Theater 10 B Intermediate ActingKathryn Adkins

Spring 2013T/TH 11-12:20E-mail

Class Rm 4111; Lab Rm 5131 Off. Hrs. T/TH 9-11, 12:30-1:00, M 12:30-1:30 or TBA Rm 4106

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This class presents theories, techniques and styles at an intermediate acting level with an emphasis on script analysis.

Learning Outcomes: 1. Analyze selected dramatic texts.
2. Demonstrate increasing control over the skills of memorization, vocal projection, spatial awareness, stage directions and physical expression.
3. Perform selected dramatic texts.

SUGGESTED TEXT: The Actor’s Checklist by Rosary Hartel O’Neill

REFERENCE MATERIALS: Respect For Acting and Challenge of the Actor by Uta Hagen, An Actor Prepares and Building A Character, by Constantin Stanislavski

GRADING: Attendance/Participation = 140 pts. /5 pts. each class, Class assignments = 270 pts., Written and Performance Final = 100 pts., Lab Journal = 40 pts., Live Performance Review =50pts.

TOTAL = 600 points


Partner Scene #1, 50 pts., Score 20 pts., Character analysis 20pts.Live Performance Review 50 pts.

Partner Scene #2, 50 pts., Score 20 pts., Character analysis 20pts.

Monologue 50 pts. , Score 20 pts.,Character analysis 20pts. Lab Journal 40 pts.

Final Presentation 50 pts. + Written Final 50 pts. =100pts

ATTENDANCE/PARTICIPATION: ATTENDANCE/PARTICIPATION: Students are expected to participate in all classes. Your class participation is a graded demonstration of progress and learning. Lack of participation due to absence or tardiness effects your grade.

Students needing accommodations should contact the instructor ASAP. As required by the Americans

with Disabilities Act (ADA), accommodations are provided to insure equal opportunity for students with

verified disabilities. If you need assistance with an accommodation, please contact Disabled Student

Services, Room 810, (479-6379) or Learning Skills Program, Room 1073, (479-6220).

TA 250 LAB: Enrollment in one unit (18 hours) of TA250 is required. Each student will keep a Lab Journal of responses to viewing in the lab Rm 5131. Students mark the time in the provided binder in the lab and then turn in to Ms. Adkins response papers in a three-hole paper binder.

****LAB JOURNAL: Your lab journal contains all written material: handouts, reviews of material viewed or listened to in the library or Music/Theater lab room 5131as well as your Professional critique. You will turn in your lab folder once at the midterm and at the last class (before the final). It will include:

CRITIQUE OF THEATRICAL PERFORMANCE: You must see at least ONE live performance of a drama, musical comedy, improvisation troupe or opera. One written, typed critique must be turned in with the program or ticket stub. The last day to turn in a critique is May 29.

FINAL: A final performance of a 2-minute monologue or 2-person 3 minute scene, in the Actor’s Showcase MondayJune 3. This is a wonderful opportunity to perform on stage with lights and sound in front of an audience of peers. Anyone with exceptional difficulty may perform at the final meeting time, Thurs. June 6 10am.


Feb. 12-14Review of Stanislavski principles: Objectives, Obstacles, Relationship/Character- Actor’s Score

Due Mar. 19 Memorized 2-Person 3-minute scene from T. Williams or A. Miller

Due Feb. 19 Script analysis- score

Feb. 19-21 Working from the Given Circumstance: Time, Place, Character, Magic “If”, Images

Feb. 19 Script analysis/score

Feb. 24 Last day to drop class without receiving a “W” grade

Feb. 26-28Playing to the 4th wall, Building a Character

Mar. 5-7Partner Scene rehearsal with instructor and with score review

Mar. 12-14Partner scene with instructor

Mar. 16 Last day to request pass/no pass option.

Mar. 19-21Presentation of Partner Scene

Mar. 26-28Brecht and political theater- Physical character

Due April 16 Monologue with score and character analysis

Mar. 28Lab Journal Due


May 11 Last day to drop class with a “W”

Ap. 9-11Emotional Memory, Triggers, Anticipation, Vocal indicators

Choosing partners for 2nd scene

Ap. 11Immediacy Ex.

Ap. 16-18Monologue with instructor and peer evaluation

Ap. 23-25Monologue with instructor and peer evaluation

Ap. 30-May 2Presentation of Monologue

May 7-9Endowment- Use of Props; Stella Adler

Due May 21 Score and Character Analysis Scene #2

Due May 28 Partner Scene #2

May 14-16Adding more nuance: physical choices, emotional intensity, connection

May 21-23Work with instructor and peer evaluation

May 28-30Presentation of Partner Scene #2

Due May 28: Lab Journal

June 3SHOWCASE 7:00pm. Performance; 5:30 Call