Minutes of Vidyalaya Management Committee meeting 2017-18

The meeting of vidyalaya management committee KV Sec-25 Rohini was held on 18 September 2017 at 11:00 A.M. in the principal’s room in vidyalaya premises. The meeting was chaired by our very own Prof. P.B. Sharma , Chairman VMC.The principal welcomed all the worthy members of VMC. This time we were privileged to have Dr. RuchikaMehrotra(as nominee Chairman) in place of Dr. RichaSrivastava.She was specially welcomed by the Principal and other members.

Following were the agenda points which were presented by Mrs. KumudSrivastava(Principal of the Vidyalaya)

  1. Staff Vacancy position :- The VMC members were made aware of the process of school up gradation, since April 2017, Earlier, we had 1 section from level 1 to 8 . And the school was upto 10 standard only . But, presently we have 2 sections from level 1 to 10. And, all the streams (i.e. Science, Commerce & Arts at Level 11.
  1. In the month of April 2017 we remained busy in making New Admissions. In the month of June 2017 we shifted to the new site.

Thus , academic session for the new batches and class XI started from 21 June 2017. Further ,vacant staff strength is 21. 17 out of this ‘21’is for teaching staff. Till now we had all part time teachers appointed against these vacancies. The well being of students was always kept foremost but we had a lot many challenges and concerns then.

  • Some of the part time teacher were completely unaware of setup at Kendriya Vidyalays’ thus they didn’t perform upto the mark.
  • Few of them were good but left in between .So in few cases frequent change of teachers also affected students .
  • But now, the first KVS transfer list is out (on 14 Sept. 2017) and we have 7 PRT(s) and 6PGT either have joined us or will shortly join us.
  1. Fund requirements:- Their was a list of approximate money value required to make our school optimally functional. This list was discussed and drawn last VMC meeting . Since then, at least 10 reminders have been sent across to respective KVS authorities .But , all we got is same Rs 7.5 Lakhs(in the name of class room furniture ) and was mentioned in the last meeting too.

Thus ,theestimated expenditure, list stands there only

Estimated Expenditure to purchase required materials for New Building:-

S. No. / RM Materials Required / Estimated Cost
1. / Class-room furniture dual desk, small chairs, hexagonal tables, lab stools / 1500000/-
2. / Teachers’ chair, Teacher’s table and other office furniture / 300000/-
3. / Furniture for reception area (… for visitors ) / 200000/-
4. / Furniture for Library / 100000/-
5. / Books for Library / 200000/-
6. / For furnishing Medical Room / 100000/-
7. / Music Equipments / 100000/-
8. / Sports Equipments / 200000/-
9. / 16 CCTV / 500000/-
10. / 04 Water Cooler / 320000/-
11. / 04 RO Purifier / 320000/-
12. / 10 Air Conditioners / 320000/-
13. / Networking of computers in two computer labs / 100000/-
14. / Shifting Carrier Charges / 100000/-
15. / Lab Equipments for various Labs(i.e. Physics, Chemistry, Biology) / 1300000/-
16. / Repair of furniture / 80000/-
17. / Display boards (and their fixation) / 100000/-
Total / 4840000/-

As now , the school is completely functional at a greater magnitude thus, to meet the most essential of the needs whatever arrangements have been made stand for payments (i.e. their payments are pending).The chairman VMC was requested to write a letter to deputy commissioner,KVS Delhi Region …as Principals efforts are not sufficient to attain funds from KVS….at least to meet most urgent of the requirement.

Condemnation of unserviceable items:- …condemnation of Musical instruments , material from Junior Science Lab and computer lab mainly constitute this estimated cost of Rs. 4 Lakh 17 thousand , seven hundred and twenty three. Thus VMC members were requested for their consent to send across the estimation to KVS authorities for approval(…because VMC can approve the estimation reaching value up to two lakhs only ).The Chairman of the Committee was also requested to form condemnation committee and auction Committee.

  1. Issues related to swimming pool:-In the year 2004 , a part of KVS land was subleased to an agency for swimming pool. Subsequently ,DDA raised objection to this . Thus, KVS withdraw the orders ( in the year 2004 itself ). The court case regarding this went on till 2012. In the year 2012 hon’ble high court advised both the parties to mutually resolve the issue . But, Since then none of the parties made any significant attempt towards that . Thus, it stands there and yet to be resolved. But , for seeing security issues a 7 feet high partition wall was constructed before shifting( …this was done as per the instructions of KVS authorities)
  1. Development of sports facilities:- * A lot has been discussed regarding this (in the last

meeting ) but nothing could take up concrete shape till now. Approximate, 1 Acre of the land in the school premises requires development. As, earlier a part of that was an ice hockey ring’s pit. This was filled in by dumping all the concrete waste. The other part of it had old temporary barracks ,Which when demolished ,was not done completely. So, that part of the land still has iron rods/pillars dug inside and not safe for children to play. CPWD and PWD Arunanchal Pradesh were asked to give estimated cost of the same .

  1. House Keeping and security services :-… VMC members were also made awareregarding this. The contract for these is getting over on 30 Sept. 2017. As per KVS rules either new tenders can be called or the old ones can be renewed . Thus, the concerned committee has approved the renewal of contract with the agencies already with us.VMC was requested to further guide for the same.
  1. Security Concerns :-

The incidents of crime against children are on rise . Keeping this in view, We also discussed about the security services in school. The VMC Members were made aware of CCTV cameras fitted in school , the Alarm system and different kind of interactions between teachers and students to sensitize students and to keep them alert.

  1. Other Suggestions:- Our worthy chairman made some valueable suggestions to be incorporated in the school curriculum. He suggested to facilitate students to undertake small projects so as to make them more aware of their surroundings…understanding of geographical conditions and social elements should be strengthened through these projects… children should also be involved more and more in community services (visits to oldage homes or orphanages should be planned). Lectures from corporate sectors should also be organized so as to create awareness regarding industries running nearby. Also he suggested to invite people from different institutions for talk … to facilitate students in imbibing better human values .

* He also guided us to mention our gratitude through a letter of thanks to the secretary MHRD and to Deputy Commissioner.

The meeting was closed with a ward of “Thanks” from Mrs. Prabhjot Kaur (TGT, English).

The following members attended the VMC Meeting held on 08/06/2017.

S.No. / Name of the VMC Member / Sign / Phone No. / E-Mail ID
1. / Prof. P. B. Sharma Chairman VMC
2. / Ms. RuchikaMehrotra , Chairman Nominee
3. / Dr. K.C. Tiwari Member VMC
4. / Dr. Vijay Kansal Member VMC
5. / Mr. C.K. Arya Member VMC
6. / Mr. R.K. AroraMember VMC
7. / Mr. R.P. Ram Member VMC
8. / Mr. R. C. Shastri Member VMC
9. / Mr. Bimal Jain Member VMC
10. / Mrs. KumudSrivastava ,Principal , K.V. Sec-25 ,Rohini
11. / Mrs. PrabhjotKaur, TGT English, Member VMC