A meeting of the Planning Committee was held at the Village Hall on Thursday 14th July 2011 commencing at 8.45 p.m.

Present: Mr. S James (Chairman), Mr. P Lawrence, Mr. N Morse,

Mr. C Greaves, Mrs. C Jackson-Doerge, Miss M Cresser, Mrs. M Crawford

Apologies Mr. M Paterson-Borland

In Attendance: Clerk to the Parish Council

1. Declarations of Interest

There were no items requiring Members to declare either a personal or prejudicial interest.

2. Consideration of Planning Applications

The following planning applications were received.

Ref. No. Location Proposal and Observation

11/01294/HOUSE Bartons, Theale Road, Burghfield

Rear single storey extension to the existing house. Works also include for internal remodeling and external landscaping.

Parish Council – No objection

11/01063/CERTE James Farm, James Lane, Grazeley Green

Use of former agricultural building as B2 use with associated parking and turning

Parish Council –Noted

11/00930/FUL Burghfield Play area, Chestnut Drive, Burghfield

Proposed Multi use Games Area 30 x 15m and new play area on existing play area at Burghfield Play Area, Chestnut Drive

Parish Council – No objection

11/01196/FULD Rising Sun, Reading Road, Burghfield Common

Single storey rear extension to commercial floor space (A4/A3 and A1 use), change of use to form 3 flats, alterations to elevations, car parking and provision of amenity space

Parish Council – Objections

11/00873/FUL The Willink School, School Lane, Burghfield Common

Construction of teaching accommodation building to provide 6 classrooms for new English department

Parish Council – No objection

11/00767/FULD The Willows, Burghfield Bridge, Burghfield

Demolition of existing dwelling "The Willows" and erection of 2 detached houses with attached garages, together with new access to Pingewood Road North

Parish Council – No objection

11/00688/HOUSE 11 Saxby Close, Burghfield Common

Amended description to include porch to accurately indicate proposed development


11/00965/FUL Sunnyside, Reading Road, Burghfield Common

Retrospective - Replacement air conditioning unit and new condensing units

Parish Council – No objection but conditions suggested

3. To provide an update in relation to the proposed development at Firlands Farm, Burghfield

Henry Davidson Construction are to be formally invited to the Planning Committee scheduled for September 22nd 2011.

4. To deal with any other planning related matters

Sovereign Housing is to hold a public consultation event on Tuesday 19th July between the hours of 4pm and 7pm regarding the potential demolition and redevelopment of Hunters Hill.

WBDC had forwarded notification of an appeal hearing for the land adjacent to Primrose Croft, Reading Road, Burghfield Common. The councils’ previous comments are to be re-submitted, being cross-referenced with WBDC Planning Policies and the Village Design statement.

3. Conclusion

The Chairman declared the meeting closed at 22.05pm