Artificial Xmas tree

Poole axes real Christmas tree 'for safer fake one because of health and safety' (‘Elf ’n’ safety’, wrote the Sun)

Shoppers stared in bemusement: «It looks nothing like a Christmas tree………..

1.  it looks more like a witch's hat...
2.  a big hat.
3.  like a great big green traffic cone
4.  locals have branded it a traffic cone and witch's hat.
5.  It's like something that's landed from outer space
6.  has no branches or decorations.
7.  the branchless artificial tree which has embedded lights and speakers to play music
8.  an ice cream cornet
9.  something out of Dr Who.
10. It's not at all Christmassie
11. It doesn't have any decorations as there are no branches to hang them from.
12. It just looks weird during the day.
13. A Christmas tree is a tree that looks nice on the eye and sways in the wind and smells pleasant when you go past it; this just looks odd.
14. The tree – fashioned from a metal frame covered with plastic “needles” and decorated with LED lights –
15. It looks like a speckled carpet. / 16. a metal frame with some astro turf
17. a wizard’s hat,
18. a dunce’s cap,
19. a cone pinched from the road works.”
20. I think it looks like something that has just landed from out of space
21. a Christmas tree that you can wipe your feet on
22. a giant cone covered in what appears to be green doormats
23. something that belongs in the roadworks.
24. a cheap special effect from an early episode of Doctor Who.
25. constructed on a metal frame overlaid with what appears to be artificial grass,
26. It doesn’t feel Christmassy at all.”
27. It looks like something that has been beamed down from outer space
28. a lump of astroturf
29. What a waste of money. It's a load of crap.
30. Bill Scott, 77, said: “This is a total disgrace and my sister thinks so too. I’m an army man and it would be wrong for me to express my real feelings in language other people might hear.”
