Minutes of the Joint Committee Meeting Held at Park Hill Golf Club

On Tuesday24thMay2016 at 7pm

Attendance:John Wright (Chair),Frank Tyler, Neil Roberts, Geoff Bone, Pat Foottit, Angela Wright, Glenda Yeldham, Graham Barradell

Apologies for Absence:Matt Ulyett, Dave Mee, Terri Wills, Mike Walker, Wendy Walker, Jason Smith.

Minutesof the last Meeting

The minutes of the meeting held on 19thApril 2016 were approved.


Matters Arising

The Chairman had reviewed previous minutes regarding the payment for B Team League. As this is not an official county league we would not authorise payment. The Chairman also advised the committee of a previous policy of spend with the members fund, that stated that the we would pay for match meals and entries for reciprocal County matches & Daily Mail or Mail on Sunday but any spend must be agreed by committee before entering other competitions or payments.



There had been no correspondence.


Treasurer’s Report

Frank reported thatthe General Fund now stood at £2,600. We are still waiting for the cost of updating the Honours Boards, which is still underway.

JW asked the committee to authorise payment for the HSBC Junior passport, which is a Nationally, recognised, Coaching and training programme for juniors.

This was agreed, Frank to confirm with Matt Whelband.


Competitions Committee Report

The season is going well although, at the moment entries are slightly down on last year.

There was a discussion about the new position of the white tees that was introduced to encourage more members to play in all competitions. The new white tee positions have been measured by not assessed for standard scratch. As a temporary fix we agreed to put the tees back on hole 3 and hole 12 and leave the tee on the 9th in its new position. This would be a fix for now as the course would have changed by less than 100yds.



2nd JuneMidweek Stableford QualifierJW

4th JuneLitework/Barradell TrophyNR/JW

11th JunePros DayMatt/JW

14th JuneMidweek MedalJW

18th JuneRainbow CupNR

22nd JuneBrymar Senior SalverJW/GB

25th JunePHGC InvitationMatt/JW

John said he would be running a training session on the new system so that anyone who was interested could help with the scoring and other end of comp tasks, date and time to be decided.

On advise from NR regarding the low number of entries for the summer singles knockout, the committee agreed that this years summer singles knockout would be run differently. There would be 8 singles qualifiers from singles comps played throughout the summer, then a quarter final, semi final and final. Neil to publish rules and regulations.


Handicap Secretary

All is reasonably quiet on the handicap front. However we have a few members who have returned to the club after having time out of golf and are not on the system as there CDH number has expired. JW to speak to Dave re new members and existing members.


Proprietor’s Report

Dave wasn’t able to attend the meeting due to the pending arrival.

The committee wished him and Leanne all the best and hoped everything goes OK.

The committee was in full agreement that the course is in excellent condition and the greens are getting better by the day.


Juniors’ Report

Geoff was welcomed by the committee following his recent problems.

As he was still having treatment he would temporally hand over the juniors to Alison and Terri who had agreed to help out.

Geoff also stated that Emily was aware of everything that was needed.

Emily also suggested that they had a Team Event at the Junior Open, this was agreed and will be discussed with Matt.

The Ullesthorpe fixture was still in the air, as Ullesthorpe had not responded to any emails etc.


Seniors’ Report

Everything is going well with the senior section.

It was reported that some of the senior members had commented about the cubicle in the Gents toilet still being out of order.


Social Report

Pros Night on Saturday11th June

Ascot Ladies Day on 16th June 2016 to be held at Park Hill

Changed to smart Casual to encourage more to attend.



AW attended a county meeting where they were discussing junior girls and it was stated that Emily Dunne was amazing , not only in her playing but also the way she behaved and worked with the others, they said she was a credit to herself and Park Hill.

GB stated that the course was in excellent condition and it looked amazing.

Also the catering was excellent.

PF Why is the middle toilet door in the gents still locked? JW

Spiros Presidents Day date still to be arranged due to clashes with other competitions.

Spiros When will the Shoe Cleaner be repaired?JW

Spiros When are the new buggies arriving?JW

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 8.00 pm.

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday21st June2016 at 7.00 pm.