Scorer with BridgePads

Swiss Pairs Scoring – Quick Guide

These instructions a short guide to Swiss Pairs scoring. Only the most common functions are covered. For details on more advanced or optional functions see the Scorer User Manual and BridgePad User Guide.

Start scorer using desktop icon:


Name = admin

Password = none (leave blank)

Or use the Name and Password you have been provided with

Click Enter

From top menu, choose Scorer, then Score Section

The event should have been pre-entered in the calendar. If the event is not showing here, refer to the User Guide for instructions on how to enter an event

Select the event (there will usually only be one)

Click Next

Make sure that the date and event name are in the header window at the top of the screen

Click Players to print pairs and pair numbers which will have been pre-entered.

If pairs show up who have not been pre-entered, these can be added by clicking Add New Pairs

Start BridgePad and Do the Draw

Make sure the correct Round No. is showing

Check that Draw Type is set to Live, then Click Draw

Enter starting board number. 1 for the first round of the night.

Click Create Remote Database

Tick (click) Clear Data from Server

Click Start Remote Server

The BridgePad software will start up in the background

Click Automatic Draw

You may get a message saying “The draw is good”. Don’t worry if not.

When the draw id done, it will be shown on the screen here

Click the Team / Pair Order radio button

To display the draw on a big screen, click View Draw in Browser

If print is required, click View Print. When the print window shows, click Print or Setup to change the print options (eg print multiple copies).

Post the draw for players to take their seats at the correct tables and hand out boards

Setup BridgePad and Game Options for Swiss Pairs

If you cannot see the BridgePad data screen, click on the BridgePad icon at the bottom of the screen (or press Alt-Tab).

When you have the BridgePad window connected to RF Unit should be showing Green

Check that the correct number of tables and boards are showing.

For rounds other than the first, there will be a Table 0 showing in this window. This can be ignored.

Click Game Options

Ensure settings are as shown here (Note: Game mode = Normal, not Swiss Pairs)

Click OK

Select Communications/ Channel and select the same channel the BridgePads have been set to

(for Club night play, this is usually channel 12)

Hand out the BridgePad units. The units will show pair numbers for NS and EW. Tell players to check with the unit that they are sitting in the correct direction.

The Round is played

As players connect to the server, the word “Initialized” appears in the init row

During play, the squares for board/table will be populated with the results and the director can monitor that results are being received as play progresses

At the end of the round click on the BrigePad program again and check that all results have been captured (look for blank squares).

If any boards have not been played (eg for lack of time), go to the BridgePad unit at the table and enter NP for the contract.

When all results are in, change the channel to channel 19 so no more entries can be made. Click Yes to the message that indicates you are severing the connection to BridgePad.

Generate and Print Results

It is best to make any re-assigned score adjustments in the BridgePad programme. Click the entry on the BridgePad screen you want to change, and you will get a box in which you can change the score.

Important: In Scorer, make sure you are showing the correct round No.

Set Results type to VP Results

Click Upload from Server to bring in the results

Percentage adjustments to board results can be made by clicking Enter Scores.

Any further penalty adjustments can be made by clicking Adjustments button

Click Calc Results

When the Report Print Options box comes up Click Print

Setup on the Report Options Box allows you to change the printer settings (eg select a different printer, print multiple copies) or export the results in a different format

Start New Round

Go back to the setup screen, make sure you are showing the correct round and produce the draw (click on the round line if it’s not showing correct round). Enter the correct starting board number and restart BridgePad (Follow steps on pages 4-7).

Post the new draw and results for the previous round.

Hand out the next set of bards and then produce the datums for the previous round

Produce SWISS PAIRS Datums

Click Enter Scores

Then Click Board Printout

The Datums screen will come up

You can print this for posting

Click Return twice to get back to the Event setup screen

At the end of the night:

·  Exit and close BridgePad

·  Exit and Close Scorer

·  Shutdown the PC in the playing room

·  Put the results on the web. See separate instructions for doing this in yellow ring binder next to office PC.

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