Wiggles & Giggles Day Nursery

Admission Documents

Wiggles & Giggles Day Nursery

4360 Waterside Centre, Birmingham Business Park, B37 7YN

Telephone: 07825082937


Website: www.wigglesandgigglesdaynursery.co.uk

Dear Parent/Guardian,

Thank you for your interest in Wiggles & Giggles Day Nursery.

Before your child starts their first session , please bring their Birth Certificate with you, which will be photocopied and kept on file.

We offer a range of sessions to suit the needs of our children and parents which can be paid for privately as well as using government funding or childcare vouchers. If you are planning to split your 15 funded hours between Wiggles & Giggles and another setting, then please let us know.

Once the relevant forms are returned, you will receive a letter confirming your place and your first invoice. We work on a first come, first serve basis so ensure you return your forms as soon as possible to secure your place.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask; either in person, via email or over the telephone.

Kind Regards

Janna Geiregger

(Wiggles & Giggles Manager)

Wiggles & Giggles Day Nursery

Conditions of Payment and Booking

·  Invoices are created by dividing the weeks we are open in a year by twelve so that each month is the same amount, unless there has been a change in session or funding (For term time places we divide the term weeks by twelve).

·  Sessions are paid for a month in advance.

·  Parents can pay for multiple months in advance if the wish to choose so.

·  Payments can be made by bank transfer, debit/credit card or cash.

·  Four weeks holiday are available for children with all year round places (not term time only). A retainer fee is charged- 50% of normal weekly attendance pattern. Any more weeks of non-attendance will be paid in full.

·  Refunds cannot be made for non-attendance.

·  Written notice of one month is required by either party to terminate booking arrangements.

·  Any other changes to bookings need to be made two weeks before the end of the month.

·  Wiggles & Giggles Day Nursery operates from 07:30 – 18:00 only.

·  All fees are inclusive of drink and snack (some will include breakfast and dinner depending on session).

·  Parents are requested to ensure they telephone on the first day of absence between 8am – 9am.

·  Late pickups without notice will be charged an additional £6.

·  Failure to comply with the above conditions of booking may result in a lost place. The decision of management on such matters will remain final.

·  All fees will be reviewed and subject to change with one months notice.

What happens if we do not pay on time?

If payments are not made a letter will be sent informing you of a missed payment. If by the following week, payments are not up to date, your child will be unable to attend until the payments have been made. This may result in a loss of place.

Child’s name: ______

I have understood and accept the above conditions of booking.

Sign name: ______Parent/Carer

Print name: ______

Date: ______

Booking and prices

Wiggles & Giggles is an Ofsted registered setting, which is based on Birmingham Business Park . We provide high quality childcare and education for children aged from birth to five years.

Wiggles & Giggles Day Nursery offers children an exciting, well-resourced and secure place to play, learn and when needed, rest.

To secure your place you must confirm below which sessions you would like you child to attend. These can be changed at a later date using the change of booking form and given the correct amount of notice. If you work different shift work please discuss your options with the manger.

If you have Government funded places you will only be charged for the hours in addition to the current 15 paid for hours (this includes the hours covered in Nursery or another setting).

Name of child: ______

Commencing from: ______

Time / Breakfast Club
(Breakfast included)
07:30 – 09:00 / Full Day
(lunch provided) / ½ Day Morning
(lunch provided) / ½ Day Afternoon
13:00-17:00 / Dinner Club
(Dinner Provided)
Cost / £8 / £48 / £28 / £28 / £6

There is an option to start at 8:30 without breakfast for the addition charge of £2

If you would like this please add an E to the Full day or morning session on the days this applies to.

Signed: ______Parent/Carer

Contact information

Child information
Surname: / Gender:
Address: / Forename:
Middle name:
Date of Birth:
Postcode: / Ethnic Origin:
Telephone number: / Home Language:
Nursery previously attended: / Religion:
Parent/carer information
Ms/Miss/Mrs/Mr Surname: / Ms/Miss/Mrs/Mr Surname:
Forename: / Forename:
Home telephone: / Home telephone:
Mobile telephone: / Mobile telephone:
Work place number: / Work place number:
The following people have parental responsibility for the child:
Name: / Relationship to the child:
Name: / Relationship to the child:
Name: / Relationship to the child:
Name: / Relationship to the child:

Emergency/additional contact information

Please provide details for someone who can be contacted in case of an emergency or illness if we are unable to contact either of the parents.

N.B. Children will only be allowed to leave with a person named on the child collection form.

