Academic Lecture Comprehension 1

Spring 2011

Instructor:Chris Elvin

Contact:before or after class, or email via CELESE

Course Description

In this course, students will develop their academic listening, reading, and note-taking skills through the study and discussion of English lectures of varying lengths. Activities will include watching and listening to lectures in class, taking structured notes, discussion, asking and answering questions, and writing summaries. In addition, related reading will be assigned before each lecture.

Course Goals

1)Comprehend five- to ten-minute lectures in English. (10 points)

2)Understand the structure of different lecture types (chronology, process, classification and definition) (5 points)

3)Take notes of sufficient detail to answer basic comprehension questions about the lecture. (5 points)

4)Ask and answer simple questions about a lecture. (5 points)

5)Read and understand (one-page) articles related to the lecture content. (10 points)

6)Write simple one-paragraph-long lecture summaries based on lecture notes. (10 points)

7)Attain a 2000-word vocabulary. (5 points)

Course Schedule

Week 1: Orientation

Week 2: Chapter 2: Chronology – “Pompeii” Part 1

Week 3: Chapter 2: Chronology – “Pompeii” Part 2

Week 4: Chapter 4: Process – “Internet” Part 1

Week 5: Chapter 4: Process – “Internet” Part 2

Week 6: Chapter 5: Process – “Language” Part 1

Week 7: Chapter 5: Process – “Language” Part 2

Week 8: Chapter 7: Classification/Definition – “A Tidal Wave” Part 1

Week 9: Chapter 7: Classification/Definition – “A Tidal Wave” Part 2

Week 10: Chapter 8: Classification/Definition – “Levels of Language Usage” Part 1

Week 11: Chapter 8: Classification and Definition – “Levels of Language Usage” Part 2

Exam Week: Review of Academic Progress (standardized final test)

Required Textbook

Dunkel, P.A. and Lim, P.L. (2006). Intermediate Listening Comprehension (Third Edition). Thomson Heinle.

Evaluation and Grading Criteria

a) In-Class Tests: 50%

b) Homework: 15%

c) Final Test: 35%

Class Grade: Your class grade will be based on your a) a final test b) reading for pleasure, and d) your attendance.

a) In-class Tests: 50 points

There will be five lecture quizzes for goals 1 and 2. Each test will have six questions. Four question will be content questions (10 points), and two questions will be structure questions (5 points).

In addition, you are asked to take notes for each of the five lectures (goal 3) (5 points)

The mid-term test (15 points) and final class test (15 points) will test goals 4, 5, 6 and 7)

b) Homework: 15%

You will be assigned two lectures to listen to for homework, and to answer questions or write a summary on each one. (10 points)

Please hand in your lecture note summaries for the lectures that we listened to in class. (5 points)

35%Final CELESE Test

Final Test: This test is prepared by CELESE department and is scheduled after our final lesson as a class. For further information, and to view previous copies of the test, please check the CELESE website.

Please do your best, and good luck!

Chris Elvin