Treasurer’s Annual Report – 2012/2013
Haydon Wick School Parent / Teacher Association
The year 2012/ 2013 was another very successful one for Haydon Wick Primary School PTA. During this academic year many events were runinvolving a large number of dedicated volunteers. The school firework display again proved an overwhelming success and helped generate a sizeable income for the PTA.
The money raised by the PTA during 2012 / 2013 has largely been held in reserve for future requirements however a significant contribution to the Year 6 annual residential trip was given.
Fundraising events
- Annual Firework Display. The ever popular school firework display was held on 8th November 2012. The event was attended by over 500 people and helped to raise £884.34.Sale of Glowsticks at the event also helped to raise a further £437.76.
- Summer Fete. The summer fete was held in July on the school field and included many popular stalls such as the coconut shy, tombola, face painting and splat! as well as the usual bouncy castle and bar for the grown-ups. In all the total raised was £734.74.
- Christmas Fete. The Christmas fete held in late December in the school featured stalls selling cakes, books and toysas well as craft stalls and the chance to visit Santa. In total it helped to raise £357.73.
- Popcorn Club. After school Popcorn club film nights held in December, March and Mayhave contributed £249.85.
- Disco. After school Discos held in October, March, May and July have contributed £712.00.
- Other.
- Sale of Panto tickets for the 2012 Panto has brought in £602.00.
- Bag 2 School clothes donations have contributed £194.50.
- The Ofsted result tea party celebration netted £10.33.
- Annual Easter egg hunt totalled£19.00.
- Uniform contributions£30.50.
- Box Tips£1.50.
Total Net Profit from Fundraising activity = £ 4,234.25
Accounts for 2012 / 2013
Profit from fundraising activity£4,234.25
Charity costs (£116.00)
Other sundry expense (£42.15)
Bank Interest £4.67
Net Profit before donations£4,080.77
Year 6 residential trip (£1,000.00)
Link Centre Hire (£94.30)
Coach Hire (£115.00)
Carol Concert refreshments (£61.51)
Total Donations (£1,270.81)
Net Surplus for the year£2,809.96
As ever, huge thanks go to the very committed set of volunteers who have worked hard to ensure that each fundraising event runs smoothly. Your dedication and enthusiasm has helped deliver another successful year for the PTA.
Geoff Moore
Treasurer for Haydon Wick Parent / Teacher Association
Charity Number: 281534