UNFPA Handover- Knowledge Transfer- LCMB DHR 2008

Knowledge Transfer Template


Index Number:

Job Title:

Duty Station:



Name of Supervisor:

Date of Knowledge Transfer Note:

1) What should your successor know about the most important aspects of your job?

a) What tips can you offer?

2) What are some constraints that you typically encounter in your job?

b) What are some ways to overcome these constraints?

3) Please provide 3 tips for your replacement on settling into the post.




4) Brief Description of Duties:

Copy-paste actual Work Plan Output of the PAD

5) Supervisor and reporting procedures:

Name of your supervisor

Name/s of your supervisee:

6) Regular/recurring meetings (days and location), reports or procedures:

Include memberships in committees and relevant groups.

Name of Meeting / Dates-Location / Purpose / Relevance to the Post / Focal Point

7) Suggested key documents/reference material to read (attach when possible or provide the link in Docushare): Please provide a brief description of each document using the following table as a reference

Title / Division / Importance-Summary

8) Suggested key learning activities to participate in (i.e. e-learning, workshops, etc).

Name of Activity / Methodology (i.e. e-learning, workshop) / Location or focal point

9) Status of recent and current activities:

  1. A brief outline of all activities being undertaken by the post holder at the time of vacating the office. Try to be as brief as possible (i.e. no more than one paragraph per activity). The content should clearly outline any current difficulties being experienced or anticipated problems that need to be addressed in the foreseeable future. This information should form the main body of the report.Indicate by order of priority.

a) Name of activity

b) Status

c) Action needed (highlight urgent if this needs to be addressed immediately)

d) Partners

e) Budget (if applicable)

f) Critical issues/challenges/priorities

g) Lessons learned

  1. Repeat as many times as necessary.

10) Where to find files (hardcopy and electronic (on the L drive):

File Name / Hard Copy / E-Copy

11) Calendar of major activities and/or events (please include important deadlines, meetings, events, etc)

Activity-Event / Deadline Date / Notes

12) Contacts (internal)

Name / Department / Phone / E-mail / Comments

13) Contacts (external)

Name / Department / Phone / E-mail / Comments


UNFPA Handover- Knowledge Transfer- LCMB DHR 2008

Knowledge Transfer Matrix

Directions for completing the transfer matrix

  • Write down key words for each box
  • Include as many bullet points as possible
  • Use your job description and PAD as a guide to help you complete this matrix

Specific Knowledge that belongs to your position / Functions/Responsibility that belong to your position / Technical Competencies needed to perform your job
Skills that are essential or desirable / Reporting Relationships / Communication and information dissemination channels

Final Checklist


No. / Task / Why?
1 / File all your work, in a current, shared filing scheme using the L drive or other filing mechanism in your office, / To allow your successor and colleagues to access information they will need.
2 / If there is no shared filing scheme, transfer your work to colleagues or save it in a shared area on your network.
3 / Delete any work that does not need to be kept or filed. / Colleagues will be confused if information is kept that is not needed.
4 / Clean up your email account. / Your email account remains active for a limited time once you leave. Please ensure you have activated the ‘out of office’. Please provide the name of your replacement or someone else in your section who will respond to inquires.
5 / Delete personal voicemail greeting and messages. / As personal voicemail is protected by a security code only you have access to it. The easiest option is for you to delete your personal greeting and any stored messages before leaving.
6 / Set an out-of-office reply for your email account, identifying an alternative contact to deal with any enquiries that may come to your email. / Your email account remains active for a limited time after you leave. Enquirers need to know who they should contact instead of you.
7 / Remove all personal information including emails and internet explorer ‘favorites’ from your computer. / So you keep important personal information and to ensure that others cannot access it once you leave.
8 / Return any borrowed items, / Important reference material is often lost when people change jobs.

UNFPA Handover Sign Off Sheet

Date and Signature of post holder handing over:

Please sign a statement certifying the accuracy of the report.

Date and Signature of post holder’s supervisor:

Please confirm that the content of the report is accurate and in line with the objectives of the unit.