Sample Meeting Confirmation Letters

Always use company letterhead when possible

The following letters are free to use and can be modified to fit your needs based on the type of meeting.

Group Meetings Letters:




Via Email and US Postal Mail

RE: Focus Group Meeting – Allentown Sales – New Product Research


In January, we determined after a short conversation that you would be perfect for our focus group which is being held at 10:00 am to 3:00 pm next Saturday, June 8, 2011 in our offices located at 123 Anywhere Street, Allentown, PA 18215.

We are pleased you are interested in being a part of the group and look forward to seeing you on Saturday.

Please feel free to wear casual and comfortable attire and refreshments will be provided.

If for some reason, you are unable to attend as discussed, please contact Linda Fleming in our office immediately. Linda can be reached at 1-888-888-8888.


Bob Foster

Vice President of Product Research

Allentown Sales


RE: Allentown Software Revamping – Project Team Alpha

Dear Team Member,

As discussed in our last project status meeting, it was determined we should meet next Monday at 9:00 am in conference room B to update one another on project areas of concerns and possible solutions.

The meeting will begin promptly at 9:00 am and attached you will find the meeting agenda. We’ve reserved conference room B until 3:00 pm and lunch and refreshments will be provided.

Please bring with you all materials relevant to the agenda topics; we will allow time for an open discussion session from 2:00 to 3:00 pm prior to meeting close.

Bob Turner

Team Leader

1-888-888-8888 (EXT 101)

Employee Letters:


Mr. John Smith

123 Anywhere Street

Allentown, PA 18215

RE: Reevaluation Meeting

Dear John:

As discussed in your performance review session on January 3, 2011, we agreed to meet again in three months to talk about improvements made along with new ideas on how weak areas can be improved upon.

I am excited we will be able to discuss your concerns and have received feedback from your supervisors and the HR Department. Enclosed is a copy of the above-mentioned performance review for your convenience. Please review the areas we hoped would be addressed prior to this meeting.

I’ve set a date for us to meet in my office at 9:00 am on April 3, 2011—more exciting news to come.


Bob Weller

Senior VP

New Clients or Business Meetings


Mr. Bob Sanders



123 Anywhere Street

Allentown, PA 18215

RE: New Software Services

Dear Bob:

I’m excited you’ve agreed to meet with me on July 3, 2011 to discuss how our new software will benefit your company’s needs. This software update is leaps and bounds ahead of our first product, which you currently use.

I will arrive promptly at 9:00 am at your office as agreed upon and will bring along a demo for you and your management team to review. My demo won’t require any special equipment needs on your part.

I’m sure you and your team will be pleased with our new product which will improve productivity and cut down on lag time.

Thank you for agreeing to view the product and I look forward to a beneficial meeting for both our organizations.


Tom Jones




Ms. Sally Henson


123 Anywhere Street

Allentown, PA 18215

RE: Real Estate Software Demo

Dear Ms. Henson:

I’m glad you have an interest in meeting with me after our short talk and software demo at the Southpoint Trade Show in January.

Here at ABC Software, we are excited to present the entire demo to you and your agents. I know everyone will be impressed with its customer tracking services, interaction with the MLS database and pre-loaded forms.

My assistant Debbie Jones and I will be at your office at 10:00 am on Saturday, February 15, 2011 as you indicated all your agents would be available on that day.

I’m confident this software will take your company to the next level and you’ll be heads above the competition.


Tom Smith
