/ 4thInternational Conference on
Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha & Traditional Medicine 2016
“Indigenous Knowledge for Health Challenges”
08th – 10th December 2016
organized by
Institute of Indigenous Medicine
University of Colombo
Rajagiriya, Sri Lanka /
/ 2nd International Conference on
Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha and Traditional Medicine(ICAUST -2014 and AYU EXPO)
16th-18th December 2014
organized by
Institute of Indigenous Medicine
University of Colombo
Rajagiriya, Sri Lanka /
/ / 2nd International Conference on
Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha and Traditional Medicine(ICAUST -2014 and AYU EXPO)
16th-18th December 2014
organized by
Institute of Indigenous Medicine
University of Colombo
Rajagiriya, Sri Lanka /


1.Authors: (underline the name of author presenting the paper)

<type here>

2.Institution(s) where the work was done

<type here>

3.Corresponding author

Name:<type here>

Address:<type here>

E-Mail:<type here>

Telephone:Mobile:<type here>

Office:<type here>

Residence:<type here>

4.Title of paper:<type here>

5.Abstract is submitted for Oral/Poster presentation only (Please delete inappropriate words)

6.In case of research involving human subjects or animals, please provide details of ethics clearance.

Name/address of Ethics Committee:

<type here>

Reference number/date of Ethics Clearance:

<type here>

In a cover letter or email accompanying your abstract submission indicate whether the presentation format you desire is for oral presentation or poster presentation. Be sure to include your complete contact information and a statement that if accepted you agree to make your presentation in the IIM, UNIVERSITY OF COLOMBO, SRI LANKA and or at the place and time designated by the organizers of the Conference.

Submit to: Joint Secretary (Please add address XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX)


Please type 1.5 SPACED. Times New Roman/FM Abhaya/Kalaham Font size 12. Abstracts must be STRUCTUREDwhenever possible, and should contain200-250 WORDS.


<type here>

List of Authors and Affiliations, (Underline the Presenting Author):

<type here; format

Georges ABC1, JudithXYZ2.

1ABC Department, ABC University, USA; 2XYZ Department, XYZ Hospital, USA>


<type here; where ever possible structure the abstract under a) a single sentence describing the purpose, b) brief description of procedures, c) results, and d) conclusions.>

Word Count:<type here>

ICAUST 2016,

Institute of Indigenous Medicine, University of Colombo

Rajagiriya, Sri Lanka

Office: +94112692385
Fax: +942697175