Minutes of the meeting held on the 28th February 2013at BrynOffaSchool, Pant.

PRESENT: Chairman, Cllr Mrs. D. Gaskill, CllrsA. Brown, R. Crispin, P. McConville, T. Mason, P. Roberts. Shropshire Cllr Arthur Walpole and the Clerk Mrs. V. Byrne..

13/018APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Received from Cllrs.L.Griffiths(family

reasons), M. Melling (family), I. Pollitt (hol) B. Robinson (family)and Mrs. J. L. Smith

(illness). Thesereasons were approved.


13/020POLICE REPORTThe Police were not in attendance.


Carol Jones, Declan Marsden and Josh Ellis attended for this item. The Youth Club members have raised various sums themselves and have successfully gained grant funding to a total of £3,650 as well as promised funding in kind towards their target of £5k. The equipment already purchased is in storage awaiting the permanent concrete base. Cllr McConville advised on what would be required in the way of Risk Assessment and Method Statement and he agreed to assist in producing these. It was agreed to hold a site meeting on Saturday, 9th March at the Village Hall for Councillors to attend at a time to be confirmed.

13/022SHROPSHIRE COUNCIL REPORT There had been a full Council meeting with the new Police Commissioner in attendance reported Cllr Walpole. The Budget had been put to bed with a freeze on council tax and £9m savings required next year. Reference was made to the Highways Agency works due on the A483 and a noise mapping report for Wales had highlighted the road. Cllr Walpole reported on the Motion he had put to Shropshire Council on the National Grid proposals.

13/023 MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELDON24th January 2013 were prop.by Cllr McConville and 2nd by Cllr Roberts. Approved by thosepresent and signed.

Resolved that the Minutes of the meeting held on 24thJanuary be Approved.

13/024 CORRESPONDENCE Dog Control Orders consultation was distributed and it was agreed that Pant Play Area should be added to the schedule. Waste/recycling Centre revised hours were noted. V & W Electrics new management was also noted.

13/025 ROADS AND FOOTWAYS The forthcoming road improvements on the A483 were due to commence on the 4.3.13 with a pedestrian crossing installed near the Pant shop. Works would involve overnight closures with a convoy system for residents and a diversion for other traffic over a probable period of 6 weeks.

Data from the v.a.s. signs had been collated by Mr. Gaskill and Councillors were invited to suggest how this should be formatted in future.

13/026 ELECTIONS. The Clerkcirculated information on the forthcoming Elections with important dates highlighted.

13/027 WIND FARMS AND PYLONS. Carreghofa Community Council Survey update by Cllr Mrs. Gaskill.

Scottish Power Renewables letter on the changes to the Dyfnant Forest Wind farm – reduction in number and height of turbines, location away from paths and bridleways.

13/028 PLANNING13/00523/FUL Charmaine, Pant erection of conservatory.

13/00278/CPL for information only, Greenbank, Llynclys, siting of caravan.

13/00000/FUL The Beeches, Pant, erection of a garage with loft above. All were noted without comments.

SAMdev current position statement from Shropshire Council.

Email from Adrian Cooper to enquire whether the Parish Council favoured both sites in Llanymynech or had a preferred one.

Resolved that each site had advantages for the village and both should be included in the site allocation to go forward with details to be considered at a future planning stage.

13/029 PANT PLAYING FIELD BOUNDARY PROJECT The Clerksaid theAwards for All application had been granted for £5,535 and the LJC application for £500 had been reduced to £300 by the LJC Committee. The bus shelter funding application could now be completed. Consideration of the 3 quotations to hand, the quotation from Metalworld was the closest to the amount of funding available.

Resolved to accept the quotation from Metalworld for £4,350+ vat in Black pc.

13/030VILLAGE MAINTENANCE AND OTHER VILLAGE MATTERSThe Deed of Dedication for Pant Playing Field and Pant Village Green were received. Discussion on the style of plaque to be ordered. Dog fouling on the recreation field was mentioned and the Clerk advised the dog control orders applied to that land.

Resolved to have a plaque mounted on the gate of the playing field and a plaque mounted on the village green stone.

13/031 FINANCIAL MATTERS AND ACCOUNTS Proposed by Cllr Mason and 2nd by Cllr Roberts that the list of accounts as appended be paid, voted on by all in favour and therefore approved for payment. The Clerk reported on the return of the cheque for £30 from SLCC as the inserts for the Manual were out of print

Resolved that the list of accounts totalling £2,098.10 be passed for payment.


1109 / V & W Electrics / 156.00 / Lighting Maint. Jan
1110 / Scottish Power / 178.88 / Lighting Energy
1111 / V E Byrne / 773.47 / Sal. Feb + 2nd half yr Exp.
1112 / Lawrences Direct / 17.00 / Stationery
DD / PWLB / 972.75 / Loan Repayment