Ch1: Marketing: Managing Profitable Customer Relationships

  1. Marketing definitions
  2. (Expanded) model of marketing process: research-market selection and value proposition-4/7ps-customer relationships building
  3. Markets: B2C, B2B, B2g
  4. STP

CH2: Company and Marketing Strategy:Partnering to Build
Customer Relationships

  1. Portfolio Analysis: BCG, SWOT, Ansoff, STPD, Positioning Map
  2. Mission, Vision, Values
  3. 4Ps/4Cs
  4. Marketing Plan structure

CH3: The Marketing Environment

  1. Micro environment
  3. Demographics: generations baby boomers, X,Y,Z

Ch5: Consumer and Business Buyer Behavior

  1. Factors that affect consumer behavior: Cultural, Social, Personal, Psychological
  2. Buying decision process
  3. Product adoption lifecycle: categories of adopters

CH6:Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning:
Building the Right Relationships with the Right Customers

  1. Key markets
  2. STPD, Market segmentation variables + PRIZM
  3. Positioning & Maps

CH7: Product, Services, and Branding Strategy

  1. Classification of consumer products & promotional tactics
  2. Brand, brands functions, characteristics of the strong brand
  3. Calculating brand equity – premium pricing approach

Ch8. New-Product Development and Product Life-Cycle Strategies

  1. NPD process and Design Thinking
  2. PLC of the market and PLC of the product

Ch9. Pricing: Understanding and Capturing Customer Value

  1. Pricing strategies and tactics

Ch10.Marketing Channels

1. Channel Structure

2. Channel Design process

Ch. 12, 13, 14 Advertising, PR, Personal Selling, Sales Promotion, Internet marketing and Social Media

  1. Read about each promotion mix tools and its application

Table format that we have followed through the course

1. Ch. 2 Marketing and Company Strategy
2. Ch. 1. Needs, wants, offer, value / Company Strategy and Introduction to Marketing
Ch1: Marketing: Managing Profitable Customer Relationships
  1. Marketing definitions
  2. (Expanded) model of marketing process: research-market selection and value proposition-4/7ps-customer relationships building
  3. Markets: B2C, B2B, B2g
  4. STP
CH2: Company and Marketing Strategy: Partnering to Build
Customer Relationships
  1. Portfolio Analysis: BCG, SWOT, Ansoff, STPD, Positioning Map
  2. Mission, Vision, Values
  3. 4Ps/4Cs
  4. Marketing Plan structure

3. Ch. 6 STP / Segmentation
CH6: Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning:
Building the Right Relationships with the Right Customers
  1. Key markets
  2. STPD, Market segmentation variables + PRIZM
  3. Positioning & Maps

4. Ch. 7. Product, Service, Brand
5. Ch. 9 Pricing
6. Ch. 10 Distribution
7. Ch. 12, 13, 14 Advertizing & IMC / 4Ps
CH7: Product, Services, and Branding Strategy
  1. Classification of consumer products & promotional tactics
  2. Brand, brands functions, characteristics of the strong brand
  3. Calculating brand equity – premium pricing approach
Ch9. Pricing: Understanding and Capturing Customer Value
  1. Pricing strategies and tactics
Ch10.Marketing Channels
1. Channel Structure
2. Channel Design process
Ch. 12, 13, 14 Advertising, PR, Personal Selling, Sales Promotion, Internet marketing and Social Media
  1. Read about each promotion mix tools and its application

8. Ch. 8 NPD and PLC / KPIs and Controls
Ch8. New-Product Development and Product Life-Cycle Strategies
  1. NPD process and Design Thinking
  2. PLC of the market and PLC of the product

9. Ch. 3 Business Environment
10. Ch. 5 Consumer Behavior / External Factors
CH3: The Marketing Environment
  1. Micro environment
  3. Demographics: generations baby boomers, X,Y,Z
Ch5: Consumer and Business Buyer Behavior
  1. Factors that affect consumer behavior: Cultural, Social, Personal, Psychological
  2. Buying decision process
  3. Product adoption lifecycle: categories of adopters