Fylde Council

Town Hall

Lytham St Annes


Tel: 01253 658 658

Application for Business Parking Permit

North Promenade car park

If you are eligible to receive a permit and wish to do so, please complete this form in BLOCK CAPITALS. Incomplete forms cannot be accepted. Permits only available for private cars or commercial vehicles up to the size of a standard ‘Transit van’. Please allow 10 working days for applications to be processed.

Your Details:

Full Name:
Telephone No:

About Your Business:

Business Name:
Telephone No:

Car Details:

Whose name is shown on the vehicle registration document?

Yours EmployerOther (please specify) ______

Make: / Model: / Colour:
Registration Number: / There is a charge of £25 per MONTH for this permit up to 6 months
Start Date: / End Date:
Total Cost:


Proof of Business / Employment

Proof of Vehicle Ownership (Registration Documents or Motor Insurance or Company letter)

Payment (Cheque or Credit / Debit Card)


  • I understand that any permit issued to me by the Council is in respect of the said vehicle and that the issue of the permit is conditional upon surrender to the council of the permit if:

a) I cease to have a business or to work in the area to which the permit is applicable

b) I cease to own the vehicle specified in this application

d)I am issued a duplicate permit

e)The permit ceases to be valid at the expiration of the specified period

  • The validity of this permit is conditional upon:

a)The vehicle is under 2.29meters high (7’6”) in height

b)The vehicle has up to date valid MOT test, Insurance and Vehicle Excise Duty (i.e. Road Tax)

c)The permit is appropriately displayed, i.e. in the left of the front windscreen


  • I hereby certify that my usual place of business is at the address shown on this form and wish to apply for a business parking permit in respect of the vehicle also shown on this form
  • I declare that the information on this form is correct and complete to the best of my knowledge. I agree to inform the Council Parking Services as soon as there is any change of circumstances

Signed: / Date:

Please return completed application to the above address. Alternatively you can apply in person at the One Stop Shop, 292 Clifton Drive South, Lytham St Annes, FY8 1LH.

Proof of Vehicle Ownership and proof of address is required.

Where proof is required

Please send in photocopies of documents, wherever possible, as the Council is unable to accept responsibility for any documents sent through the post. If you are making your application in person original documentation must be provided.

Please Note:

Your permit is only valid for the car park in which you applied for the permit. The issue of the permit does not guarantee the use or availability of any space.

Fair Processing Notice:

How we will use personal details: To satisfy the requirements of the Data Protection Act, 1998 the council is obliged to make it clear to you how we use your personal data and to say who we might share it with - if that is not obvious. Your personal data may be used for purposes other than administering the residents’ parking permit system, such as for the general prevention and detection of fraud. For example your data could be passed on to the Audit Commission, as part of the National Fraud Initiative, for detecting fraudulent claims for, or use of permits. In particular the Audit Commission has legal powers under the Serious Crime Act 2007 to match your information to other records, or any other personal data from other public bodies where there is reasonable evidence that fraud is likely to be found. Sharing your personal data in this way will only be carried out when absolutely necessary.

For office use only:
Proof of address checked:
Vehicle ownership Checked: Registration Docs or Insurance or Company Letter (delete as applicable)
Payment Taken: Receipt No
Permit Number: / Date of Issue: