Library Leadership Team (LLT) Meeting – Thursday, March 3, 2016; 8:30am-10:00am

Present: Maggie Farrell, Gail Julian, Tammy Crane, Brenda Burk, Peggy Tyler, Suzanne Schilf, Michelle Voyles, and Kristy Snider

  • Student Fee Committee
  • Maggie met with committee on 3/03/16 to present a proposal to increase the library fee to $85 and extend the library fee to freshmen and graduate students. Presentation included comparator worksheets and a handout which will be posted to Staffweb.
  • Student fees can be used for collections, technology, and facilities. If approved, the fee increase and extension could help stabilize our collection budget and free-up one time funding such as salary savings for other library one-time initiatives.
  • Fee committee asked good questions, understood our issues and comparison to other institutions.
  • The Board of Trustees will vote on student fees at their meeting in April.
  • Today the Tiger will publish an article regarding the student library fee proposal
  • Graduate students are very concerned about their fees since fees are not covered by tuition waivers and their pay is so low.
  • Collection Budget
  • Currently is $7 million. Goal is $10 million.
  • Performance credits (one time funds) are not being used in the collection budget and this is not a good practice. One time funds should not be used for ongoing commitments. However, they could be used for special purchases or unique collections.
  • Library fee funds will be directly deposited in the Library’s account
  • Instead of receiving a lump sum amount each semester, the money will trickle inthroughout the fiscal year.
  • If fee increase and extension are approved, this could generate $1.5 million in new revenue.
  • Student Government – 3 High Priority Items
  • One of the 3 priorities is Cooper building needs
  • With approved fees, we can replace furniture and complete minor renovations
  • Student Government will advocate for Cooper remodel as they have opportunities
  • Provost Academic Budget Planning
  • The deans are working with the Provost Office in outlining the budget process that includes funds following from tuition to academic units.
  • The Libraries are part of this discussion
  • Funds must support academic initiatives and tuition increases should be directed toward academic programs
  • Budget planning is part of the larger academic planning process that is occurring this year in conjunction with Clemson Forward
  • Provost Leadership Team Meeting
  • Diversity/inclusion – we all have a stake in the support of diversity so when the new diversity officer joins Clemson, we will want to develop a culture of diversity infused throughout the university
  • Office 365 transition (moving into cloud)
  • CCIT is moving to Office 365 for the university
  • Tentative date for the Libraries transition – March 25
  • Although desktops should be fine, mobile devices may need to be set up
  • Global Engagement
  • There may be a possible partnership with Israel as the office of Global Engagement is working with a university on possible initiatives
  • Although Israel may not be the right fit for us, Maggie will be looking for possible library partners in the future
  • Undergraduate Studies
  • John Griffith is working on an analysis of the Undergraduate Office and making some organizational changes
  • Undergrad curriculum revision is coming
  • Potential opportunity for Library involvement to promote information literacy, instruction, and research skills.
  • Student Worker Appreciation Ideas
  • The first meeting with supervisors on 3/2 culminated some ideas
  • The consensus is to have a week-long celebration, April 11-17
  • Each weekday, different food items will be at each of the branches for all students to attend any and all
  • Present goody bags during exam week
  • Admin to supply the bags and other small swag
  • A registry will be available for staff and faculty to contribute to the goody bags
  • The bags will then be returned to the individual units for additional filling if desired
  • The supervisors also recommended that we provide a gift to library student graduates.
  • Library logoed portfolios was suggested as a good gift
  • Kristy will investigate
  • Another supervisor meeting is set for 3/4 to capture the ideas of remaining supervisors
  • Library Commons (green space behind Cooper)
  • Maggie discussing with Barbara Speziale regarding use of library space and how the Watt Center might draw from our policies to help them in developing their space policies for groups
  • Watt Center expected library to see a decline however building stats show Cooper attendance is up by 19%
  • See Teri for Library Commons reservations for now – but the university may choose to handle a different process to reserve the space
  • Spring Soiree hosted by Staff Senate
  • April 8 at the Botanical Gardens
  • $15 ticket covers dinner, silent auction, geology museum tour and entertainment
  • IAC
  • Met regarding one-time funding purchases
  • Special Collections report
  • Made in-roads into more classes to use archives
  • Strom Thurmond elevator has had some issues lately
  • Summer collaboration with Upcountry Museum in Greenville
  • 1948 election exhibition using Strom Thurmond artifacts
  • 2017 collaboration with Pickens County Museum
  • Byrnes Room
  • Maggie is to meet with Blue Key to discuss potential moving of Byrnes display to Special Collections to tell the story better along with the papers
  • Byrnes Room could be better utilized for student study space
  • The Tiger newspaper will do an article on how the Library accommodates students during exam week
  • ACRL Standards Workshop possibility
  • This would be a full day workshop that can accommodate up to 40 attendees
  • It could be a time just for us (and others in the Libraries) to work on goals/projects, or we could invite librarians from the surrounding area to participate
  • Would this be beneficial to us and if so, who should be invited?
  • Suzanne will follow up on this idea
  • Action Items
  • Develop a new comparator list of schools based on the following criteria: land grant, no medical school, no law school.
  • Schedule tour of Watt Center for Library employees.