Executive Committee

Meeting Minutes

October 20, 2015

Members in Attendance:CACAA Staff:

Roger Newsome, Chair Tim Center

Charlean Lanier, Vice ChairNina Self

Allen Stucks, TreasurerCynthia Valencic

Cheryl Thompson, Member at LargeLaurie Leiner

Absent: Pamela Manuel, Secretary

The meeting was called to order by the Chair at 5:32p.m. and a quorum was established. The attendance sheet was passed for signature.


After review, Mr. Stucks made the motion to accept the agenda. Ms. Lanier seconded the motion. It was approved.

Consent Agenda

  • The Executive Committee Minutes of the September 15, 2015 meeting were reviewed.

Mr. Stucks made the motion to approve the consent agenda and Ms. Lanier seconded the motion. It was unanimously approved.


  • Head Start Health and Safety Screeners (6) were reviewed. The Head Start Certification of Health and Safety Screening was discussed and reviewed. A copy of the corrective action referred to shall be sent to all Board members with a timeline for completion. A question as to where the monies would be coming from for these corrective actions was asked and Ms. Leiner stated that the repair budget would absorb the costs. All corrections are scheduled to be completed by the end of the current year. Ms. Lanier added that these corrective actions are considered minor and could have been worse.

Mr. Stucks made the motion to approve the six Health and Safety Screeners and the Head Start Certification of Health and Safety Screening. Ms. Lanier seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous.

  • The Head Start Expansion Proposal was discussed. The grant is open for bid for the following counties in North Florida: Liberty/Calhoun, Gulf, Wakulla, and Madison. Mr. Center would like to apply for the grant. This grant includes infants and is worth $3.5 million.

Mr. Stucks made the motion giving permission to write the proposal and apply for the grant. It is due November 30, 2015. The vote was unanimous to approve.

  • The Board Manual draft was reviewed and discussed. CSBG Organizational Standards recommended a Board Manual on how the Agency does business. The committee was asked to review and revise tentatively.

Ms. Lanier made the motion to approve and Mr. Stucks seconded the motion. It was unanimously approved.

  • Credit Card Policies changes were reviewed. Mr. Stucks said to fix Mr. Center’s title with his current one. The suggestion was made to put a limit on the amount of lost receipts. A charge of $50 is reasonable.

After discussion, Mr. Stucks made the motion to approve. Ms. Lanier seconded the motion to approve with the change in adding a limit. It was unanimously approved.

  • The Fiscal Report was reviewed. The committee asked that either the Fiscal Director or CFO should be present at the meetings. The documents show that the agency is 91% through its budget with surplus revenue of $24,000. Head Start has requested a waiver for the 3 months (summer months) of in-kind match.

Mr. Stucks made the motion to approve. It was seconded by Ms. Lanier and was unanimously approved.

  • It is required that an audit is completed on any 401k retirement plan that has 100 or more participants prior to the annual report to the IRS (form 5500) is completed. CRI completed the audit for plan year ended 12/31/2015. The following recommendations were made from Mutual of America concerning our plan:
  1. A proposed amendment to limit the number of loans a participant may have against the funds in their 401k account to one at a time. The agency needs to promote saving for retirement. Some participants have three or more open loans at a time. Mr. Stucks made the motion to approve. It was seconded by Ms. Lanier and unanimously approved.
  2. Currently employees who separate employment from the agency remain in the 401k plan even though they are no longer contributing. They are counted as active participants in the plan. This causes the agency to have over 100 participants which requires us to do an annual audit that costs about $5,000. A proposed amendment states employees who are terminated with account balances greater than $1,000 but not greater than $5,000, who do not make a distribution election, their vested account balances will be rolled over to an individual IRA provided by Mutual of America. They would not longer be active participants and not included in the count to determine if an audit is required. Ms. Lanier made the motion to approve. It was seconded by Mr. Stucks and unanimously approved.
  • Added to the Agenda: Head Start Disputes Resolution Process from the Head Start Governance Requirements. This addresses the process if the Policy Council and Board of Directors disagree on an issue. Corrections to the document include change the reference to Leon County Bar to Tallahassee Bar Association. Also,change the Leon Justice Center to the Tallahassee Bar Association. It was pointed out that a Board of Directors member also serves on the Policy Council and vice versa. There really are no major changes to the document. It had not been updated since 2002. Basically, first there is mediation, then arbitration. This is an escalation of processes for resolution of disputes.

Mr. Stucks made the motion to accept the report. Ms. Lanier seconded the motion. It passed unanimously.

Program Updates

  • Family Support Services

The new Getting Ahead classes will be starting in November. In Weatherization, the new requirements of the fan caused the department to lose a long-time contractor. Ms. Valencic will be retiring in November, 2016. Mr. Center stated the responsibilities of her position could be split into two positions. This, and other options will be reviewed during the succession planning for her position.

  • Head Start

New facilities are doing great. Royal Center is under major renovation. By the end of December it will look brand new. Each center is receiving new playground equipment. The program is close to full enrollment although there is still a problem with Jefferson County enrollment. The Mabry site is confirmed through mid-January.

  • Chief Executive Officer’s Report

Mr. Center announced the DEO/CEO meeting which will be held in St. Augustine next week. This meeting will bring DEO and CEO’s and ED’s from throughout Florida together to discuss many topics.

  • Board Chairman’s Report

Mr. Newsome said that he is stepping down as Chairman at the end of December. The voting for the new Board Chairman will take place at the January meeting. He will look at succession. Mr. Newsome’s term ends July 27, 2016. Mr. Stucks term is ending in November, so a new Treasurer must also be identified. January is the full election of the Executive Committee.

Reminder: November 17 is the Chief Executive Officer’s performance appraisal follow-up prior to the Board meeting. That meeting will be at the Ghazvini Center at 3:30 pm; the Executive Committee meets at 5:00 pm and the full Board of Directors meeting is at 6:00 pm.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:23 pm.

______Date: November 17, 2015

Pamela Manuel, Secretary