Ch1: Marketing: Managing Profitable Customer Relationships
- Marketing definitions
- (Expanded) model of marketing process: research-market selection and value proposition-4/7ps-customer relationships building
- Markets: B2C, B2B, B2g
CH2: Company and Marketing Strategy:Partnering to Build
Customer Relationships
- Portfolio Analysis: BCG, SWOT, Ansoff, STPD, Positioning Map
- Mission, Vision, Values
- 4Ps/4Cs
- Marketing Plan structure
CH3: The Marketing Environment
- Micro environment
- Demographics: generations baby boomers, X,Y,Z
Ch5: Consumer and Business Buyer Behavior
- Factors that affect consumer behavior: Cultural, Social, Personal, Psychological
- Buying decision process
- Product adoption lifecycle: categories of adopters
CH6:Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning:
Building the Right Relationships with the Right Customers
- Key markets
- STPD, Market segmentation variables + PRIZM
- Positioning & Maps
CH7: Product, Services, and Branding Strategy
- Classification of consumer products & promotional tactics
- Brand, brands functions, characteristics of the strong brand
- Calculating brand equity – premium pricing approach
Ch8. New-Product Development and Product Life-Cycle Strategies
- NPD process and Design Thinking
- PLC of the market and PLC of the product
Ch9. Pricing: Understanding and Capturing Customer Value
- Pricing strategies and tactics
Ch10.Marketing Channels
1. Channel Structure
2. Channel Design process
Ch. 12, 13, 14 Advertising, PR, Personal Selling, Sales Promotion, Internet marketing and Social Media
- Read about each promotion mix tools and its application
Table format that we have followed through the course
1. Ch. 2 Marketing and Company Strategy2. Ch. 1. Needs, wants, offer, value / Company Strategy and Introduction to Marketing
Ch1: Marketing: Managing Profitable Customer Relationships
- Marketing definitions
- (Expanded) model of marketing process: research-market selection and value proposition-4/7ps-customer relationships building
- Markets: B2C, B2B, B2g
Customer Relationships
- Portfolio Analysis: BCG, SWOT, Ansoff, STPD, Positioning Map
- Mission, Vision, Values
- 4Ps/4Cs
- Marketing Plan structure
3. Ch. 6 STP / Segmentation
CH6: Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning:
Building the Right Relationships with the Right Customers
- Key markets
- STPD, Market segmentation variables + PRIZM
- Positioning & Maps
4. Ch. 7. Product, Service, Brand
5. Ch. 9 Pricing
6. Ch. 10 Distribution
7. Ch. 12, 13, 14 Advertizing & IMC / 4Ps
CH7: Product, Services, and Branding Strategy
- Classification of consumer products & promotional tactics
- Brand, brands functions, characteristics of the strong brand
- Calculating brand equity – premium pricing approach
- Pricing strategies and tactics
1. Channel Structure
2. Channel Design process
Ch. 12, 13, 14 Advertising, PR, Personal Selling, Sales Promotion, Internet marketing and Social Media
- Read about each promotion mix tools and its application
8. Ch. 8 NPD and PLC / KPIs and Controls
Ch8. New-Product Development and Product Life-Cycle Strategies
- NPD process and Design Thinking
- PLC of the market and PLC of the product
9. Ch. 3 Business Environment
10. Ch. 5 Consumer Behavior / External Factors
CH3: The Marketing Environment
- Micro environment
- Demographics: generations baby boomers, X,Y,Z
- Factors that affect consumer behavior: Cultural, Social, Personal, Psychological
- Buying decision process
- Product adoption lifecycle: categories of adopters