APPROVED Sadales tīkls AS
Chief Supply Officer Signis Rīns
Riga, 28 May 2015
Sadales tīkls AS
2015 Professional Training
Improving and consolidating Sadales tīkls AS employee knowledge and qualifications for execution of electric network repair and construction works, introducing new working methods and technologies, promoting cooperation with contractors at work in Sadales tīkls AS objects.
Time and Location
6-7 August 2015
EZERNIEKI tourist centre, Indrāni civil parish, Lubāna municipality
General Provisions
1. A team of four participants shall be accepted for professional training: 1 foreperson, 3 electrical fitters.
2. Each participant shall have an electrical safety group certificate, be trained for working with the relevant special equipment and for types of work in special conditions, and be acquainted with the relevant labour safety instructions consistent with the assignments included in the relevant professional training type.
3. Teams shall apply for training by 24 July 2015, sending a filled-out application electronically to the e-mail , and registering with the secretariat on the day of training.
4. A team shall participate in all types of training (with the possible exception of teams from other countries).
5. A team shall undergo training types drawn by lots, based on a schedule.
6. The professional training is organised by Sadales tīkls AS RCF in cooperation with IDAF, MC, KF, EF, DVF*.
7. The principal judge for professional training shall be Sadales tīkls AS Inspection and Labour Safety Director Raimonds Šulcs.
8. In accordance with the approved training cost estimate, a training fee shall apply for each team.
Types of Training
1. Homework – poster
2. Public relations
3. Live work
4. Cable line insulation measurements
5. Completion of works, launching equipment into operation
6. First aid
7. Work with saws
8. ATV agility ride
* RCF – Repair and Construction, IDAF – Inspection and Labour Safety, MC – Training Centre, KF – Communications, EF – Operations, DVF – Dispatch Management
Training Timeline
1. Submission of homework by 31 July via e-mail to
2. Thursday, 6 August
· from 18:00 participants arrive, teams register with the secretariat
· 19:00 “Public Relations” training session
· 20:00 assignments for the “Live works” training session
· 21:00 supper
3. Friday, 7 August
· 7:30 breakfast
· 8:30 beginning of professional training
· from 9:00 testing of professional mastery, skills and knowledge
· 12:30 lunch break
· 17:00 presentation of tools, materials, special equipment
· 18:00 award ceremony
Team Equipment
1. Safety helmet for each participant.
2. Two sets of lineman’s spikes for wooden pylons, two belts.
3. Tools necessary for the training types.
4. Fully equipped team vehicle.
5. Chainsaw, wire saw.
1. Evaluation on a 100-point scale, a higher place for a higher number of points received.
2. Places may not be doubled – neither by types of training, nor in the aggregate scoring.
3. If an equal number of points is awarded to more than one team in one training type, the team with the shorter execution time shall place higher.
4. If an equal number of points is awarded to more than one team in the aggregate scoring, the team with the best results for the “Completion of works, launching equipment into operation” training type shall place higher.
5. The best results among RCF teams, OIB teams, and contractor teams shall be determined separately in the aggregate scoring in addition to absolute scoring.
1. The team placing 1st in each training type shall be awarded with a diploma and prizes.
2. The teams placing 1st, 2nd and 3rd in the aggregate scoring shall each be awarded a cup, diploma, and prizes.
3. The RCF team with the highest score in the aggregate shall be awarded a travelling cup, a diploma, and a commemorative prize.
4. The OIB team with the highest score in the aggregate shall be awarded a diploma and a commemorative prize.
5. The contractor team with the highest score in the aggregate shall be awarded a diploma and a commemorative prize
Repair and Construction Director Valdis Vucāns