Emergency/additional contacts
Ms/Miss/Mrs/Mr Surname: / Ms/Miss/Mrs/Mr Surname:
Forename: / Forename:
Address: / Address:
Postcode: / Postcode:
Home telephone: / Home telephone:
Mobile telephone: / Mobile telephone:
Work place number: / Work place number:
Relationship to the child: / Relationship to the child:
Medical Details
Name of child’s doctor:
Address of child’s doctor:
Telephone number:
Does your child have any known medical problems?
If yes, please briefly explain and complete a health plan with the manager
If you child needs medication during their time at nursery please fill in a medicine administration form. Will this be needed?
Does your child have any known allergies or major dislikes?
Any other relevant information about your child you may wish to share with us:
Any other dietary requirements:

I consent for staff to seek advice and for any emergency medical treatment necessary during my child’s time at Wiggles & Giggles Day Nursery.

Signed: ______(Parent/guardian)

Child collection form

As stated in your registration form we can only let children leave with the parents/carers listed in the contact details. We will not allow children to be collected unless the person is stated below or we have received information to state otherwise from the parent. If you wish for someone to collect your child who is not stated below, please ring the nursery and provide details and verbal consent.

N.B. These people will not be used as an emergency contact.

The information provided will be used to identify the person collecting the child so ensure it is accurate.

People who are able to collect the child without parent’s contacting the nursery
Name / Contact number / Relationship to child / Date of Birth / Password (optional)

If there is someone who must NOT collect the child, please state them below. If the person is a parent we legally cannot stop them unless there must be a court order in place.

People who NOT to collect the child without parent’s contacting the nursery
Name / Relationship to child / Reason / Court order Y/N?

3. Are there any court orders which relate to the child? E.g. custody orders/section 8 orders under the child act 1989. YES/NO

IF YES please state what they are: ______

This information will be transferred into the computer system. Under the Data Protection act 1989, anyone named above has the right to know that information about them has been collected and given an opportunity to check its accuracy.

This form should be signed by someone with parental responsibility wherever possible.

Please return this form as soon as possible.

Signed: ______Date: ______

Relationship to child: ______

Wiggles & Giggles Day Nursery


Name of child: ______D.O.B:______

At Wiggles & Giggles staff carry out and keep records of observations of the children. These observations often include photographs of children. Photographs may also be taken for a variety of reasons.

Please tick the boxes to indicate which of the following you give consent to:

I give permission to the staff to....
Carry out and record observations on my child; these observations are confidential and will be shared only with me and appropriate professionals (i.e. Ofsted) if requested.
Take photographs for my child’s development records; these may also be included in another child’s records to record social play and interactions.
Take photographs for display within the settling
Take photographs for staff qualifications and course work
Take photographs to put up on the school’s website and promotional/informative flyers
To use photographs of my child and their learning on the nursery’s social media accounts e.g. Facebook and twitter

Name: ______Signature: ______

Date: ______

I/we authorise any qualified member of staff (i.e. with a current paediatric first aid certificate) to administer first aid assistance to my/our child named above as and when necessary, or in the event of an emergency to seek medical/hospital assistance in our absence as appropriate.

I/we will provide you with up to date details of contact numbers.

I/we understand that you will not be able to authorise any treatment and that I/we as the child’s next of kin will be contacted by medical staff in the event of an emergency to give permission, or in a life-threatening situation to medical staff will act in their professional capacity.

I/we give permission for staff (first aid trained) to use cotton wool, plasters and antiseptic lotion on my child.

Name: ______Signature: ______

Date: ______

I/we authorise staff to apply sun cream that I/we have provided (as below) to my/our child as and when necessary.

Brand of sun cream: ______

Name: ______Signature: ______

Date: ______

I/we authorise staff to take the children out in the local area (i.e. walks to the lake to feed the ducks) without additional consent.

Name: ______Signature: ______

Date: ______

I/we give the staff permission to provide my child with intimate care (e.g. nappy changing or changing and cleaning up when the child has had a toileting accident) and I have read this section in the induction booklet and agree to my involvement.

Name: ______Signature: ______

Date: ______

Wiggles & Giggles Day Nursery

Record of child’s individual needs

Special educational needs
Does your child have any known special educational needs?
School action/School action plus/Statement?
Does your child wear nappies?
If so is this all day or just for sleeping?
How often do you normally change your child’s nappy?
Does your child require any particular routine for nappy changing? E.g. special creams etc
Does your child use the toilet/potty?
Do they need help when going to the toilet?
How does your child indicate they need the toilet?
Can your child dress themselves?
Can they put on their coat?
Can they put on their shoes?
Can your child manage buttons, zips, toggles, shoe laces or do they require support?
Any other information
Is there any other information you would like us to know about your child (e.g. fears, particular preferences or routines)?
Please sign next to the policies you have read and understood.
Arrival and Departures Policy
Intimate Care and Toileting Routines
Key Worker Policy
Missing Child (in the setting)
Missing Child (on an outing)
Non-Collection Policy
Settling in Policy
Weening Policy
Working in Partnership with Parents Policy

Thank you for taking the time to fill in the important information. We understand it is a lot of information however it helps us provide the best care possible for your child.

Kind Regards

Wiggles & Giggles Day Nursery