data

9.  Which of the following is least likely to utilize a databasan example of problems that might occur if you use a spreadsheet for data storagee?

  1. iTunesInconsistent data
  2. Windows Media PlayerPoor data integrity
  3. Monster.comDifficulty in data retrieval
  4. Facebook.comUnnecessary data duplication
  5. Home inventory listAll of the above

10.  A table in a database contains information about Employees. The portion of the table that would all of the information about one Employee would be known as what?

  1. Record
  2. Field
  3. Column
  4. Database
  5. Tuple

11.  In a relational database, a primary key is sometimes made up of multiple fields. What is this known as?

  1. Primary key
  2. Foreign key
  3. Field
  4. Record
  5. Composite primary key

12.  Database tables are made up of what?

a.  Headers and footers

b.  Relationships and identifiers

c.  Primary keys and foreign keys

d.  Attributes and characteristics

e.  Records and fields