| 512.763.1400| 604 HIGH TECH DRIVE| GEORGETOWN, TX 78626

Minutes of Board of Directors Meeting

The Board of Directors of Williamson-Burnet County Opportunities, Inc. met in regular session, Monday, October 24, 2016, at the Madella Hilliard NC, 803 W 8th St., Georgetown, TX at 6:30 pm.

Members Present Members Absent Vacancies Staff/Guests

Karen Lester, Public
Lenwood Nelson, Private
Kathy Nicholl, Private
Bill Drake, TA
Bill Gardner, Public
Sue Kennedy, TA
Dan Hilliard, Public
Sibil Johnson-Williams, TA
Charles Gersbach, TA
Debora Taylor, TA
Frank Reilly, Public
Noel Bernal, Public
Valerie Covey, Public
Brandt Rydell, Private / Nikki Brennan, TA
Susie Rodgers, Private
Sandy Anderson, Private
Amelia Warren, TA/PC
Flo Ellis, Private / Burnet Co, Private
Burnet Co,
/ Diana Phillips
Lauren McAndrews
Tadim Leasure
Denise Schilli
Marie Mayfield

A.  Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Karen Lester, at 6:39 p.m. A quorum was established. Karen welcomed all.

B.  Public Comment: There were no public comments.

C.  Consent Agenda Items:

Karen Lester presented the Board with the consent agenda items “a-m”.

MOTION: To approve the Consent Agenda Items “a-m”. Valerie Covey moved, Charles Gersbach second, motion carries.

D.  Committee Reports:

a.  Finance Committee

i.  Karen Lester directed the Board to consider agenda item D.a.i. and D.e.i together as the Diana Phillips reported on recent meetings with the Taylor Senior Center owners about the lease and possible alternatives. They are needing to include an “out” clause per our attorney. Serving and transporting food will be a major issue if this can’t be worked out. As it now stands, the Taylor property owners would have to upgrade the facility in the range of $150,000 just to be up to code. The Board feels that OWBC should have more dialog with the owners before signing the proposed lease at $.70 sq ft., and the Board would approve a six month lease. The temporary proposed lease asks for $4500 per month, and the A/C units would be replaced along with the LED lighting. We will pick up the utilities for Shepard’s Heart. Diana requested Board assistance, so Bill Gardner, and Lenwood Nelson will be going over to visit with the Taylor owners later this week. No action taken.

ii.  Karen Lester noted that the Finance Committee did not have a meeting in October to approve the financials for September, so the Board will not be approving them at this meeting. No action taken.

b.  Governance Committee

i.  Kathy Nicholl presented the meeting calendar for 2017 for approval. Kathy Nicholl moved, Sue Kennedy second, motion carries.

MOTION: To approve the Board meeting calendar for 2017.

ii.  Kathy gave a presentation of the Board evaluations including handouts. Kathy called for a motion to accept the Board evaluations.

MOTION: To accept the Board evaluations. Noel Bernal moved, Valerie Covey second, motion carries.

iii.  Kathy gave the Board a progress report on Board recruitment. Burnet County currently has two openings. The Governance Committee will be speaking to a number of new prospects for both counties including: Sam Pierce, Ron Frioux, Craig Clark, and Tracy Waters. The committee hopes to have all seated at the January meeting.

iv.  Kathy reported on the Board retreat update. The first part of the retreat in January will see an expanded Board orientation. The second part will be in March/April with training modules to include Finance/Budget, with a site tour and staff introductions, as well as the standard compliance state and federal training courses. Diana also advised that this would be a great format to bring in the expanded needs assessment with more time to plan.

c.  Development Committee:

i.  Kathy Nicholl reported on the Development progress for Burnet County. The fundraising house parties are being planned and starting soon. Food for Burnet County will be provided by Burnet CISD. Kathy and Sue Kennedy will be October 25th. Bill Drake and Lenwood Nelson will be in November. Frank Reilly will be November 2nd, and Susie Rodgers TBD. For Williamson County Dan Hilliard advised individual directors will be making calls on prospective donors during November.

d.  Program Committee:

i.  Bill Drake advised that will be no action on the HIPAA policy as Program Committee needs more information, and will be going back to the attorney for more clarity. More updates provided at the next BOD meeting. No action taken.

ii.  Bill presented the CSBG report for September, and call for a motion to approve.

MOTION: To approve the CSBG report for September. Dan Hilliard moved, Lenwood Nelson second, motion carries.

iii.  Diana gave an update on the Needs Assessment surveys noting that Thrall, Granger, and many other of the outlying communities still need more surveys completed. Focus groups will be starting soon.

e.  Property Committee:

i.  The item for the Taylor Senior Center was previously presented under item D.a.i.

ii.  Lenwood Nelson reported that Jack Broaddus has been overseeing the Marble Falls roof replacements which are almost complete. The Facilities department is still looking for its used utility van. Our new facilities manager Colby James is still in training and under his ninety day probationary period. Valerie Covey inquired about Jack’s tenure, and Diana advised that Jack will remain with OWBC until end of the year to assist.

f.  Personnel Committee:

i.  Tadim Leasure updated the Board on the RFP for unemployment services. Tadim gave a back history on First Non-Profit the company that currently administers our unemployment claims. In 2012 OWBC saw a huge increase in claims from upwards of $229k, primarily from Head Start. Claims needed to go down, and they did. The claims went down to $150k vs the high of $229k in previous years. Karen advised that the Board would move to approve pending attorney approvals and edits. Our current contract ends in December 2017.

MOTION: To approve the RFP for unemployment. Kathy Nicholl moved, Bill Gardner second, motion carries.

ii.  Diana Phillips presented the September CSBG Dashboard report. Board acknowledged receipt.

iii.  Tadim gave an update of the RFP’s for the 5500’s. The OWBC schedules A&C do not exist prior to 2013. Costs are TBD, and Tadim will be meeting with CLS Partners this week for a filing update.

E.  Executive Director’s Report: Diana gave an overview of the CFO candidate search. We currently have four interviews scheduled, and hope to be able to make an offer to one by next week.

Karen Lester called for an executive session at 8:11 pm to discuss personnel issues. After presenting information on a personnel matter, Executive Director Diana Philips was excused. The Board remained in Executive session to consider ED evaluation and compensation.

Karen Lester called for the Executive Session to end at 9:05 pm and resumed back into regular session.

F.  Chair’s report: Karen called for a motion to approve the ED evaluation.

MOTION: To approve the ED evaluation as presented during Executive Session. Debora Taylor moved, Dan Hilliard second, motion carries.

Karen called for a motion to approve the ED compensation.

MOTION: To continue employment of the Executive Director with compensation at the current level, pending approval of the 2017 budget, and to be reviewed at the Board retreat with the report on how to address the issues identified in the review. Bill Gardner moved, Kathy Nicholl second, motion carries.

G.  Old business: No old business was presented.

H.  Meeting Adjournment:

Karen Lester called for a motion to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 9:11 pm. The next Board of Directors meeting is scheduled for 6:30 pm on December 4, 2016 at SH Reed Memorial Bldg 402 E. Jackson St., Burnet, TX 78611.


Dan Hilliard, Board Secretary Date

3 October 24, 2016 Board Meeting Minutes