Copyright © 2007 by Oklahoma History Press

Chapter 20


Lesson Plans for Oklahoma History Teacher______Date______

Common Core

Content Standard 4: The student will examine the transformation of Oklahoma during times of boom and bust of the 1920s through the 1940s.

4.7 Describe the contributions of Oklahomans in 1920s and 1930s including Deep Deuce and African-American jazz musicians, Will Rogers’s and Woody Guthrie’s political and social commentaries, Wiley Post’s aviation milestones, and the artwork of the Kiowa Six (formerly the Kiowa Five).

4.8 Summarize and analyze the impact of mobilization for World War II including the establishment of military bases and prisoner of war installations and the contributions of Oklahomans to the war effort including the Native American code talkers and the 45th Infantry Division.

Content Standard 5: The student will investigate how post-war social, political, and economic events continued to transform the state of Oklahoma during the 1950s through the present.

5.2 Analyze the impact of economic growth in various sectors including the

a) Impact of rural to urban migration,

e) Improvement of the state’s transportation infrastructures and the Kerr-McClellan Navigation System.


Read World War II, pages 298-306.

Be prepared to participate in class discussion using the questions on page 307.

Complete the following in Student Activity Book:


Complete the statements.

True and False statements

Map Study - locate 7 military institutions

There is no Feature assigned for this chapter.

I. Discussion Questions

1. Discuss the accomplishments of Robert S. Kerr as governor and as the United States Senator from Oklahoma.

2. Why was Woody Guthrie’s work significant?

3. Discuss the controversy between Leon Phillips and Ernest Marland.

2.  What roles did women play in World War II?

5. Identify:

Woody Guthrie

E. W. Marland

Code talkers

“Willie and Joe”

Charles Chibitty

Robert S. Kerr

6. Use the governors page at to find Marland’s importance to Ponca City.

7. Define economy and solvency, named as priorities of Phillips.

8. Where did the U.S. house its prisoners of war? How did the U.S. make use of them?

9. Why is Oklahoma a good location for military bases?

10. What was the purpose of the Geneva Convention of 1929? Research its name.

II. Activities:

Using library sources, the textbook, and other sources (see below), research Senator Josh Lee and his contributions. Write a 500-word report.

Timelines for 45th Infantry Division and for Robert S. Kerr

Puzzle Letter Scramble

Time Line- Add the following information to the time line.

Woody Guthrie

Governor E. W. Marland

Governor Leon “Red” Phillips

Governor Robert S. Kerr

Service of the 45th Infantry Division in WWII and the Korean War

III. Internet Research

IV. Suggested Reading:

Anne Hodges Morgan, Robert S. Kerr: The Senate Years (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1977)

Elizabeth Partridge, This Land Was Made For You and Me: The Life and Songs of Woody Guthrie (New York: Viking, 2002)

Bonnie Christensen, Woody Guthrie: Poet of the People (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2001)

Woody Guthrie, This Land is Your Land (Boston, MA: Little, Brown, 1998)

Joe Klein, Woody Guthrie: A Life (New York : Alfred A. Knopf : distributed by Random House, 1980)

Woody Guthrie Bound for Glory (New York: E.P. Dutton, 1968)


Listed below are 5 important dates in the history of the 45th Infantry Division. On the blank lines to the right, list the important events which match the dates.




by V.E. Day



Alongside the names of the following 8 figures are phrases describing them at some phase in their lives, but the letters are scrambled. Put the letters in their proper orders to learn what these people did.


Ernest W. Marland LAMINO (2)


Leon Phillips AFLOTOLB YELPAR (4)




Mrs. Claude Hill CEDROTADE ZIETNIC (8)


Listed below are 5 important dates related to Robert S. Kerr. On the blank lines on the right, fill in the important events which occurred in those years.






Student Activity Book

Chapter 20 WORLD WAR II

I. VOCABULARY. Write a short definition of each word below.

1. hindered______5. emigrate______

2. avid______6. infamous______

3. notorious______7. proficient______

4. patronage______8. indomitable______

II. COMPLETION. Fill in the blanks in the sentences below with the correct word or words.

1. One of the migrants from the Dust Bowl in the thirties was an Oklahoma balladeer

named ______.

2. William H. Murray was succeeded as governor by______.

3. William H. Murray’s nickname was “______” Murray.

4. Murray’s successor devised a state relief aid plan that was known as the “Little______.”

5. Because of their handling of state finances, the 16th Legislature was known as the______Sixteenth.

6. The agreement among several states to organize a council to provide guidance in regulating and stabilizing the oil industry was called the______.

7. The Senator known as the great orator from Norman was Senator______.

8. The constitutional amendment prohibiting the state from spending more money than it takes in was

passed during the administration of Governor______.

9. Most political limitations against women holding office were removed during the administration of


10. The Oklahoma National Guard changed its insignia because the original symbol resembled the insignia of the______.

11. The Germans called the men of the 45th Division the______

12. Two cartoon characters who helped make the 45th famous were______and


13. The U.S. Navy’s only inland base was located at______.

14. The first governor born within what is now Oklahoma was______.

15. The governor who improved the state’s image nationwide and left a surplus in the state treasury was ______.

16. The Oklahoman who was known as the “King of the Senate” was ______.

III. TRUE or FALSE. Write “True” for true and “False” for false.

_____ 1. Governor Marland served with a friendly legislature which was ready to pass any bill he sent to it.

_____ 2. Many state relief programs were successful, despite the problems and abuses.

_____ 3. An Oklahoma law prohibited a governor succeeding himself.

_____ 4. Military communication for the 45th was not broken by the Germans because communications were in Indian languages.

_____ 5. In Oklahoma, there were several training facilities for the Army and Air Force but none for the Navy.

_____ 6. Some Prisoners of War were imprisoned in Oklahoma.

_____ 7. According to the Geneva Convention, Prisoners of War could not be used as a labor force.

_____ 8. Leon Phillips defeated several candidates, including Robert S. Kerr, for the office of governor.

_____ 9. The greatest problem in getting to use Prisoners of War as farm labor was government red tape.

_____ 10. Robert S. Kerr believed in and supported “big government.”

_____ 11. Kerrs interests were more national and international than local so he did little for Oklahoma when he was senator.

_____ 12. Kerr died while in office as Senator.

IV. MAP. Using a wall map, a roadmap, or an atlas, locate the following seven military installation sites which were active in Oklahoma during World War II: Midwest City; Muskogee; Lawton; Clinton; Norman; Miami; El Reno.