RMPS Subject Support Meeting

3rd September 2007

Present: Dunbar Grammar: John Bain, Eilidh Valentine; Knox Academy: Luke Francis; North Berwick High School: Rachel Auchnie, Jane Lowe; Preston Lodge High School: Mark Hughes, Lynsey McGaw, Zoe Monaco; Ross High School: Carrie Black, David Chalmers

Apologies: Liane Adam, Ian Johnston, Colin Ross

SQA Exam Results

  • Discussion concerning SQA exam results

-Standard Grade: All agreed that the 2007 paper (especially General) was particularly rigorous. However, results were generally good.

-Intermediate2 RMPS: All agreed results were disappointing at Int2 level this year.

-Higher RMPS: Schools which entered pupils at this level were pleased with results.

-Higher Philosophy: Ross High School was disappointed with Higher Philosophy results. Is there a problem with the way Philosophy papers are marked, i.e. not enough scope for additional material?

ACTION: L. Francis to contact Tom Stanage from SQA to receive a more comprehensive breakdown of results at a national level.

Edubuzz Presentation

  • Tessa Watson provided a comprehensive overview of East Lothian Council’s Edubuzz initiative.

-Blogging software is free, easy to use – log on to to find out more.

-Sites such as Flickr and Photobucket provide a useful source for images.

-Twilight sessions will be running for teachers to find out more/set up their own class/personal blogs.

Samye Ling Teachers Weekend

  • Samye Ling Teachers weekend is running from the 26th-28th of October. Teachers who are teaching Int2/Higher Buddhism may be able to receive funding from Subject Support Budget to attend this weekend. L. Francis is happy to provide transport to and from Samye Ling.
  • Discussion concerning possibility of establishing East Lothian Int2/Higher Samye Ling pupil/teacher trip.

ACTION: All teachers interested to contact L. Francis.

ATRES Conference

  • The ATRES conference is being held in Dunblaine from the 10th – 11th May. All who attended the conference last year agreed it was a great networking event. The theme this year is on the role of RMPS in the delivery of A Curriculum for Excellence.

ACTION: Anyone interested in attending should contact L. Francis.

Sharing Good Practice

  • The next Subject Support meeting will focus on sharing good practice. Teachers who have made a unit of work/series of lessons which they think work particularly well should bring them to the next meeting.

Courses on Offer in ELC Schools

  • Currently, certificated courses on offer in East Lothian Schools are:

-Dunbar Grammar: Int1/Int2/Higher RMPS

-Knox Academy: Standard Grade RS, Int2/Higher RMPS

-Musselburgh Grammar: N/A

-North Berwick High School: Int2/Higher Psychology, Higher Philosophy

-Preston Lodge High School: Standard Grade RS, Int2/Higher RMPS

-Ross High School: Standard Grade RS, Int2/Higher Philosophy

Further Training

  • Joe Walker to attend either November or May session.


  • Zoe Monaco inquired about purchasing DVD’s/materials on Islam.

ACTION: L. Francis to investigate/order appropriate materials to be shared at an authority level.