“Not Committee Approved”

DATE: May 8, 2012

TIME: 8:30 A.M.

LOCATION: UWEX Conference Room


Open Session

Meeting called to order by A. Knops at 8:30 A.M.

Election of Chairman

D. Cicha nominated A. Knops as LWCC Chairman. Call for additional nominations. Motion by L. Lieffring/R. Gierke to close the nominations and cast unanimous ballot for A. Knops as Chairman. Carried.

Election of Vice Chairman

A. Knops called for nominations for LWCC Vice Chairman. D. Cicha nominated R. Gierke for Vice Chairman. Call for additional nominations. Motion by R. Nawrocki/J. Biller to close nominations and cast unanimous ballot for R. Gierke as Vice Chairman. Carried.

Minutes of Last Meeting and Approval of Agenda

Motion by D.Cicha/ R. Nawrocki to approve the April 10, 2012 LWCC minutes. Carried.

Approval of Agenda & Rearrange as Needed

Motion by R. Nawrocki/ R. Gierke to approve the agenda and rearrange as needed. Carried.

Public Comments

Jerry Carow discussed the benefits that the Environmental Challenge Program has had on the community/county and the likelihood of him retiring one day. His absence would mean an increased work load for the Land & Water Conservation Department.

Next Meeting Date

June 12, 2012 @ 8:30 a.m.

Wildlife Damage Claim Program – Ed Zydzik

E. Zydzik reported he received confirmation that all of Rusk County Wildlife Damage Claims for 2011 were approved and payments are being mailed from Madison.

Ed had one wolf kill at the Jim Heintz farm after the death of a calf was reported. The state is currently working on putting together a wolf hunting season for the Fall. There would be a tentative cost of $10 to apply for a tag. If your name gets drawn, it would then cost $100 for the license. Non-resident costs would be $100 to apply for a tag and $500 for the license. The state has not yet established the number of wolves to be reduced.

There are currently eighty shooting permits active in Wisconsin, resulting in three wolves being killed thus far. Ed expects the wolves will become very elusive after the season opens.

Review Monthly Expenditures

Copies of the monthly expenses were reviewed.

Annual Tree Sale Update

M. Zimmer reported that all of the trees ordered, have been sold or donated. Some remaining Cedar trees were donated to the Flambeau School for planting during their Environmental Day, and the remaining shrubs were utilized by the county for planting at the airport. The trees were large again this year, which made planting a bit more of a chore.

Soil and Water Management Grant

DATCP recently submitted additional instructions to ensure the accuracy of Rusk County’s 2013 Staffing Grant Application. Some adjustments had to be made to the salaries and benefits of past/retired employees vs. the new hire in those positions. DATCP will be more active in monitoring how counties are reporting time spent working on soil and water resource management (SWRM) activities.

Lakes Conference Presentation – Dairyland Project

M Zimmer reported that at the Wisconsin Lakes Partnership Convention in Green Bay on April 11, the WRA was named a 2012 Wisconsin Lake Stewardship Award recipient in the Group Category.

Conservation Poster Contest

Conservation/Recycling posters from area schools were judged and displayed in the Rusk County Courthouse during Earth Week

LWCD Projects Update

M. Zimmer discussed current projects being worked on that include: heavy use area protection, waste transfer, prescribed grazing (fencing), and shoreline protection.

Agency Reports

Natural Resource Conservation Service Report – M. Koehler

M. Koehler gave a full description on the workings and history of the NRCS for the benefit of the newly elected committee members. Mike explained that bids were due this week for 4 different Wetland Reserve Program projects. Two are repairs and two are new projects.

Mike reported that Rusk County has forty WRP contracts signed. The NRCS Office just went through a program review that occurs every 5 years. Due to staff shortages, Koehler has been assigned to an area team responsible for doing compliance reviews in Washburn, Burnett and half of Barron County.

Farm Service Agency Report – K. Brihn

Kathy was not here this month.

Out of County Travel

Motion by R. Nawrocki/A. Knops to approve J. Skaw attending the NW Technicians meeting in Park Falls, May 17, 2012 and M. Zimmer attending the NWLCA meeting in Hayward May 18, 2012. Carried.


Motion by A. Knops/ D. Cicha to adjourn at 10:45 A.M. Carried.