Jeevan Daan Samiti

Education and Environment Center

Village: Uchauri; Post: Uchauri, Tehsil: Saidpur; Zilla Ghazipur (UP)

Report of January to March 2003:

The three educational center and the Women Sewing Center have been operating satisfactorily for the past three months. At present 21 children are attending the permanent education center located at the Musahar settlement in Hridarpur. About 25 children are attending the educational center located at Amuaare brick-kiln. This center operates for 6 months of the year. The third center located at Shri Ram Yadav’s brick kiln at Khajurahat also operates only part year and about 16 children attend this center. Earlier only those children who parents were the local people used to attend our center. But now we are getting children of those labourers who are from Ranchi, Ballia, and Bilaspur. However as their language is little different from ours, therefore we face little difficulty in teaching them.

Instead of starting classes with a song, we start with a 2-minute silence. The children are made to games every day. Three days a week we tell the children stories after classes are over. Every Saturday the children are taught about cleanliness and Bal-Sabha is organized.

The sewing center for women has been established in Hridarpur so that the people of this village can also learn sewing. The sewing center was operational upto Mid-march. After mid-March, the girls go with their parents to lend them a hand at the brick-kilns. The sewing center will be closed up till 15th June. After the 15th June the sewing center will be operational on a regular basis as most of the laborers will return back to their villages. In March only four girls were left behind: Sabita, Sunita, Muguni, and Muradhi.

We have also started Bee-keeping in March. We have started with 2 boxes.

The timings of the school have been changed to 8 am to 10.30 am for the months of apr-june.

Vishvesh Kumar


Financial Report : Jan-Mar 2003

December 2002

26th Dec / Petrol 2L / 70
26th Dec / Travel expenses for 2 (to go to Benaras) / 102
26th Dec / Ball, Tripal, + one more item / 215
26th Dec / Slate, Chart, + one more item / 539
28th Dec / Blackboard 3 x 200 / 600


/ 1526

January 2003

2nd Jan / Threads, Scissors, needles, Oil / 94
2nd Jan / Toffees, Lachidana (?) / 44
5th Jan / Petrol / 35
8th Jan / Study Material / 160
11th Jan / Travel to Benaras / 70
12th Jan / Repair of the cycle / 15
15th Jan / Stationery / 85
26th Jan / Laddus / 120
29th Jan / Repair of the cycle / 10
31st Jan / Postal expenditure / 60
31st Jan / Honorarium-
Ramcharan Ram
Vishvesh / 400


/ 3313

February 2003

15th Feb / Sewing Machine repair / 25
18th Feb / Petrol / 80
21st Feb / Cycle repair / 25
22nd Feb / Travel to Benaras / 75
22nd Feb / Phone / 4
28th Feb / Postal expenditure / 75
28th Feb / Honorarium-
Ramcharan Ram
Vishvesh / 400


/ 2684

March 2003

2nd Mar / Repair of the Sewing machine / 30
7th Mar / Petrol / 37
15th Mar / Scissors, Buttons, Machine oil / 175
24th Mar / Beekeeping Materials / 395
25th Mar / Reel photo, Battery / 114
28th Mar / Petrol / 76
29th Mar / Beekeeping boxes (2) / 48
29th Mar / Rental for the Jeep / 500
31st Mar / Postal expenditure / 150
31st Mar / Honorarium-
Jayaprakash / 400


/ 7477


Jan- 3313

Feb- 2684

Mar- 7747


Asha Funds-15,000



31st March 2003