Mind Your Body:

Setting Your Autopilot to Passion and Success

Video 6:

Daily Prescription for Lifelong Results

This is our recommendation for a way to begin and end your day. Use it as a baseline, and develop what works best for you to supercharge your energy, connect you with your inspiration, and ignite your body and mind.

The two most impactful periods of the day are the most powerful times to take advantage of patterning your mind to set the course for your life!!!

AM Prescription

In the morning, your brain is coming out of a slower brain wave state. You are in the alpha brain wave state, which means your mind is very susceptible and receptive to your ideas and thoughts. (That’s why when you hear a song first thing in the morning, it can get stuck in your head all day!)

1. Question of the Day

Before you open your eyes to get up each morning, ask:

“What kind of day am I going to have today?”

You have two choices for the answer:

a. An Amazing Day

b. The Best Day Ever

What this does is pattern your mindset –while you are still in alpha!- to embrace this idea. Your mind also likes the freedom of choice, so feel out which feels right for you on any particular day, and choose that answer!

2. Victory Pose

Your physical structure is related to your physiologic function. Different postures create different neurologic patterns, and different physiologic responses.

Here is a “power pose” that decreases stress hormones, increases testosterone (gives you energy and strength,) improves your immune system, and improves your mood.

Stand with your feet wide, your chest open, and your hands up in a “V” shape. (Think of crossing the finish line.)

Hold this for 2 minutes (any amount of time will benefit you.) You can envision yourself being a success in any way that feels great to you while you do this.

3. Gratitude Journal

Whenever you bring your awareness to what you appreciate, it creates a powerful physiologic and neurologic change that opens your mind to joy, love, and a perception of more things you appreciate. This increases your energy first thing in the morning, and sets you up to create more of what you appreciate.

Every morning, in your journal or on a piece of paper list 10 things you appreciate.

4. Seed Visioning

Think of what you most want in your life. See yourself in the future in the biggest vision you can possibly have in every area of your life. See that YOU, and all the things you would be experiencing. See all the people you would be with, who you would impact, what you would be doing, and how you would feel. Set the intention for this to be something even greater than you can imagine and that it is for the highest good for all involved. Then, distill this whole image into a tiny seed. Imagine holding this in the palm of your hand, then throwing it up in the air. The seed goes higher and higher up, out of the stratosphere and bursts into trillions of tiny pieces. These shower down over all of earth and the hearts of all people on it, becoming part of all life, and powerfully contributing to the lives of others. All people everywhere are part of bringing about this inspiration of yours.

5. Ultra Hydration

When you awaken, you are dehydrated. Your body has just undergone massive restoration and repair. It has released huge amounts of toxins and these must be flushed out of your body. Before you even begin the day or do anything else, drink a minimum of two large glasses of water (up to a full liter is useful.!) Bring a bottle of water to your bedside before you go to sleep is essential to making this happen. That way you cleanse your entire body before you begin your day.

6. Brush Your Teeth With Afformations

Affirmations are powerful ways of introducing new ideas into the mind. This is especially powerful during the morning when you are in this slower brain wave state. Examples of affirmations are: “I am powerfully healthy and strong.”

Sometimes, these affirming statements feel like lies and your mind rejects them. A great way we’ve learned to get around this is to use a question, such as: “Why am I so powerfully alive and healthy?” This brings different information to mind and thus, creates different neurologic and patterns and chemical reactions in your body.

Write your favorite affirmation or “affirmation” on a piece of paper, and stick it on your bathroom mirror, so you are looking at it while you brush your teeth.

7. “WooooHooooo” Meditation

For a few minutes, be still, breathe, and bring to mind all of the wonderful things you would love to have and be. You can look at your vision board for this. (To create a vision board, just select images that inspire you and stick them on a poster.) Feel this in your body while you close your eyes, or look at your vision board. Then, let this feeling grow and peak within you, like you are the happiest, most fortunate, most fulfilled person in the world. Shout out a “WoooooHoooooo!!!!!!” as loudly as you can! Even if you don’t fully feel it, pretend you are the most fulfilled and excited, alive person on the planet.

Bonus: pretend you just received a phone call or news that something absolutely amazing just happened. Then shout out like you are so overwhelmed, it just has to spill out!

PM Prescription

Sleep is the most important time of your life to restore your body, release old patterns and toxins, and repattern your mind. Your dreams help you do this! They are ways the mind works out problems and puzzles, and releases old conclusions. The quality of your sleep parallels the quality of your life.

Take advantage of this time and maximize its potential to enhance your life.

The 45 minutes before you sleep are preparing your mind for the next several hours, that make up 1/3 of your life. Take that seriously and use it to your advantage. Here’s how:

1. Hydration

Your body will be undergoing massive metabolic restoration, releasing toxins and regenerating cells. You also sweat, and hydrate the air through your nose. Be sure your body has what it needs to do this smoothly by hydrating. Drink approximately ½ liter, or 2 large glasses of water before bed. Experiment to see if you would like less (so you don’t have to wake up to urinate) or more.

2. Gratitude Journal

List 10 or more things you most appreciate. This patterns your sleep and the mindset you are in for the next several hours, and brings you into a heightened state.

3. Desires

After coming into a more inspired state and brain pattern by bringing your awareness, your mind is more open to receive all of the joys of experiencing what you most desire. Bring these things to mind, and state the 10 or more things you most want to experience and are most passionate about.

4. Needle Movers

20% of the actions you take will result in 80% of the results you experience. That means you only need to do 20% of the stuff you are currently doing. What are those 20% that will really “move the needle” and make a difference in your life. List 1 or 2 of them, and make the commitment that no matter what happens, you will do those items.

5. Blessings/Prayer

Who is an example of someone living an aspect of your ideal life? It may be someone you know, or someone you have only heard of. It may be someone who has many aspects you want, or just one. This person may be someone you admire, or may be someone you are angry at or jealous of because what you want seems to come so easily for them. Bless them! Sending a blessing is your mind’s way of saying “YES!” to that embodiment they are expressing. Send a prayer of appreciation to 5 or more people who embody the life you are wanting for yourself.

6. Seed Visioning (again)

Think of what you most want in your life. See yourself in the future in the biggest vision you can possibly have in every area of your life. See that YOU, and all the things you would be experiencing. See all the people you would be with, who you would impact, what you would be doing, and how you would feel. Set the intention for this to be something even greater than you can imagine and that it is for the highest good for all involved. Then, distill this whole image into a tiny seed. Imagine holding this in the palm of your hand, then throwing it up in the air. The seed goes higher and higher up, out of the stratosphere and bursts into trillions of tiny pieces. These shower down over all of earth and the hearts of all people on it, becoming part of all life, and powerfully contributing to the lives of others. All people everywhere are part of bringing about this inspiration of yours.

7. Mantra for Sleep Challenges

Use your favorite affirmations or affirmations (question) over and over until you go to sleep. You might use the same one over and over and create a mantra: “I am peaceful and calm,” or any other affirmation you are wanting to align with. Your mind can only focus on one thing at a time, and if your mind is racing and keeping you awake, this brings your thoughts away from chaos because it focuses your mind on one thing.

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Ask whatever questions have come up for you!

We look forward to hearing about your results and serving you in any way we may!

Be well,

Dr. Kim and Dr. Mario