Nurse’s Notes from Mrs. Zangirova

  1. Our primary aim is the health and safety of students and staff. Priority is given to emergencies, injuries and students with documented chronic health conditions.
  2. All extensions are no later than 10/2/15 for missing physical exams and vaccines. Students must then be excluded unless there are reasons that prove otherwise (e.g. written religious exemption).

·  If you do not have insurance, we will refer you to a clinic.

  1. The Edison school district has guidelines when to keep your child home:

·  Fever free for 24 hrs. without the help of meds to return to class

·  Vomiting/diarrhea the night before or in the morning. (No dairy 2-3 days if student is vomiting or has diarrhea)

·  Red, itchy eyes, allergies vs. infection

·  Undiagnosed rash: need Drs. Note: “Not contagious; ok to return to class”

·  Child cannot carry on his/her daily activities

·  Exclusion for Lice & Nits, “0 Nit Policy” – to be cleared by RN in order to return to class (Anonymous calls are approved). Hair should be kept up.

·  A doctor’s note excusing a child from gym must also state a return date. The same is true for absences covered by a doctor’s note. If no return date is stated, another note from the physician will be needed.

  1. Keep communication open:

·  Any problems at home

·  Death or serious illness in the family or the loss of a pet

·  Keep emergency info up to date!

·  Emergency contacts MUST know they are on the list and have a car to pick up your child. Take a dry run to the school. Put everyone on the list that could pick up your child. Update the list as needed.

·  Please send an extra change of clothes to be left in the classroom cubbies with student’s name on it.

·  Report any medication your child is taking at home.

  1. Healthy snacks…..NO Cookies, candy or doughnuts. The first ingredient cannot be sugar. Remind children not to share food. Additionally, children should be well hydrated at all times.
  2. Medication policy – Call the nurse about children’s medication and changes in health/medication.
  3. Class Trips & Camp Bernie – Form #28 & 28A are to be filled out. Overnight trips need doctor’s order for possible over the counter meds used (e.g. Motrin, Tylenol).
  4. Medication permission forms need to be signed by both doctor & parent. Parents need to bring in medication; DO NOT send in with child.
  5. Asthma Action Plan & Medication order from doctor must be signed by both parent & doctor annually. Please call nurse if student used Asthma medication before he/she was sent to school.
  6. All allergy lists are to be updated annually; all medications are kept annually then have to be taken back by parents at the end of each school year.
  7. If a child is no longer allergic or outgrew Asthma – please provide a doctor’s note (e.g: “No longer has milk allergy”).
  8. Please indicate medical concerns or allergies on emergency cards (Brown cards).
  9. Health screenings with referrals: Referrals are due back 30 days after school begins.

·  Hearing & Vision tests begin in Nov., Kindergarten starts in Oct.

·  Please update the nurse if child has no vision coverage and needs glasses or has to be seen by an ophthalmologist. There are a few gift certificates to arrange free eye exams by a doctor that also covers glasses up until January 1, 2016. (In nurse’s possession; available upon request.)

·  Bring glasses and prescriptions in to the nurse.

·  “Kiddie Keep Well Camp” – Summer camp, overnight, 10 days long, please choose a section you would like (June 27-July 2; July 6-July 16, July 20-July 30, Aug. 2-Aug. 13). Serves Middlesex County’s underprivileged kids, ages 7-13. Applications are available with the nurse in Jan. 2016.

14. If you need to contact the nurse:

or 732-452-2970 X6204.