July 27, 2012

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Q.Yesterday you talked about how stress free the round was. This appeared to be the same thing?

ROBERT GARRIGUS: Yeah, except on number 10, I almost hopped the thing. My 3iron takes off at two to three feet off the ground, and I hit it a little thin and it caught the grass right in front of the tee box. It felt pretty stupid, but it was a stress free bogey, almost made par, and then started striking again. It was just a brain fart.

Q. That's the only bogey you've made all week.

ROBERT GARRIGUS: I figured everybody could relate to that, but they didn't think they'd see it from me. It was my only bogey. I'm hitting it well, rolling it okay. I missed a couple of short putts for birdie. I could be 1 ahead right now, but that's all right.

Q. 14 and 15 were two that got away. Then at 16, did you get bad yardage or did you just not hit the shot, because you missed it by six inches.

ROBERT GARRIGUS: I was kind of pissed at the guy who cut the cup. He could have cut a little to the left so I could have had a hole in one. But that was a great shot. I hit two great shots on 17, made birdie, hit a couple good on 18, just didn't make the putt, but it was good going into the weekend.

Q. You and Scott may get to play again. You seem to play well together.

ROBERT GARRIGUS: Yeah, we're good friends, we like to hang out, talk about stuff on the golf course. We joke around and have fun. That's why it's been laxadazical. We're making birdies and having a good time.

Q. Lot of people might think a long hitter would be handcuffed on a short course like this. Tell me about that?

ROBERT GARRIGUS: I can take advantage of it with my 3iron. I can just punch that 3iron down the middle of the fairway. If I don't top it, that's usually pretty good. I can hit 3woods and 5woods where everybody's hitting driver. I'm hitting less club and sitting next to them.

It's easy take advantage of it on the fairways. If you don't hit the fairways, it's not going to be fun. So I have to concentrate on that this weekend.

Q. You're a very powerful player especially off the tee. This course doesn't cater to those style of players. That being said, what's that speak of to how well you've been laying out here strategically and also going through all the clubs in your bag?

ROBERT GARRIGUS: That is the big part. My caddie Brent Henley and I had a game plan starting the week. We weren't going to pound driver all day, but the holes we could take advantage of it, we're going to hit it. We could hit it 6 times a day which is more than I thought I was going to. I've hit a couple of 5woods and 3irons. My 3iron has been very key except for one shot on 10 I kind of fluffed it.

But it's been a lot of fun this week. Plus I'm hitting my irons so well, and I'm putting okay. I mean, my caddie keeps telling me if you keep hitting close, you're going to miss a couple. So don't get frustrated. He's been good about keeping me calm about that, because I missed some short putts. So now I'm looking forward to this weekend.

Q. You played with Scott Piercy today, the last two days. You hear it all the time, you feed off another player. Is that the case the last two days?

ROBERT GARRIGUS: Yeah, absolutely. We're having a good time. We're both in a good position in our careers right now. So it's kind of fun to go out there and just play away and have fun, tell some jokes, tell some stories. We know each other pretty well, so I'm looking forward to hopefully playing them on the weekend. If not, hopefully Sunday late.

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