Hedgehog Class Autumn Newsletter

Communication, language and literacy

Our topic this term is All About Me. We will start by learning how to write our own names and build on key skills such as pencil grip and scissor control. We will look at ourselves and our families, and read stories that support this. We will use the Talk for Writing programme this term to help us learn stories in a way that is fun and active. As we progress through the term we will then adapt those stories to make our own, unique tales. Phonics is an important part of our literacy, beginning with looking at initial sounds and moving on to blending for reading and segmenting for writing. Lots of opportunities to share books in the classroom will help us recognise and become familiar with words and print.


We begin by looking at our numbers to 10 and learning how to form them properly. This is so important because it will allow us to record confidently when working with numbers. We will learn number songs and rhymes and play lots of games to help us become secure in matching a number of objects or a spoken number with a numeral. We will begin to explore shape, looking at 2D shapes in our environment and using shape in our play.

Understanding the World

As the term progresses and the weather changes, we will look at what happens outside and the effect it has on our weather and temperature. The forest is a fantastic place to explore seasons, and each week we will see what has changed. The forest also gives us an opportunity to learn about caring for animals, plants and nature. We will learn about other communities around the world and leading up to Christmas we will learn about all the different festivals and celebrations that happen in different countries.

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

Our social skills are being practised daily, from making new friends to learning to share. We are so lucky to have our buddies because they help us learn how to play with a range of different aged children. We are working on our attention and listening skills and they are improving every day.

Physical Development

  1. The children at Radwinter school are so lucky to have a special PE teacher, Lewis, who teaches us PE on a Monday. We will learn coordination skills and movement skills and we will begin to use these in real PE games. In the classroom we are working on our fine motor skills such as using a pencil and scissors as well as starting soon to use tools in the forest.

Expressive Art and Design

We have begun already to explore our artistic sides by creating self-portraits for our All About Me topic. Our outside role play area has recently become a theatre so we look forward to putting on lots of shows for our friends and teachers. We have music on a Monday where we get to use instruments. At the moment we are looking at how to vary sound and volume.