University of North Texas
Department of Mathematics
MS Project Committee Report
This report form is to be completed by the MS student’s project committee after the project presentation/final comprehensive examination. It is to be filed with the Graduate Affairs Committee for the purpose of graduate program assessment. No individual names will appear in any assessment result based on the data provided in this report.
Student ______Date ______
Major Professor ______
Committee Member ______
Committee Member ______
Other Committee Members (if applicable) ______
The student should submit the following material to the GAC as part of the assessment data:
i. a 2 page minimum project summary with a list of references,
ii. sample work on the project, such as drafts, computer code/output, slides or power point, etc.
Please evaluate the student with respect to the following student learning outcomes by providing the most appropriate answers to the following questions:
Student Learning Outcome #1MS students in Mathematics are expected to demonstrate the ability to produce precise, well organized, and sufficiently detailed mathematical proofs and/or counterexamples.
1. Did the student produce precise, well organized, and sufficiently detailed mathematical proofs and/or counterexamples?
A. Consistently B. Sometimes C. Rarely D. Not at all E. No basis for judgment
2. Specify all areas of mathematics in which the student produced rigorous proofs and/or counterexamples:
A. Algebra B. Analysis C. Topology D. Applied Mathematics E. Statistics
F. Others (specify: ______)
Student Learning Outcome #2MS Students in Mathematics are expected to demonstrate the ability to identify, consolidate, and synthesize mathematical ideas from sources beyond the material normally found in the relevant core courses.
3. Did the student critically read mathematical papers and/or book chapters for material not covered in core courses?
A. Numerous B. A few C. None D. No basis for judgment
4. How do you describe the student’s understanding of the subject?
A. Excellent B. Very good C. Good D. Poor E. None
5. Did the student make connections of different areas of mathematics and/or with other related fields?
A. A lot B. Some C. None D. No basis for judgment
Student Learning Outcome #3MS students in Mathematics are expected to demonstrate the ability to give a precise, well organized and sufficiently detailed oral presentation of a coherent collection of mathematical ideas and results.
6. Was the student’s oral project presentation well organized?
A. Very well organized B. Mostly well organized C. Generally well organized D. Not well organized
7. Was the student’s oral project presentation precise and sufficiently detailed?
A. Very precise B. Somewhat precise C. Only when asked to be D. Not precise
8. Based on the student’s oral project presentation, is the student likely to be a good teacher in the classroom?
A. Absolutely B. Very likely C. Neutral D. Unlikely E. Not sufficient basis for judgment
Student Learning Outcome #4MS students in Mathematics are expected to demonstrate the ability to use computer technology to analyze mathematical problems and/or to present mathematical results.
9. Specify all computer software that are used in the student’s project:
A. Mathematical typesetting software such as LaTeX
B. Mathematical computational packages such as Mathematica, Maple, MATLAB, GAP, SAS, etc.
C. Programming language software such as C++, Python, Java, etc.
D. Presentation software such as Power Point, LaTeX slides, etc.
E. Other (specify: ______)
Student Learning Outcome #5MS Students in Mathematics are expected to demonstrate the ability to teach mathematics at a level consistent with their mathematical training.
If the student has had teaching assignments data will be collected from other sources to evaluate the student’s ability to teach.
10. In the student’s oral project presentation, did the student make effective use of time and interact effectively with the audience?
A. Very much B. Somewhat C. Not particularly D. Poorly
Other Comments:
Please provide a letter with the following additional information:
i. Any other comments you have about the above questions, especially those you feel that the standard answers are not sufficient in clarifying the situation;
ii. Any other background information about the student you would like to provide, such as the student’s mathematical background before coming to UNT and the extent of help you provided during the project period;
iii. Any comments on the strengths and weaknesses of the student’s project (for instance, if the student’s project is usually strong and contains outstanding results which are much beyond the normal expectations)