Special to: Dealer Magazine

Project: DIY Listing Tool

Writer: Jim Leman

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Take Hold of “Do-it-Yourself” Inventory Listing Yourself and Save

DIY publishing tools create detail-rich, multi-site population economies

By Mike Baker

In this tough market, every dollar saved is a dollar earned. One way dealers can save is by using do-it-yourself online classified advertising listing tools to publish vehicle listings and images to multiple car-buyer shopping sites.

These tools offer almost all of the full-service features, publication templates, flexibility and quality sophistication that third-party full-service providers deliver. The main difference between full service and these DIY tools is that your staff instead handles the listing process.

For many dealerships, outsourcing their online vehicle listing and marketing functions will remain the preferred choice; the process of imaging and listing inventory online is time consuming and like lot inventory cleaning activities often better outsourced.

Other dealers will want to handle these activities in house and these DIY tools make them possible. One such dealer is Hiller Ford, Milwaukee, where pre-owned manager Dave Ligas manages a monthly inventory of about 100 vehicles. He uses a DIY inventory tool populate multiple online car-shopping sites with one click of the mouse.

“This Dealer Uplink DIY tool helps me create the online results I want, complete with multiple vehicle images, text over images and other marketing commentary that helps us sell vehicles more effectively and affordably online ourselves,” Ligas said.

The process is straight forward. It includes your staff scanning the VIN of each vehicle using a DIY uplink tool to upload vehicle make and model details. The staff also enters accessory and factory option package equipment not described by the VIN. The tool is also used to image vehicles. Lastly, it is interfaced with the dealership management system and then the vehicle data and images are uploaded to the dealership web site as well as multiple online car-buying sites -- with one uplink keystroke.

Choosing the right DIY tool

Not all DIY online inventory listing tools are created equal. Be sure you completely understand the capabilities, simplicity and reliability of each offering you consider. Those supported by national full-service online publishing and window sticker companies are better positioned to provide the supplies, such as high-quality color and black and white vehicle window stickers and the technical support and training your use of your DIY tool may require.

For instance, some of these tools are available with or without integrated data streaming and dealer management system polling. Integrated data streaming makes it easy for dealers to ensure that their online inventory listings are always up-to-date and current with automatic inventory data uploads nightly.

These tools should allow your dealership to:

·  Create eye-catching online advertising for dealership inventory; quickly and easily list and upload vehicle VIN data and options, including up to 35 different images of each vehicle

·  Populate hundreds of online classified advertising sites, plus the dealership’s own web site automatically.

·  Take control of how their online presentation, better manage their online inventory and access meaningful reports to help maximize online advertising results.

·  Save time to create high-quality, colorful window stickers and Buyer’s Guides – in English or Spanish – so inventory on the physical lot presents vehicle information professionally and in compliance with applicable laws.

What features to consider

Technical aspects of these tools you should look for when debating whether to outsource your online vehicle listing and marketing functions or take them in house are:

·  Administrative Tools: Does the tool provide for a password-protected access to a personalized uplink administration, inventory management and data edit interface site. Does the DIY tool provider being considered offer business development tools to simplify management of your used inventory online?

·  Vehicle Edit Interface: Does the tool provide for the ability to add and edit all options and features of the inventory to be published online, plus ability to upload or add up to multiple images of each vehicle, to all online sites at one time with one click?

·  On-Line Printing: Does the tool incorporate a mechanism for printing window labels and stickers, online, in English or Spanish? Does is enable you to print these labels and stickers right in your store on most any laser printer and print on OEM-certified, Kelley Blue Book labels or labels designed just for your dealership or provide Carfax or other used vehicle history reports as part of the label?

Easy steps to better listings

Like other activities that are required to operate your dealership most productively and profitably, any DIY online listing functions should be supported by a structured process. By working from such a process the staff responsible for your online listings will be certain to do it right, avoiding wasted time and publication errors.

1.  The “Do-it yourself” dealer can now make sure that his inventory is listed exactly how he prefers. Determine inventory to be listed. Have it washed and detailed so images taken of it show the vehicle in its best light. Position vehicles to be photographed so the background is not obstructed by other vehicles, poles, foliage and other visual distractions to the vehicle itself. Now is the best time to make those images talk to you customers. Our multiple image bulk upload tool make the process of managing your images very easy to use.

2.  The DIY dealer can also make sure that every option that adds value to the vehicle is captured for use on the window label as well as online content. VIN explosion tools often integrated into DIY inventory tools provide make and model details, but be sure to personally add items such as aftermarket accessories or factory option packages that the VIN explosion itself may not provide.

3.  Some of these tools, like the AutoUpLinkUSA Dealer UpLink DIY product incorporate into their functionality vehicle and dealer marketing tools. Use these to create easy-to-use image branding banners and text. They enable you to add specific vehicle comments or universal comments about the dealership or specific marketing messages to your uploaded images. These tools will help your vehicles stand out from your competitors in every online setting.

Mike Baker is president of AutoUpLinkUSA, a leading provider of online vehicle inventory listing and image publishing marketing services. The AutoUpLinkUSA Dealer Uplink is the most robust DIY online inventory listing and publishing tool available. He can be reached at or www.autouplinkusa.com