MUJS 1370 - Jazz Fundamentals II

Syllabus and Course Schedule

Instructor: Mike Steinel

Office: Room 353, Phone 940-565-3758

email –

Coures Objectives - To prepare students with the necessary knowledge and skill to begin (or continue) the study of jazz improvisation and composition. These are: (1) Scale Knowledge and Skill, (2) Knowledge of Chord and Scale Relationships, (3) Knowledge of Chord Substituion and Function, (4) Understanding of Basic Practice Strategies and (5) Understanding of Basic Improvisation Strategies.

Prerequisites - Students must have completed MUJS 1360 with a grade of "A" or "B" or passed the Proficiency Exam for MUJS 1360. Note: It is recommended (but not required) that students take MUJS 1361 concurrently with MUJS 1360 or 1370.

Office Hours - By appointment (see sign-up sheet on Instrutor's door)

Class Materials - The Jazz Language, by Dan Haerle (Available at the Union Book Store) and the 1370 Supplemental Materials Packet (Available from Instructor at the third class meeting).

Class Activities - In addition to the 10 AM class time students are required to attend six "lab" sessions that will take place at 4 PM on Monday or Wednesday (every other week).

Lectures - New information is covered on "lecture days". It will be helpful to have read the chapter prior to the lecture. A brief "Attendance Quiz" may be given on lecture days.

Chapter Quizes - These will usually be given on the next class meeting following the lecture.

Chapter Exams - There are seven written chapterexams.

Written Assignments - The assignment sheets will handed out on lecture days. Students will usually have 5 days to complete assignments.

4 PM - Playing Assignments - Will be assigned on lecture days. Students will have usually a week and a half to prepare the 4 PM - Playing assignments. These are done on an instrument of the students choosing. Students are required to bring instruments on class days when "instrumental drill" or "4 PM - Playing assignments" are due. Students failing to bring instruments will be counted as absent.

Final Exam - A cumulative written final will be given during final week.

Grading - The Semester grade will be determined as a percentage of the total possible points. (90% and above = A, 80% to 89% = B, 70% to 79 = C, etc.) Points will be assigned as listed below:

Graded ItemsPoints Points for Entire Semester

Attendance Quizes (8)10 points each80

Chapter Exams (7)@50 points each350

Written Assignments (7)@50 points each350

4 PM - Playing Assignments (6)50 points each300

Final Exam@154 points154

Total Points = @1234

Attendance Policy - Students are expected to attend class and be on time. Students missing more than 5 class meetings may be dropped for non-attendance.

Latework - All work is due at the beginning of class (as listed in the schedule). Late work will be accepted for students who are absent due to illness or family emergency. All latework must be accompanied by a “latework” form which will state the reason for the work being late. Documentation of excused abscenses is required (a written doctor's note or written note from a family member).

MUJS 1370 – Schedule of Activities – Fall 2011



9/5No Class – Labor Day9/7Lecture #1: Pentatonics and Blues Scales

9/12Chapter Quiz #19/14Written Assignment Returned

Written Assignment #1 Due Instrumental Drill

Instrumental Drill

9/19Exam 19/21Lecture #2: Ascending Melodic Minor

4 PM - Playing Assignment #14 PM - Playing Assignment #1

9/26Chapter Quiz #29/28Written Assignment Returned

Written Assignment #2 DueInstrumental Drill

Instrumental Drill

10/3Exam 210/5Lecture 3: Symmetrically Altered Scales

4 PM - Playing Assignment #24 PM - Playing Assignment #2

10/10Chapter Quiz #310/12Written Assignment Returned

Assignment #3 DueInstrumental Drill

Instrumental Drill

10/17Exam #310/19Lecture 4: Synthetic Scales (Bebop, Harm Maj)

4 PM - Playing Assignment #34PM - Playing Assignment #3

10/24Chapter Quiz #410/26Written Assignment Returned

Written Assignment #4 DueInstrumental Drill

Instrumental Drill

10/31Exam #411/2Lecture 5: Altered Dominant Scales 4 PM - Playing Assignment #4 4 PM - Playing Assignment #4

11/7Chapter Quiz #511/9Written Assignment Returned

Assignment #5 Due Instrumental Drill

Instrumental Drill

11/14Exam #511/16Lecture 6: Advanced Substitution and Function 4 PM - Playing Assignment #5 4 PM - Playing Assignment #5

11/21Chapter Quiz #611/19No Class

Assignment #6 Due

Instrumental Drill

11/28Exam #611/30Lecture 7: Polychord Nomenclature (9)

4 PM - Playing Assignment #64 PM - Playing Assignment #6

12/5Written Assignment #7 Due12/7Exam #7

Chapter Quiz #7

Final Exam – Friday Decmber 16, 2011 8 AM - 9:50 AM

Alternate time (subject to class approval) Tuesday Dec 13, 2011 4PM – 6PM

Compliance with Federal Statutes: The College of Music complies with the Americans With Disabilities Act in making reasonable accommodation for qualified students with disability. If you have an established disability as defined in the Americans With Disabilities Act and would like to request accommodation, please see me as soon as possible. My office hours and office number are shown on this syllabus.

Scholastic Honesty Policy: Cheating, in any form, will result in an automatic grade of "F" in the course, the removal of the student from the course, and immediate reporting of the student's actions to the Office of the Dean of Students and to the Office of the Dean of the College of Music.

Review Session - Thursday April 29, 2004 - 7 PM - 9 PM

Final Exam - Friday May 7, 2004 - 8:00 AM - 9:50 AM

Compliance with Federal Statutes: The College of Music complies with the Americans With Disabilities Act in making reasonable accommodation for qualified students with disability. If you have an established disability as defined in the Americans With Disabilities Act and would like to request accommodation, please see me as soon as possible. My office hours and office number are shown on this syllabus.

Scholastic Honesty Policy: Cheating, in any form, will result in an automatic grade of "F" in the course, the removal of the student from the course, and immediate reporting of the student's actions to the Office of the Dean of Students and to the Office of the Dean of the College of Music.