Network for Quality Teaching and Learning (HB3233)

Educator Effectiveness and Common Core State Standards

District Application and Reporting for Funds

The purpose of the EE/CCSS Strategic Investment funds is to help build school district capacity for high quality professional learning to support implementation of Educator Effectiveness (SB290/ESEA Waiver) and the Common Core State Standards to improve educator practice and student learning.

Districts participating in the EE/CCSS Professional Learning Conferences must complete and submit the attached budget worksheet and narrative for approval between January 2, 2014 and June 30, 2014.

Please send the application, budget worksheet and narrativeto Sarah Phillips via email: , fax: (503) 378-5156, or U.S. mail: Office of Learning, ATTN: Sarah Phillips, 255 Capitol St. NE, Salem, OR 97310.

Districts can expect funds will be available in EGMS, upon approval, within three weeks of submission.

Districts must submit the Reporting form by June 30, 2015.

All funds must be spent by June 30, 2015.

Questions? Please contact Sarah Phillips at(503) 947-5783 or by email at , or Nicole Dalton at (503) 947-5603 or by email at .

Network for Quality Teaching and Learning (HB3233)

Educator Effectiveness and Common Core State Standards

District Application for Funds

The purpose of the EE/CCSS Strategic Investment funds is to help build school district capacity for high quality professional learning to support implementation of Educator Effectiveness (SB290/ESEA Waiver) and the Common Core State Standards to improve educator practice and student learning.

Districts participating in the EE/CCSS Professional Learning Conferences may complete and submit this form with an attached budget worksheet and narrative for approval between January 2, 2014 and May 1, 2014. Please send all forms to Sarah Phillips (email: ; fax: (503) 378-5156; or, U.S. mail: Office of Learning, ATTN: Sarah Phillips, 255 Capitol St. NE, Salem, OR 97310 ).Districts can expect funds will be available in EGMS, upon approval, within three weeks of submission. All funds must be spent by June 30, 2015.

District Name: ______

Please address the following questions in your narrative. (expand the number of pages as needed):

  1. Describe how the Standards for Professional Learning (Learning Communities, Leadership, Resources, Data, Learning Design, Communication) informed your application.
  1. What is the focus of your professional learning activities in this application (e.g. standards/rubric training for teachers and principals; subscription resources, e.g. Teachscape, TalentEd, PD 360; Inter-rater reliability training; creating CCSS aligned materials and resources; utilizing regional coaches; release time for peer observations, creating assessments, and other research based practices that support your districts full implementation of EE and CCSS.)?
  1. What are your district’s goals for use of these funds and what outcomes do you expect for the 2013-15 school year?
  1. How will you leverage other funds to support this work?
  1. Please describe the steps (who, what, and when) your district will take to focus on and strengthen your professional learning to support implementation of EE/CCSS.

Required Assurances

  • The district assures and certifies compliance with all regulations, policies, and requirements as they relate to the acceptance and use of state funds.
  • The district agrees to carry out the project as proposed in the application.


District Superintendent’s Signature

Budget Worksheet

Object  / Improvement of Instruction Services
(221X) / Support Services—Instructional Staff: Assessment and Testing
(2230) / Support Services—Instructional Staff
(2240) / School Administration
(24XX) / Support Services—Business, Fiscal, Transportation
(25XX) / Support Services—Central Activities—Planning, Research, Development, Evaluation
(2620) / Staff Services—Teacher Advancement, Recruitment, Retention
(2640) / Staff Services—Technology Services
(2660) / Community Services
(30XX) / Total by Object

  1. Licensed Salaries (111)

  1. Classified Salaries (112)

  1. Administrative Salaries (113)

  1. Substitute Salaries (12X)

  1. Additional Salaries (130)

  1. Benefits (2XX)

  1. Instructional, Technical, and Professional Services (31X)

  1. Travel (340)

  1. Communication
  1. Non-Instructional Professional and Technical Services (38X)

  1. Instructional Supplies and Materials (4XX)

  1. Dues and Fees
Total by Function 

Budget Narrative: Please describe each line item from the budget worksheet as specifically as possible in the table below

  1. Licensed Salaries

  1. Classified Salaries

  1. Administrative Salaries

  1. Substitute Salaries

  1. Additional Salaries

  1. Benefits

  1. Instructional, Technical, and Professional Services

  1. Travel

  1. Communication

  1. Non-Instructional Professional and Technical Services

Additional Comments:

Network for Quality Teaching and Learning (HB3233)

Educator Effectiveness and Common Core State Standards

District Reporting on Use of Funds

District Name ______

Please provide a summary that describes how the EE-CCSSStrategic Initiative funds were used to support professional learning for Educator Effectiveness/Common Core State Standards implementation in your district. This information will be reported to the State Legislature and posted on the ODE website.

Abstract (3-5 sentences):

Please indicate the number and types of educators that were involved in implementation in your district:
Categories of Educators / # Elem / # Middle / #High School / #District
District Administrators
Building Administrators
Subject Area Teachers (specify content)
Teachers of CTE
Teachers of Special Education
Teachers of English Learners
Specialists, Librarians, Counselors , other Student Services
Exclusive Bargaining Units representing teachers
Please describe any collaborative structures for professional learning developed or enhanced to support implementation of EE/CCSS in your district with these funds.
What lessons learned/models/examples can you share with other districts?